After arguing with Chu Xun for a while, Ling Mufeng put the shoes on Chu Xun's feet. Chu Xun was very happy. He also had a dog who was willing to wear shoes for him.

Although she only needs to hook her hands, those who are willing to hold her feet can be directly expelled outside the capital, but she is still very happy that Ling Mufeng is willing to do these things for herself.

After putting on Chu Xun's shoes, the two of them walked outside. Ling Mufeng knocked on the door outside Da Zhuang's room, but there was no Da Zhuang's voice inside. Ling Mufeng put his ears on the door, and then heard The sound of Da Zhuang snoring.

This made Ling Mufeng shake his head with a smile. Da Zhuang is still the same, and his physique also sleeps more. This is a bit like the two little bears. They are both very big but very lazy.

But Da Zhuang actually sleeps a lot, but he works very diligently. Almost all the things in their home are done by Da Zhuang alone.

And even with the farm work in Ling Mufeng's house, Da Zhuang often comes to help, as long as there is Da Zhuang, the work efficiency will increase a lot.

Therefore, many people in the village want Da Zhuang to help with work, but Da Zhuang's mother is still heartbroken for Da Zhuang, and their family is not short of that morsel of food, so naturally they don't agree with Da Zhuang going out to help People are working.

After Ling Mufeng knocked on the door, he found that Da Zhuang hadn't gotten up, so he pushed the door lightly, only to find that Da Zhuang's room was not locked. After he walked in, the two little bears woke up immediately.

In fact, when Ling Mufeng was outside, the two little bears had already felt it, but they didn't get up. Now that Ling Mufeng came in, the two little bears woke up leisurely.

Xiong Da quickly got up from the ground, and then walked towards Ling Mufeng.

Ling Mufeng touched the two cubs, and saw that the two cubs had grown up again, and now the physique of the two cubs was almost the same as that of the adult bear.

After looking at the two cubs, Ling Mufeng walked to the side of the bed, looked at Da Zhuang who was sleeping soundly, although he didn't really want to wake up Da Zhuang, but now it was time, so Ling Mufeng gently patted He patted his big and strong arm.

Soon, Da Zhuang woke up faintly. After opening his eyes, seeing Ling Mufeng looking at him with a smile, Da Zhuang hurriedly sat up too.

"Brother Feng, I'm getting up now."

Da Zhuang hurriedly jumped up from the bed, then put on his clothes and shoes.

Ling Mufeng said a few words to Da Zhuang, and then walked out. Outside, Chu Xun was waiting outside. She didn't really want to go in, nor was she interested in going in.

After seeing Ling Mufeng coming out, Chu Xun hurriedly hugged Ling Mufeng's arm.

The two are now in the stage of passionate love, and they don't want to be separated for a moment.

After hugging Ling Mufeng's arm, Chu Xun leaned his head on Ling Mufeng's shoulder.

Ling Mufeng also touched Chu Xun's hand, and then took Chu Xun to the deck.

But Chu Xun's legs felt a little painful when he moved, and he glanced at Ling Mufeng resentfully.

Ling Mufeng immediately picked up Chu Xun and walked towards the deck.

After arriving on the deck, Ling Mufeng set up the shed, and it was still raining outside, but it was only a drizzle, which had no effect.

Chu Xun sat on the bamboo stool, Ling Mufeng brought the wooden basin to Chu Xun and asked her to wash.

Chu Xun just enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of by Ling Mufeng, so she hurriedly washed her face, then opened her mouth and asked Ling Mufeng to brush her teeth.

Naturally, Ling Mufeng would not refuse. After washing his hands, he dipped some charcoal with his fingers, put it into Chu Xun's mouth, and wiped Chu Xun's teeth. After rubbing carefully for a while , Ling Mufeng found a bamboo tube and got some water for Chu Xun to rinse his mouth.

And at this time, Da Zhuang also came up from below. After seeing the closeness of the two people, he quickly moved his eyes away, turning his head away, not daring to look.

Da Zhuang was actually very innocent, Ling Mufeng hurriedly called Da Zhuang over.

After seeing Da Zhuang coming, Chu Xun restrained himself a bit and washed up by himself.

At this time, Ling Mufeng took out a few fish that had been placed in the barrel before, and then disposed of them with a knife. Four of them were thrown to the two little bears, and they ate two fish.

And there were still some cassava cooked yesterday that were still edible, Ling Mufeng directly took out the iron plate and grilled the fish on it.

Soon the fish was almost roasted, Ling Mufeng put some seasoning on it, and a scent came out.

After the three of them had breakfast, Ling Mufeng was ready to go to the island and return to the cave.

He first lowered the two cubs and Chu Xun with the lifting platform, and then he and Da Zhuang went down from the sailboat along the rope.

Da Zhuang was a little excited, after all, it was his first time living on a deserted island, and he followed Ling Mufeng, which reminded him of the days when the two of them played in the woods when they were young.

At that time, Ling Mufeng didn't dare to go home because he made a mischievous mistake, so Da Zhuang spent two days in the forest with Ling Mufeng. The two of them still remember this memory clearly.

Although the last two people were found by the villagers and they were beaten severely after going back, but if they were asked to give them another chance to do so, they would definitely choose to do so.After Ling Mufeng got off the sailboat, he directly dragged Chu Xun and the two of them to swim to the shore.

And Da Zhuang took the huge black harpoon that Ling Mufeng specially provided for him, and walked towards the shore with it in his hand.

The harpoon was big, but it fit perfectly in Da Zhuang's hand. With the harpoon in his hand, coupled with his hill-like figure, he looked very scary.

And Da Zhuang followed closely behind Ling Mufeng, only Ling Mufeng followed suit.

After landing on the shore, Ling Mufeng pulled Chu Xun. Because Chu Xun had difficulty walking, Ling Mufeng let Chu Xun get into the cart and let the two little bears pull her away.

And he and Da Zhuang are leading the way in front, and the other is in the back.

However, it was not very comfortable for Chu Xun to sit on the cart, and there were often bumps and bumps on the road.

Ling Mufeng looked distressed, so he let Chu Xun get off the car and carried Chu Xun on his back.

After all, Chu Xun's belly was very likely to conceive a little life like his own, so Ling Mufeng didn't dare to be careless at all.

Chu Xun is also willing to let Ling Mufeng carry her on his back. The two are in love, and she doesn't want to leave Ling Mufeng at all.

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