He looked at the kneaded pottery on the ground. It should have been dry before firing, but because of the rain and humidity, it was still wet and could not meet the firing requirements.

There was no other way, Ling Mufeng could only light the fire, and then put the pottery on it to bake, so that he could burn it by himself later.

Chu Xun sat directly on the bamboo bed, holding Ling Mufeng's mobile phone, interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room.

She has no other tasks today, except to manage the live broadcast room. She also likes to do this job, after all, it is her old profession.

Chu Xun was broadcasting live in the studio, while Ling Mufeng was baking the pottery.

He has been observing the rain outside, and he decided to go to the jungle to have a look as long as the rain is light. He must speed up. After all, making a horn bow is only the first step. He wants to kill the jungle wolf king. Well, it's not that simple, he has to kill it with one blow, otherwise, if the coyotes are vigilant, the chance of killing it again will be slim.

So not only the horn bow, but also traps, and after precise planning, after the right time, place and people, he will kill the wolf king in one fell swoop and complete the task!
So there are still many things to do, Ling Mufeng can't waste time.

After half an hour, the pottery was almost dry, so Ling Mufeng first put the pottery jar in the fire and started to burn it.

Ling Mufeng still felt that only one water tank was not enough, and it was safer to have two, so he gave priority to firing the water tank.

Secondly, he put the prepared steamer into the fire next to him and burned it.

This steamer is also very useful. After it is done, you can steam taro, cassava, and even steamed crab and steamed fish is also very good.

These two were fired first, and he also put some small objects into the fire and fired them together. Because it is a fire instead of a kiln, Ling Mufeng must control the fire at all times, otherwise, It is easy to burn and crack those pottery.

Fortunately, he has the blessing of the skill book, and now he can be regarded as a kiln master, and he can handle these things with ease.

There are colanders in the fired small objects, scoops for scooping water and the like are things that can improve the quality of life.

Ling Mufeng was watching the rain outside while burning, and found that it was getting heavier and heavier. This made him very helpless and a little anxious, but he also knew that it was very dangerous to go out at this time, and those goats might go out at this time. They are all hiding, and it is even more impossible to be alone. Even if I go to find it, it will be a waste of effort. If I rush into the goat group, I guess those coyotes will not dare. Although the goats are vegetarian, their fighting power is not weak at all. , the long chair corners can stab the wolf to the heart at once, let alone him alone.

And the running speed of goats is also very fast. Even if Ling Mufeng has the blessing of the skill book, it is impossible for him to run over goats. If he is besieged by a group of male goats, his situation may not be better than being besieged by a group of jungle wolves where to go.

So even though he wanted to go out a little anxiously, he still suppressed his inner impulse, it's better to be safe.

Firing these pottery is a long process, at least four or five hours, and the water tank needs more time, which gave Ling Mufeng the idea of ​​making a kiln.

But he is really too busy now, he hardly has time to deal with these things, and the firing of pottery is almost done, he thought about it carefully, it seems that it is unnecessary.

The whole morning passed quickly, and the pottery that Ling Mufeng fired was almost done. He took all the pottery outside and cooled it with rainwater.

The pottery after cooling was ready for use, Ling Mufeng took out the pottery and placed it in front of the live broadcast camera.

"Old irons, the pottery has almost been fired. It took a full four hours. This is a water tank. This is the steamer we made to steam some things...""

Ling Mufeng introduced to the live broadcast room, and at this moment, Chu Xun suddenly said to Ling Mufeng: "Ling Mufeng, Qiqi sent you a message."

After finishing speaking, Chu Xun handed the phone to Ling Mufeng. After hearing this, Ling Mufeng quickly picked up the phone.

Xue Qiqi said in the news that she has arrived in Ling County, the county seat of Ling Mufeng's family, and has contacted Ling Mufeng's mother.

After Ling Mufeng saw the news, he was overjoyed, and quickly sent a message to Xue Qiqi to go back.

Ling Mufeng: "Qiqi, thank you for your hard work, was it tiring along the way?"

Xue Qiqi: "It's okay, it's just that I got up too early in the morning, so I'm a little sleepy."

After Ling Mufeng saw this, his heart ached for a while. This silly girl is too serious in her work. He also found out this morning. The last update in his work was around twelve o'clock in the evening. This shows that Xue Qiqi It was editing the video for him. He didn't go to bed until twelve o'clock in the evening, but he got up at four o'clock in the morning and went to the airport. He must be very tired.

Ling Mufeng: "Stupid girl, I know I'm going out today and it was so late yesterday, how about this, after a round with them, you go to the hotel to rest first, you can't do this, you're too tired."

Xue Qiqi: "No brother Feng, I'm fine, I'm fine."

The two chatted for a while, and Xue Qiqi said in the message that she had met her mother, Xu Qin.Ling Mufeng also hurriedly called his mother.

Of course, he didn't let the camera shoot this scene, but let the camera shift to another place.After all, relying on this is his own private matter, and he doesn't want others to know.

Soon, the phone was connected, and the voice of Ling Mufeng's mother came.

"Hello? Son, I've already met Kiki. She's so handsome. I've never seen such a handsome girl. Is this really your employee?"

Xu Qin was obviously a little excited on the phone. After seeing Xue Qiqi, Xu Qin immediately fell in love with Xue Qiqi. She was beautiful and dignified. She thought that if this girl could become her daughter-in-law, she should How good is it?

"Yes, Mom, you all should listen to Qiqi's arrangement in a while. My dad must go to the best hospital for medical treatment. The medical conditions in the county are still a bit poor. Can I be transferred?"

After hearing Ling Mufeng's words, Xu Qin sighed, and then said to Ling Mufeng: "Son, the medical expenses in the county are so expensive, if you go to the city, it will be more expensive, and you have to wait in line , I'm afraid it will delay your father's illness..."

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng was also in a bit of a dilemma. He was not at ease for surgery in the county, but he might have to queue up in the city, which was very troublesome, and the transfer was also very risky.

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