Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 279 Natural Antibodies

Although the child is still very young and has not developed at all, it is only a matter of time.After explaining, Ling Mufeng took out the plastic bottle, which still contained some spiritual energy water, and poured the spiritual energy water into the mouths of those jungle wolves, and those jungle wolves tamed by Ling Mufeng immediately woke up.

The five wolves surrounded Ling Mufeng tightly like loyal dogs, and began to rub Ling Mufeng's legs with their mouths.

Chu Xun was about to be squeezed out by those wolves. She definitely didn't want to. Ling Mufeng was her man, so she kicked those wolves.

Those jungle wolves regarded Ling Mufeng as their master, but not Chu Xun as their master. They opened their mouths to bite Chu Xun, but just as they opened their mouths, Ling Mufeng scolded them to close their mouths.

Ling Mufeng also punitively kicked the coyote that opened its mouth at Chu Xun.

He had to let these jungle wolves know the rules and not let them hurt Chu Xun.

After Ling Mufeng's gesture, those jungle wolves also understood that they were the lowest-level existence in the team, and Ling Mufeng was their king, and Chu Xun was their queen.

After training the five jungle wolves, Ling Mufeng directly opened the bamboo gate of the yard. The jungle wolves outside were a little eager to rush in, but the corpses of their companions were still stuck in the bamboo spear, which made them Don't dare to approach.

Ling Mufeng first let the five wolves he had tamed come out, and after those wolves left, they confronted the original ones.

Those Timberwolves were obviously stunned. They couldn't figure out why their teammates who were in the same camp as them just now suddenly changed camps.

Then the two little bears went out, and after the two little bears went out, Ling Mufeng followed closely, and in the end it was Chu Xun who was still strong.

Seeing Ling Mufeng and the others coming out, the dozen or so wolves outside immediately became cautious, and one of the more courageous ones even wanted to go around and attack Ling Mufeng.

But it was stopped by a wolf tamed by Ling Mufeng, which made the wolf a little confused, not understanding what his teammates were doing to stop him.

Ling Mufeng was also blunt, and rushed towards the wolf directly.

He rushed over with his bare hands, and the five wolves outside quickly surrounded the wolf.

The wolf was also a little scared, so he opened his mouth wide and bit towards Ling Mufeng.

Ling Mufeng was also rude, and directly punched the wolf in the eye.

The wolf was also stunned by Ling Mufeng's sudden beating, and then Ling Mufeng hurriedly put his hand on the wolf's head and began to tame it.

Because the wolf was in a state of dizziness, Ling Mufeng subdued the wolf directly this time.After the wolf was subdued, it immediately changed its temper, and immediately circled around Ling Mufeng's legs.

Ling Mufeng glanced at the coyote, clapped his hands, and subdued another coyote himself, and this coyote still looked relatively strong, maybe one was stronger than two.

Ling Mufeng repeated this, knowing that by the time the tenth coyote was subdued, those coyotes had almost disappeared.

They are really scared now, Ling Mufeng is like a monster in their eyes, and they have subdued all their teammates.

Ling Mufeng clapped his hands, his arm was injured in the battle just now, but he also killed the wolf.

Because the wolf was too fierce, Ling Mufeng couldn't tame it even after using his skills several times. In order not to waste time, Ling Mufeng had no choice but to kill him.

Seeing the cut on Ling Mufeng's arm, Chu Xun grabbed Ling Mufeng's arm with some heartache, very worried.

"Does it still hurt?"

Chu Xun went to the cave and washed Ling Mufeng with clean water, then tore a piece of cloth for Ling Mufeng to wipe off the blood stains on it.

A smile appeared from the corner of Ling Mufeng's mouth. To be honest, it still hurts. The wolf's claws are very sharp, and they can hook off a piece of meat and skin at once. Fortunately, Ling Mufeng's muscles are relatively strong, so it's okay.

"It hurts so much, I have to kiss to get better."

A beating smile appeared on Ling Mufeng's face. Chu Xun wanted to pinch Ling Mufeng's waist after seeing it. After all, Ling Mufeng's current appearance was too cheap.

But after seeing the wound on Ling Mufeng's arm, Chu Xun couldn't do it anymore, and instead kissed Ling Mufeng's cheek.

Ling Mufeng didn't expect his trick to succeed, and he was very happy.

But at this time, Chu Xun asked with some concern: "Ling Mufeng, do you think these wolves will not have rabies? If they have rabies virus, they must be vaccinated, otherwise we will stop broadcasting tomorrow." One day."

Chu Xun was worried that Ling Mufeng was really infected. You must know that rabies is not a joke. Although the incubation period is very long, and you may not get sick for a lifetime, once you get sick, you won't be able to survive.

Ling Mufeng is a medical student, so he has already realized this problem, but he has spiritual energy water, and knows that after being moisturized by spiritual energy water, the antibodies in his body can remove any virus.

But in order to prevent Chu Xun from worrying, Ling Mufeng nodded in a hurry, and then pulled the coyote that he killed to death, and then got the wolf's brain out, got some brains and wiped it on himself above the wound.

Chu Xun looked at Ling Mufeng's series of actions in confusion, not knowing what Ling Mufeng was doing.

After Ling Mufeng finished these, he hurriedly explained to Chu Xun: "This is the wisdom of our ancients. In ancient times, there was no such thing as a vaccine, so we used the brains of these biting mad dogs instead. This is a natural vaccine. Ah, the rabies virus has been in these dogs for a long time, and their bodies will produce antibodies, and the rabies virus attacks the nerves, so there will be a lot of antibodies in their brains..."

After Ling Mufeng explained, Chu Xun understood what was going on. After all, she was also a top student who graduated from a key university. Although she didn't know much about medicine, she also studied biology and knew things like antibodies and antigens. of.

And Da Zhuang next to him was giggling all the time, although he couldn't understand what the two of them were talking about, he was happy as long as he followed Ling Mufeng.

After Chu Xun tied up the wound with cloth for Ling Mufeng, he felt relieved.

After finishing these things, Ling Mufeng hurriedly reinforced the bamboo door, which was a little wobbly by those wolves just now.

After strengthening it, Ling Mufeng glanced around, thinking that if those jungle wolf kings came back, they would be so angry. His dozen or so subordinates had already been subdued by him, and they were now in his yard Watch the door for yourself.

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