It was okay when Ling Mufeng was around, the children in the village were quite afraid of Ling Mufeng, and Ling Mufeng was one of the few college students in the village, and he was the best in the exam, a national key medical university, Everyone admired him and was a little afraid of him.

When Ling Mufeng was around, as long as the children in the village dared to bully Da Zhuang, Ling Mufeng would directly go up to teach those children and beat those children. The parents of those children did not dare to say anything, but instead taught their children to be like Ling Mufeng. Study, study hard, and you will be successful when you grow up.

But as long as Ling Mufeng was gone and left the village, those people in the village would bully Da Zhuang even more. In the end, Da Zhuang's mother was in a panic and had to send Da Zhuang to work in the city.

But it was even worse for Da Zhuang who went to work in the city. After all, those people in the city are much more complicated than those in the village.

As long as Da Zhuang thinks of those things, he will tremble with fear, and following Ling Mufeng is the happiest thing for him. He doesn't need to think about those things, and Ling Mufeng will definitely not make him hungry. abdomen.

Ling Mufeng sighed and patted Da Zhuang on the shoulder. He also knew the grievances Da Zhuang had suffered over the years, and Da Zhuang was also related to him by blood. Their grandfather and grandfather were all the same person.

"Okay, Da Zhuang, as long as I'm here, I won't let anyone bully you."

Chu Xun wasn't jealous this time, but just watched from the side. She was a bit pitiful and strong. Although this big man was very strong, he was too honest, so he was often bullied.

Soon, in the afternoon, Xue Qiqi also woke up. After she realized that she had overslept, she was very regretful. Fortunately, Ling Mufeng comforted her in time, and Xue Qiqi did not blame herself so much. up.

However, because there are so many wolves around outside, it makes Ling Mufeng very uncomfortable, and he can't go out, and there are limited things he can do in the yard.

So Ling Mufeng thought of the seeds that Xue Qiqi brought for him, including not only the seeds of vegetables and rhizomes, but also some fruit seeds.

Those seeds were all packed in bags. Ling Mufeng groped for a while in a plastic bag, and soon found a seed bag with grapes painted on it.

It contained grape seeds. After Ling Mufeng quickly opened it, he took out a few grape seeds, and kept the others in the bag. Then he found a place near the wall in the yard and loosened it. Soil, and then planted that seed, and then Ling Mufeng took out the spiritual energy water in the bottle that was not used up before, and watered it.

As soon as the spiritual energy water was poured on the seeds, Ling Mufeng saw that the seeds sprouted directly. According to this speed, it only takes one night, and he will be able to eat grapes when he wakes up tomorrow.

The reason why he put it next to the bamboo wall is to make it easier for the grape vines to climb up the bamboo wall.Soon, Ling Mufeng was almost busy and clapped his hands. Chu Xun also knew what Ling Mufeng was going to do, so he also picked up the seeds and rummaged through them.

"Ling Mufeng, let's grow some vegetables and eat some vitamins."

Chu Xun took out a bag of spinach seeds from the bag and handed it to Ling Mufeng.

Naturally, Ling Mufeng would not refuse, as long as it was what Chu Xun wanted to eat, he would find a way to get it.

"Purple sweet potatoes, I like to eat them too."

"Wow, there are cantaloupe seeds..."

Chu Xun became dazzled looking at those plant seeds.

Ling Mufeng was also a little bit dumbfounded, he just asked Xue Qiqi to help prepare some seeds to be planted on the island, he did not expect Xue Qiqi to prepare so comprehensively, almost all the seeds he could buy in the market were prepared again.

"Do you like this cucumber?"

Ling Mufeng got a cucumber seed and asked Chu Xun.

Chu Xun nodded quickly, but seeing Ling Mufeng's playful expression, his cheeks turned rosy, knowing that Ling Mufeng had thought of those embarrassing things, so he stretched his hand to Ling Mufeng's waist pinch.

Ling Mufeng also had a sad face, knowing that he would be the one who would be unlucky in the end for making such a joke, but he just couldn't control his mouth, he just wanted to have a good time.

Chu Xun didn't use any strength either, he just punished Ling Mufeng symbolically.

Ling Mufeng picked out a few, and it is impossible to plant them all, because the yard is so big, if you want to plant, you have to mine a plantation separately.

Moreover, the growth of these crops also requires water resources, and now their water resources are somewhat insufficient, let alone used to irrigate these crops.

So Ling Mufeng first found out the seeds that Chu Xun wanted to eat.

"Purple sweet potato, spinach, Chinese cabbage, cucumber."

Ling Mufeng picked out those bags of seeds, and then called Da Zhuang who was playing with the two little bears in the yard.

"Da Zhuang, come and see what vegetables you want to eat."

After Da Zhuang heard this, he ran over in a hurry, and then smirked and picked among those seeds.However, he seemed to have difficulty in choosing, and he didn't know what to choose for a while.

After Ling Mufeng saw that Da Zhuang suffered from difficulty in choosing again, he directly helped Da Zhuang choose a corn crop.

"Don't you like corn on the cob best? Then let's grow this corn."

After selecting the seeds, Ling Mufeng took out the seeds and explained to the audience in the live broadcast room.

When the live broadcast was showing Ling Mufeng's picture, the viewers became a little confused, wondering what Ling Mufeng was doing.

"Old irons, these are some seeds we brought to the island. I plan to plant them on this small island. The seeds we brought over are all bred, and there are even some genetically modified methods in them, so what grows are all Soon, it won't take long to grow out."

"Besides, in the tropics, there is plenty of rain and light, which is the most suitable place for growth." Ling Mufeng explained it, and it was also to find a good reason for himself to eat these crops in the future.

Otherwise, those people who grow too fast will definitely not believe it, and will definitely say that they are fake.

Of course, it's impossible to grow it in one day, even the best genetically modified food can't be so fast, so when Ling Mufeng is going to eat it, he should hide from the live broadcast and let a few people eat it secretly.

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