Then he looped a thinner rope, so that a complete wooden barrel was completed.

Of course, this is only ready to use after production. If you want to use it more comfortably, you must use stones to grind and polish the wooden boards, and then open two small holes on the top of the barrel to pass the rope through. In the past, it was convenient to extract.

Ling Mufeng handed over the rest of the work to Chu Xun, while he continued to make wooden barrels.

Those wooden boards have already been processed by Ling Mufeng, and the thorns on them are almost gone. What Chu Xun did was to polish those uneven wooden boards, so that the whole wooden barrel looks more beautiful.

Soon, Ling Mufeng finished making three wooden barrels, and he even made another wooden basin with spare wood.

The role of the wooden basin is also great, such as washing the face, or washing clothes, etc. are very useful.Chu Xun looked at the three wooden barrels and one wooden basin made by Ling Mufeng, and was also very happy in his heart. With these things, life will be more convenient in the future. These things are very useful and can be used for a long time. Effectively improve the quality of life.

If it wasn't for the drone broadcasting live, Chu Xun really wanted to give Ling Mufeng a sweet kiss and reward him.After making it, Ling Mufeng breathed a sigh of relief. He is definitely the most detailed explanation on the whole network, not only making wooden barrels, he even expanded a lot of knowledge, such as the painting and polishing of wooden barrels And so on, what kind of wood is most suitable for making wooden barrels, the selection of wooden barrels and even beautification.

Ling Mufeng had said all this over and over again, and the audience listened carefully and even asked questions.

in the live room.

"Sure enough, Brother Feng is the finale. Brother Feng is the one who produces the content. Xue Qiqi and Chu Xun are vases."

"Brother Feng, Niubi, Brother Feng, I really admire you, and I want to worship you as my teacher."

"Brother Feng, do you accept apprentices? I feel that if you go to the handicraft area, you will probably become popular by now. What kind of desert island live broadcast are you doing?"

"I suspect that Brother Feng is the descendant of a master craftsman, and his master must be that kind of national treasure, otherwise how could he be so powerful."

"There is no one for this craft. I originally came to see beautiful women, but now I also like handicrafts."

"Brother Feng, can you publish a series of sculptures? I'm more interested in sculptures."

After Ling Mufeng looked at these bullet screens, he also felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart, which showed everyone's recognition of him.

He looked at the time, and it was already 08:30 in the evening. He glanced at Xue Qiqi who had been yapping, so Ling Mufeng decided to download it.

Although there is a lot of traffic at night, it is raining outside now, there is nothing to broadcast live, and I want Xue Qiqi to rest early, because as long as she does not broadcast, then Xue Qiqi will definitely not leave voluntarily of.

So Ling Mufeng chose to download the broadcast earlier. Usually, he would download the broadcast after nine o'clock, but today it has to be earlier.

So Ling Mufeng hurriedly said to Xue Qiqi in the live broadcast room: "Qiqi, I'm downloading the broadcast, you should go and rest quickly, you've been tired all day."

Xue Qiqi woke up when she heard Ling Mufeng calling her. Although she almost fell asleep just now, she woke up immediately after hearing Ling Mufeng calling her.

"Ah, brother Feng, no need, it's not the time yet, I'll live stream the meeting again, now is the time when the traffic is high."

Xue Qiqi quickly waved her hand, expressing her disapproval, because she saw that the number of people in the live broadcast room kept increasing, and it would be too bad to download it at this time. For the sake of Ling Mufeng's live broadcast room, she could not download it.

As for Ling Mufeng, looking at Xue Qiqi, a silly girl, felt a little distressed, why did she fight like this.

So Ling Mufeng quickly straightened his face and said to Xue Qiqi in an orderly tone: "Qiqi, hurry up and go to rest, go now."

Xue Qiqi heard Ling Mufeng's serious words, although she was still a little reluctant, but she still listened to Ling Mufeng's words very much, so she nodded.

She also knew that Ling Mufeng was thinking of her, so she smiled sweetly at Ling Mufeng, and said, "Well then, Brother Feng, I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow."

After Xue Qiqi finished speaking, she pulled Xu Qin to say a few words to Chu Xun, and then quit the connection in the live broadcast room.

After Xue Qiqi left, Ling Mufeng also said a few words to the audience in the live broadcast room, and then directly closed the live broadcast.

After turning off the live broadcast, Chu Xun let go a lot. It was raining heavily outside, and she was a bit cold, but it was not convenient for her to lean over during the live broadcast just now. Now that the live broadcast was turned off, Chu Xun hurriedly leaned over In Ling Mufeng's arms, Ling Mufeng hugged Chu Xun gently, and the two cuddled together to keep warm.

Originally Chu Xun's face was still a little flushed and shy, but Ling Mufeng's hand was on Chu Xun's arm and hugged her tightly, and soon Chu Xun let go. Anyway, the two of them had already established a relationship. .

She was originally a girl who dared to love and hate, and was more active in love, so she sat directly on Ling Mufeng's lap and hugged Ling Mufeng's neck tightly with her hands.

She also knew that her action was a bit bold, so she asked Ling Mufeng in a worried voice: "Ling Mufeng, do you think my behavior is too frivolous and proactive?"

Girls still pay attention to what their men think of them, so they asked a little embarrassedly.

She also felt that the development of the two of them might be a bit fast, but she didn't know why, Ling Mufeng seemed to have a charm that attracted her deeply, and the two of them were still on a deserted island. The place will undoubtedly become a catalyst for the love between two people, because on this desert island, it can be said that they have got rid of human society. There are only natural laws here, and two people don't need to care about other people's opinions.

Just when Chu Xun was a little embarrassed and wanted to leave Ling Mufeng's embrace, Ling Mufeng grabbed Chu Xun directly, and then pulled her back into his arms.

He even grabbed Chu Xun's waist directly, and then put his lips on Chu Xun's red lips.

It was still raining heavily outside, and the heavy rain seemed to have no intention of stopping. It was getting heavier and heavier, and the two hugged each other like two snakes entangled together.

The two little bears were lying on the ground watching, maybe they still don't understand what love is.

After 5 minutes, Chu Xun sat up from Ling Mufeng's body.

"This is so uncomfortable, let's go back to bed."

Ling Mufeng was naturally willing. Sitting on the bamboo stool was indeed uncomfortable, but it was more comfortable to lie on the bed.

So he tidied up the shed and took Chu Xun and the two little bears into the cabin.

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