And Ling Mufeng's goal is naturally the top one. He has to become a fan with tens of millions of fans before he can accumulate 20 billion points and leave the deserted island.

For this upcoming teammate, Ling Mufeng still has to think carefully. If this teammate is suitable, it may add a lot of effects to his program and attract more fans.

But if the effect of the program is not good, it may make the live broadcast room boring and make you lose fans.After all, there is suddenly one more person in the live broadcast room, and many people may not be used to it.

So this is a very headache problem, and Ling Mufeng couldn't think of any good solution for a while.

But one thing he can know is that he has to call some fans to participate, not only because of the system's side missions, but also because he needs more labor, otherwise he doesn't know how much it will cost to gain a foothold on a desert island Genius will do.

If the team is bigger, the problem of labor force will be solved, and the speed of building bases and making things will be much faster.

At this time, Ling Mufeng remembered a person in his mind. This person does not necessarily have to be chosen among fans, but some of his own friends are also fine.

Thinking of this, Ling Mufeng thought of his childhood friend Ling Dazhuang.

As the name suggests, Ling Dazhuang is very strong, and he has followed Ling Mufeng's ass since he was a child, but his intelligence level is not very high, so he just barely got on the road and graduated from junior high school, while Ling Mufeng was admitted to university all the way and became a The celebrities in the village.

After all, in their small mountain village, there are very few people who can be admitted to high school, and even fewer who are admitted to university. Those who really go out are actually those few people.

After Ling Mufeng thought of his childhood as Ling Dazhuang, he felt nostalgic in his heart.

The two grew up wearing the same trousers, and they had a good relationship since they were young. After being beaten by their parents, they both went to live in Ling Dazhuang's house.

The two of them are really closer than brothers, but it's a pity that after I went to university, the time for the two of them to meet is much less, and I don't know how Ling Dazhuang is doing now.

Ling Dazhuang is big and strong, if he comes, he can help him a lot.

Thinking of this, Ling Mufeng made a decision. He wanted to find his own boy and let him live with him on the island. He would pay him a salary. As for the salary, Ling Mufeng would have to share with Chu Xun and Xue Xue. Qiqi and Qiqi need to discuss it.

Because now this live broadcast room is not only my own, but also two women also have shares, so I have to ask for their opinions.

After figuring this out, Ling Mufeng picked up his phone and sent Xue Qiqi a message.

Ling Mufeng: Qiqi, I have a suitable candidate. He is my younger brother. If possible, I want him to come to the desert island to help me. As for fans, next time, I will continue to add people in the future. Add one person first to see how it works.

Ling Mufeng just sent it, and Xue Qiqi replied after about ten seconds.

Xue Qiqi: Brother Feng, I listen to you, then you should contact him as soon as possible. I see that many people in the fans' backstage want you to recruit fans.

Ling Mufeng: Well, it's only past nine o'clock, so they probably haven't slept yet, so let me get in touch.

After Ling Mufeng finished replying the message, he turned his head and glanced at Chu Xun who was already asleep, then got out of bed, and walked into the corridor with his mobile phone.

He turned on the phone, found his mother from the contacts, hovered his fingers in mid-air, and dared not press it for a long time.

He didn't dare, and didn't know how to explain it, but at this moment, he couldn't restrain the emotion in his heart anymore, he pressed the contact directly, and then clicked call.

The phone rang for a long time, and Ling Mufeng's heart was also tugged together. He was really worried that the phone would not be answered. Could it be that something happened in his home?Or are the parents already asleep?

Just when the phone was about to hang up automatically, the beep finally stopped, and then there was a rustling sound of the phone being connected.

Ling Mufeng was excited, his tears were already rolling in his eyes, the man didn't flick his tears easily, but they didn't reach the point of sadness.


There came the voice of an old, feeble woman.

After Ling Mufeng heard this voice, he couldn't restrain himself and began to cry. He was a little choked up. It was the parents who gave birth to him, raised him, protected himself, and worked hard all day long for his own success. Sickness, the parents who eat pickles every day are just this corn bread.

"'s me...I'm your son."

Ling Mufeng said with a choked sob, his tone started to sob, he felt that he was like a child now, and at this moment, he became very fragile.

After hearing Ling Mufeng's voice on the phone, the other side of the phone was obviously stunned, and there was no sound for a long time.

"Impossible...Who are you? Are you a liar? My son has been dead for more than a month, how could you be my son..."

A middle-aged woman's excited voice came from the phone, and Ling Mufeng didn't know how to explain it, so he could only continue to say: "Mom, I'm not dead, I'm really not dead, if you don't believe me, go Go find Da Zhuang in the village, and I'll let you see me."

"Impossible, I don't believe it, it's impossible..."

The woman's cry came from the opposite side, and when she heard the voice so similar to her own son again, she burst into tears, thinking of her poor dead son, she felt a burst of pain in her heart, as if Like being pricked by a needle.

"Mom, calm down first, you have to believe me, I'm really still alive, although it's unbelievable, but you have to believe me, in this way, you listen to me, go to Da Zhuang, I will tell him how to operate, You'll be able to see me soon."

Ling Mufeng said a little excitedly that he wanted to instruct his mother to use the smartphone to video with himself on the phone. "Okay, wait a minute, I'll go find Da Zhuang, and I'll go right away."

Ling Mufeng's mother believed it a little now, because the voice on the phone was so similar to her son's, and even the tone was the same, and he knew Da Zhuang!

So Ling Mufeng's mother Xu Qin hurriedly ran all the way to Ling Dazhuang's house in the village.

Ling Dazhuang's house is not far from Ling Mufeng's house, and the two are considered relatives. Ling Dazhuang is the grandson of Ling Mufeng's third grandfather, and even Ling Dazhuang is a little older than Ling Mufeng, but he listens to Ling Mufeng's words so much that he is willing to be Ling Mufeng's follower.

Soon, Xu Qin arrived at Ling Dazhuang's house, and then tapped on the door of Ling Dazhuang's house with some excitement.

"Da Zhuang fucking, Da Zhuang fucking, open the door quickly."

At this time, the lights of Da Zhuang's house were already turned off. After hearing the sound from outside, Da Zhuang's mother hurriedly got dressed and walked over anxiously.

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