Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 30 Food Live Streaming

After finishing this matter, Ling Mufeng hurried to the side to find some hay to light the fire.

Now his ability to drill wood to make fire is getting more and more proficient, so this time it only took 5 minutes to ignite the fire.

System: Successfully made fire, "Low-level Drilling Wood to Make Fire" v2 experience +100, current experience 2400/3000.

After making a fire, the experience of "Low-level Drilling Wood to Make Fire" increased by another hundred, which means that after six more times, it would be able to rise to IV3.

After lighting the fire, Ling Mufeng put the crab on the fire and roasted it.

Five scallops were also thrown in and roasted over fire.

While the fire was burning, Ling Mufeng was going to answer questions in the live broadcast room.

in the live room.

"Anchor, how do you get water on a desert island?"

"Can you tell me which island you are on now?"

"How much do you earn a month doing this?"

"Can the anchor tell me how to make bows and arrows?"

"Where is the anchor from?"

"Is this crab delicious?"

Looking at these questions in the live broadcast room, Ling Mufeng picked a few that could be answered.

"The problem of water source is also a headache for me now. I haven't found a stable source of drinking water on this island. I'm currently relying on drinking coconut juice, but this is not a long-term solution, so I plan to go deep into the jungle tomorrow. Go see if there is a freshwater lake or something, if you want to see the anchor going deep into the jungle tomorrow, pay attention, and you won’t get lost if you pay attention.”

System prompt: Ice Age has followed you.

System prompt: Baiwei Life has followed you.

System prompt: Life has followed you indefinitely.

System prompt: Cui Cui has followed you.

When I heard that I was going to go deep into the rainforest tomorrow, I immediately gained a lot of attention, and the number rose by more than 100.

At this time, Ling Mufeng's fan value has reached 6321.

Xue Qiqi: "Boss, you are so powerful, you have gained 121 fans in just one sentence, and the number is still increasing! /Semimi."

Ling Mufeng: "/Proud."

"The little bear in the back? The anchor has already mentioned the problem of the little bear many times, but there are still many new veterans who don't know it. I will tell you again. These two little bears were picked up in the cave. Here we are, this is Xiong Da, and that is Xiong Er."

Ling Mufeng—called General Xiong Da over, and let him face the live broadcast room for the audience to see.

Xiong Da is very well-behaved, with an aggrieved look.

And Xiong Er was gnawing on the bark over there.

"Xiong Er, come here."

Ling Mufeng waved his hand, but Xiong Er ignored him, which made Ling Mufeng very embarrassed.

in the live room.

"Xiong Da is so cute, I love it."

"I really want to hug the bear, awsl."

"Hahaha, Xiong Er is so naughty, he doesn't listen to the anchor."

"The anchor is too shameless, Xiong Er doesn't listen to you at all."

This made Ling Mufeng a little dumbfounded, this Xiong Er, he didn't care about himself, he was still gnawing on the bark.

So Ling Mufeng said: "Xiong Er, dinner is ready."

As he spoke, he shook the grilled crab in his hand.

Xiong Er seemed to understand the words, and hurried over quickly.

"You little glutton, come here."

Ling Mufeng grabbed the back of Xiong Er's neck.

Xiong Er wanted to bite Ling Mufeng with his mouth open, of course, it was just a playful bite, not really hard


Otherwise, even a little bear could have directly bit off Ling Mufeng's hand.

After teasing with Xiong Er for a while, Ling Mufeng put it down.

At this time, Xue Qiqi sent a message.

Xue Qiqi: "Boss, it seems that you are not as popular as Xiong Da and Xiong Er. They gained more than 300 followers as soon as they appeared on the stage, and now they have 6701 fans."

Ling Mufeng: "/Can't laugh or cry."

Ling Mufeng was also very helpless, what could he do?It seems that cute pets are really liked by everyone, but they are much more popular than themselves.

"The problem with the housing management? I have already found the housing management, and I will find one now."

"Where is my hometown? It's inconvenient to disclose this, but the anchor is from a mountainous area, and came out of a valley."

"How long will I survive? I really don't know, at least a few months..."

Ling Mufeng thought of his own points, and now it's only about 30, which is still a long way from a billion!

But he also knows that he has just started, and the number of viewers is relatively small. After a while, there will be more fans and more viewers. After gaining popularity, it is estimated that a live broadcast can earn hundreds of thousands. What about points?

It will be much faster in the future, Ling Mufeng encouraged himself so much.

After answering for a while, the crab is almost roasted.

He hurriedly took the crabs down. At this time, the crabs were already red-hot and still smoking. They looked very delicious.

"Boys, look at this crab. It's a pure sea crab. It's huge. The sea crabs are not comparable to those artificially raised."

After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng tore off a crab's pincers.

Then the skin on the outside of the pliers was torn off, revealing the white and tender crab meat inside.

"Guys, look at this crab meat. It's white and tender. It's so fragrant. The anchor will take a bite first. After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng ate it in one bite. The crab meat is delicious. The Q bomb is really delicious, and it is still high-quality protein. The only downside is that it is a little less.

System: Received 100 tips from Ice Age, live broadcast value +100, current live broadcast value: 364115.

System: I got a reward from the Lone Wolf of the Sky to call for you, the live broadcast value is +1, and the current live broadcast value is 999.

System: Received 666 rewards from Sun Hao, live broadcast value +666, current live broadcast value: 365780.

"Thanks to Cang Tian Lone Wolf for the reward, everyone paid a little attention to Cang Tian Lone Wolf."

"Thank you Sun Hao for the reward, everyone pays attention to Sun Hao."

"Thank you Bing Ji for your care, thank you."

"Boys, let's try another scallop."

After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng pulled out a scallop from the fire.

After taking it out, he hurriedly threw it at his feet, and was almost scalded by the scallop.

After opening the scallop with a bamboo knife, the scallop meat inside is exposed. The white scallop meat looks very attractive.

He inserted the scallop meat with a bamboo knife and placed it in front of the live camera.

"Boys, let's see if the scallops are big. Is it bigger than the ones in the restaurant? After taking this bite, it's full of satisfaction, but the dipping sauce is missing."

It's a pity for Ling Mufeng, if you put some minced garlic on it, it will definitely be delicious, but garlic may not be found on this deserted island. . .

Of course, it’s not necessarily true. Maybe there is long garlic here?
Soon, Ling Mufeng's live broadcast room turned from a deserted island live broadcast to a gourmet live broadcast.And Ling Mufeng added another label, "Gourmet Master".

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