Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 266 Hunting and Killing Missions

"Ling Mufeng, how long will it take for you to plant those potatoes in the field to take root and sprout?"

She was a little puzzled, and felt that if these potatoes wanted to take root and germinate, it would take a month or two, and if Ling Mufeng planted these things, it would take a month or two before they could be harvested. Bar.

So Chu Xun was very curious and didn't understand why.

Ling Mufeng glanced at Chu Xun next to him, and then said to Chu Xun: "You don't need to wait so long, I specially prepared a drug for ripening, it won't take so long, and we are in a tropical place now , with plenty of light, will ripen quickly.”

Chu Xun glanced in surprise, and then said to Ling Mufeng: "It takes a few days to mature? Is it so fast?"

This was beyond her expectation. In her mind, it would take half a year for the crops to mature.

So it was difficult for Chu Xun to accept such a thing.

Da Zhuang next to him didn't have any doubts, anyway, he believed everything Ling Mufeng said.

"Take a look tomorrow and find out."

After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng also took out the potions he had prepared, and then pretended to drip the potions into the ground.

After the potion entered the ground, Ling Mufeng felt that the potatoes below had begun to sprout, but in order not to cause necessary panic, Ling Mufeng buried the potato sprouts in the soil, and then found something to block them, so as not to cause any panic. Those potato shoots are growing too fast.

After seeing these actions of Ling Mufeng, Chu Xun became even more strange, but he didn't know why Ling Mufeng did these things, and Ling Mufeng didn't say anything, and she didn't ask any more questions.

After finishing this matter, Ling Mufeng picked up the horn bow on his back, ready to do the most important thing today, which is to hunt down the wolf king!

This matter can't be dragged on any longer. It has already been delayed for three days. If it continues to drag on, then his mission overtime coupons will not be much.

So Ling Mufeng picked up the horn bow and the arrows behind him.

He specially used the bark of the tree to make a bag specially for holding those arrows, and he planned to use these bags to hold those arrows.

At this time, there were more than a dozen iron arrows in his arrow bag, and a few more wooden arrows, adding up to more than 30 arrows.

Moreover, Ling Mufeng held the ax in his hand and pinned it to his waist. Whether it was long-range or close combat, he was not very shy.

After preparing these things, Ling Mufeng was ready to go out, but at this time, Chu Xun hurriedly stopped him.

After seeing Ling Mufeng's appearance like this, she knew that Ling Mufeng was going to go out.

So he hurriedly asked Ling Mufeng what he was going to do.

This made Ling Mufeng not know how to explain it, but he still honestly told Chu Xun his plan, that is to hunt and kill the wolf king.

In fact, Ling Mufeng told Chu Xun about this matter before, but Chu Xun did not agree. After all, in Chu Xun's view, it is completely unnecessary for Ling Mufeng to hunt and kill the wolf king. Not only is it dangerous, but it is also nothing. In return, even if the wolf king is really killed, the wolves will elect a new wolf king, unless all the wolves on the island are killed, otherwise it will be useless.

So when he heard that Ling Mufeng was going to take this dangerous action again, Chu Xun immediately became angry, and quickly shook his head to express his disapproval of Ling Mufeng's move.

But Ling Mufeng was already on the verge of breaking out. After thinking about it for a while, Ling Mufeng hurriedly whispered in Chu Xun's ear with a little pleading: "Honey, I have to do this too. As for why I can't do it now." Tell you, but please believe me, I really have no choice but to do this."

After hearing this, Chu Xun glanced at Ling Mufeng suspiciously, but after seeing Ling Mufeng's serious expression, Chu Xun thought about it carefully, and finally nodded, but she would not rest assured that Ling Mufeng would just pass by, saying I want to go with Ling Mufeng.

Although Chu Xun may have some mobility problems now, her archery skills are still very useful. She only needs to stand on a tree to provide long-range assistance to Ling Mufeng.

So Ling Mufeng thought about it carefully, and decided to take Chu Xun with him, because Chu Xun could indeed help, and taking Chu Xun would increase his chances of success by [-]%.

After thinking of this, Ling Mufeng nodded. He decided to put Chu Xun on a safe tree at that time, so that Chu Xun should not be in any danger on the tree.

After the decision was made, Ling Mufeng said to the live broadcast room: "Old irons, we are going to carry out a special operation today, which is to hunt and kill the wolf king. There are several reasons. The wolves came to chase us down. If I hadn't run fast, then Chu Xun and I would have died. Another very important reason is that Heidandan could not be found. I suspect that there might be some relationship with these wolf cubs. Something to do with it."

"So whether it is for our own safety or for revenge, our actions today are necessary, and the weapon I need is the horn bow that I have been making behind my back for a long time. Today I will let everyone see my The power of this horn bow made."

Ling Mufeng took out the horn bow on his back and showed it to the audience in the live broadcast room, and Xue Qiqi in the live broadcast room also frowned tightly.

Xue Qiqi also disagreed with such a dangerous thing as Ling Mufeng, so she hurriedly said: "Brother Feng, are you sure you want to do this? It's very dangerous."

Ling Mufeng quickly explained to Xue Qiqi.

"Qiqi, don't worry, I'm counted, even if I can't fight, I can still escape."

After hearing this, although Xue Qiqi was still a little worried, she couldn't say anything more. After all, Ling Mufeng had already made up her mind, and she could only pray for Ling Mufeng.

After explaining this matter to Xue Qiqi, Ling Mufeng took a look at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

in the live room.

"The anchor is crazy? Go fuck the Timberwolf King?"

"I'm going, this is definitely the craziest live broadcast I've ever watched."

"Grandpa Bei dare not play like this, it's too exciting."

"I was going to start working today, but in order to watch the live broadcast below, I chose not to go."

"Even if I lose my job today, I want to see how this anchor hunted down the Timberwolf King."

"It's over, the anchor is cool. I have followed the anchor for so long, but I didn't expect it to be a fool or a lunatic."

"Crazy, really crazy, anchor, I don't recommend you to do this, you don't know the fighting power of the jungle wolf, especially in the jungle, this is their world."

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