Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 272 Crazy Growing Potatoes

After seeing this scene, he understood that he was surrounded, and he could figure it out with his toes. It was probably the new wolf king's fault. The murderous intention became even more serious. Although he had completed the task, he had also cultivated a stronger opponent.

This made Ling Mufeng's heart extremely heavy. You must know that this wolf king who drank the spiritual energy water can't be guessed by common sense. Its IQ and physical strength have improved a lot.

Ling Mufeng took a look at the hiding places of those coyotes, and found that they were not on his only path, so Ling Mufeng rushed into the yard with Da Zhuang and the two of them, and then closed the gate of the yard.

Seeing Ling Mufeng rushing back in a panic, Chu Xun, who was teasing the two cubs, hurriedly asked with some concern: "Ling Mufeng, what happened?"

Ling Mufeng nodded quickly, "We are surrounded by wolves, but it is daytime now, so they probably won't attack us. They might want to wait until night to attack us."

After hearing this, Chu Xun's face also became a little ugly. She and Ling Mufeng were surrounded by those wolves once before, so there is still some psychological shadow in her heart. Hearing Ling Mufeng said that they were surrounded again Get scared.

Seeing that Chu Xun was a little scared, Ling Mufeng hurriedly comforted him and said, "Don't worry too much, our base has almost been reinforced, and it will be very difficult for those wolves to break through, and I won't do it so easily. The one who spared them actually wants to encircle me, I want them to know how stupid this decision is."

Ling Mufeng snorted coldly in his heart, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

There are more than 20 arrows in his hand at this time, and they are all iron arrows, which can shoot those jungle wolves one by one. Forty of them, if I couldn't kill them all, it would be a waste of arrows, as long as those coyotes were surrounded outside, I wouldn't be able to get out.

Fortunately, their water resources are still sufficient. There are two large tanks of water. If the water is used sparingly, three people and two bears can drink it for several days.

As for the issue of food, Ling Mufeng also planted potatoes in the yard, and not only potatoes, Ling Mufeng also asked Xue Qiqi to bring him some seeds of other crops, but they haven't been planted yet. A farm is built inside the yard.

As long as there is spiritual energy water, it only takes one day for those crops to grow. The only thing he lacks now is water resources.

Chu Xun was relieved after being comforted by Ling Mufeng for a while. She still believed in Ling Mufeng. As long as Ling Mufeng was around, she felt safe.

"Da Zhuang, let's arrange these thorns around the perimeter of the wall."

Ling Mufeng called Da Zhuang, because he couldn't go out, so he could only operate inside the fence. Fortunately, there were still some small holes in the fence, and they could pass those thorns out, but this undoubtedly greatly increased the difficulty , but there is no way, if you go out now, those wolves will be in danger if they charge up.

After all, there were thirty or forty jungle wolves. Even Ling Mufeng was a little scared. Now that thirty or forty wolves rushed up, no matter how powerful he was, there was only one end, and that was death.

At this time, not far from the cave, the new wolf king was observing the yard. The wolf king's eyes were very humane. If someone saw it, he would be shocked.

The new wolf king didn't seem to be in a hurry, he just surrounded him outside, he wanted to trap Ling Mufeng for life.

But its calculations are obviously going to be empty, because Ling Mufeng has enough food sources in the yard.After Ling Mufeng and Da Zhuang arranged the thorns outside the wall, they clapped their hands, thinking that it should be almost reinforced.

Then he took out a few more bamboo guns, and there were still some red dried blood stains on those bamboo guns, which had penetrated into the bamboo.

There was a layer of evil spirit on those bamboo spears. After all, they had killed the jungle wolf. Ling Mufeng placed those bamboo spears in several places on the bamboo wall, so that he could directly use them to stab them at that time.

After doing these things, Ling Mufeng felt that it was almost done, and it was already noon, and it was time to eat.

Ling Mufeng also secretly went to the place where the potatoes were grown, and found that the potatoes had grown seedlings, and even three or four leaves had grown.

Ling Mufeng simply removed the things blocking the potatoes, as long as Chu Xun didn't notice it, it would be fine.

As for Da Zhuang, he will never ask too many questions, he has never been very interested in these things, even if something unreasonable happens, he will not care very much, he only cares about being able to eat enough Don't go hungry.

Ling Mufeng peeled off the fur of the white jungle wolf king, and then directly hung the wolf skin on the bamboo wall to act as a deterrent.

After Ling Mufeng hung the wolf skin on the bamboo wall, it really caused a commotion outside. Those wolves had changed to a new wolf king in less than a day, and the deterrent power of the old wolf king has not completely disappeared. Seeing that the old wolf king's wolf skin was actually hung up, those coyotes lost their momentum first.

After the new wolf king saw it, an angry expression appeared in his eyes, but there was nothing he could do about it. The old wolf king's coercion would not disappear so quickly, and it also understood this.

After finishing the wolf's meat, Ling Mufeng started to light the fire, and then began to roast the wolf's legs on the fire. Except for the wolf's limbs, Ling Mufeng threw the other meat to the two. There was only one cub, and the two cubs quickly gobbled it up.

The three of Ling Mufeng roasted two wolf legs to eat. Such a big wolf leg was enough for Ling Mufeng and Chu Xun, and the other big and strong wolf leg was enough for one person.

Soon, after lunch, Ling Mufeng asked Chu Xun to rest with Da Zhuang, while he was going to make another bamboo bed.Because now there is one more person, but there are only two bamboo beds.

And just when Ling Mufeng was about to do it, Chu Xun walked over in small steps, then sat next to Ling Mufeng, leaned his head on Ling Mufeng's shoulder, and said to Ling Mufeng: "Ling Mufeng, let's make a double bamboo bed. , I don't want to sleep alone."

She looked at Ling Mufeng with some resentment in her eyes and said.

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