Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 311 Driving a Yacht

I know a place where we can park our yacht.

Ling Mufeng thought of the nautical blueprint he had found before, on which there was a topographic map recording the entire island, and there seemed to be a place in the shape of a harbor on the east coastline, and he also noticed that place, saying It may not be possible to park at that place via a yacht.

So Ling Mufeng guided the direction, and Lai Meiyun led the crowd towards the east of the island.

But before that, Ling Mufeng still had other things to do, which was to give orders to the wolves to follow him.

Fortunately, those wolves could still understand Ling Mufeng's simple instructions, and followed Ling Mufeng's yacht along the coastline and ran towards the east coast.

The carts on the two little bears were also tied to other wolves by Ling Mufeng. The fighting power of the two little bears is much stronger than these coyotes, so they can't be wasted like this. If there is any danger, such as the jungle For the other adult brown bears inside, if the two cubs were restrained by carts, it would reduce their combat effectiveness a lot.

So Ling Mufeng simply tied the carts on the two little bears to the wolves.

Soon, Lai Meiyun drove the yacht to the east coast. At this time, the sun in the sky was about to set completely, and the island looked sophisticated and could make people feel a dangerous atmosphere.

After reaching the east coast, Ling Mufeng was not in a hurry to let the yacht dock, because there must be many hidden reefs on my shore, and he had to go into the water to see it.

So after Ling Mufeng talked to everyone, he was ready to dive into the water to have a look.

But at this time, Chu Xun hurriedly stood up and stopped him.

"Ling Mufeng, don't go down, it's too dangerous, you must know that there may be sharks near the shore, and there are crocodiles on this small island, have you forgotten?"

Chu Xun didn't want Ling Mufeng to take risks. After hearing this, Xue Qiqi and Lai Meiyun behind her were also a little pale. They didn't expect this small island to be so dangerous.

Xue Qiqi is okay, after all, she has been helping the live broadcast in the live broadcast room, and she trusts Ling Mufeng extremely, she believes that Ling Mufeng will take good care of herself.

But Lai Meiyun was different. After hearing that there were sharks and crocodiles and other large predators, her face immediately turned pale with fright, and she felt very scary.

And Ling Mufeng hurriedly said to everyone: "I know what you are worried about, but don't worry, my water quality is very good, and my eyesight is also very good. I can see the situation under the water clearly, so everyone Don't worry about it."

After Ling Mufeng said that, he explained to everyone that everyone agreed to let Ling Mufeng go into the water this time, but they were still a little nervous and worried. Girls are like this, they always like to worry about some things.

At this time, Ling Mufeng had already entered the water. After entering the water, he took a look into the distance and found that there were no sharks or other creatures that threatened him. The place looked over.

I found that this is indeed a good natural port. It seems that if I develop a company in the future, I can build the port here.

However, there are still many places with hidden reefs. Ling Mufeng wrote down those places, and then planned a route in his mind. He climbed directly on the yacht and went to the top of the phlegm. After several people saw that Ling Mufeng was intact. , this is a sigh of relief.

After Ling Mufeng landed on the shore, he directly grabbed the steering wheel and prepared to steer the yacht towards the shore.

But Lai Meiyun hurriedly stopped Ling Mufeng, and asked Ling Mufeng, "Brother Feng, can you drive a yacht?"

Ling Mufeng hurriedly shook his head truthfully. He really doesn't know how to drive a yacht, and he hasn't even done it before, but he just observed it for a while, and he knows that this yacht is actually similar to a motorcycle. It was just a few more buttons, so I said to Lai Meiyun: "I just wrote down the route, but I can't tell you @ so I still have to do it myself to successfully avoid those hidden reefs."

Ling Mufeng also spread his hands. If he could, he didn't want to manipulate this thing, but he had no choice. There are deviations, and there are several hidden reefs. The road is actually very dangerous. Once you make a slight mistake, you will directly hit the hidden reefs, and the yacht may be damaged.

But Lai Meiyun still didn't believe it. After all, Ling Mufeng also said that he had never steered this yacht before, and now he suddenly got started, can it work?

And just when she questioned, Ling Mufeng had already got started, grabbed the steering wheel of the yacht in his hand, carefully looked at a few controls, and found that this thing is actually similar to driving, at least he is very good at driving. .

After starting it, Ling Mufeng didn't drive directly towards the small island, but drove towards the back, wanting to get familiar with the operation.

After getting familiar with it for 5 minutes, Ling Mufeng drove the yacht directly towards the small island.

Everyone was a little nervous, because Ling Mufeng had roughly drawn his own route for everyone just now. There are several places that are very dangerous. You must control the yacht in order to pass. If there is a slight deviation , then the fan blades at the back of the yacht may be damaged, and the yacht will lose power.

This kind of yacht relies on the fan blades at the back to push the water to provide forward power. If the fan blades at the back are damaged, the power system will be lost.

However, Ling Mufeng was still very confident. After some intense and exciting operations, he successfully parked the yacht on the shore.

After parking the yacht on the shore, Lai Meiyun's hanging heart was finally relieved, and she looked at Ling Mufeng with bright eyes and said: "Have you really never driven a yacht? Why do I feel that you are more powerful than me with three or four years of driving experience!"

Lai Meiyun is also 23 years old, about the same as Xue Qiqi, and two years younger than Ling Mufeng and Chu Xun, but because of family reasons, she has already started to learn to sail a yacht, but she also knows, If she had to do what she just did, she couldn't do it.

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