Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 180 1 Cloud Piercing Arrow

After explaining for a while, Ling Mufeng didn't say any more. He looked at the situation on the beach. It was noon, so the seabirds knew that it was hot. Few of them flew in the sky, but there were a few of them. It's a pity. It is quite far from the coast, even if he shoots it himself, he will fall into the sea, so Ling Mufeng is not going to shoot those seabirds that are too far away.

Otherwise, if my arrows are wasted, I may be hungry at noon.

After waiting for a while, a sea bird flew to the beach, and it seemed to be holding a sea fish in its beak.

After seeing this, Ling Mufeng was overjoyed, it seemed that he could kill two birds with one stone, so he hurriedly took out the bow and arrow behind him, and aimed at the seabird flying towards this side.

After getting close, Ling Mufeng finally confirmed that it was a gannet, but after the gannet landed on the beach by the sea, it had already swallowed the fish whole into its stomach.

After seeing it, Ling Mufeng didn't hesitate at all, bent his bow and put on an arrow, let go, and then the arrow in his hand flew towards that side with the sound of strong wind, and the movement was done in one go, directly piercing the body of the gannet with a puff.

The gannet still wanted to resist and flapped its wings, but found that it couldn't fly at all, its body had been directly pierced by Ling Mufeng's arrow.

After Ling Mufeng saw that the arrow hit, his face showed a look of joy, and then hurriedly ran towards the gannet.

After arriving in front of the gannet, Ling Mufeng picked up the arrow and the gannet that had been shot through, put it in front of his eyes and took a closer look, only to find that the gannet was already dying He still wanted to flap his wings, but he had no strength left, and finally let out a miserable cry.

Ling Mufeng couldn't bear it, so he took out his axe, and cut off the gannet's neck neatly with one axe, and a burst of blood flowed out along the neat cut surface.

Chu Xun covered his eyes in fear, the blood dripped onto the beach, dyeing the beach under Ling Mufeng's feet bright red.

After doing this, Ling Mufeng directly drained the blood of the gannet, and then put it in the basket behind him.

Because these bloody smells may attract predators in the jungle, the blood must be drained, otherwise, these bloody smells may cause danger when they are in the forest.

Ling Mufeng also tried his best to avoid these dangers, and dealt with them very seriously.

After finishing the processing, Liu Wu lifted the seabird up to the camera in the live broadcast room, and asked the live camera to take a close-up.

"Old irons, you can have a delicious meal at noon today. A seabird is dead with one blow."

in the live room.

"The anchor is awesome, 666."

"This archery skill is good. You don't need to start a live broadcast. You can go to participate in the national competition and come back with a ranking. It is definitely much better than doing this desert island live broadcast."

"What are you talking about in the front? Brother Feng is not only good at archery, but also his craftsmanship. I can guarantee that if Brother Feng opens a small account and makes some handicrafts every day, it will be very popular. Yes, you must know that those craftsmen are very popular on the platform now, and the number of likes for a work can exceed 400 million."

"It's really hard to do live broadcast now. In the past, all you need is a mobile phone and someone. Now it's really a matter of skill, talent, and looks. Brother Feng has everything except looks."

"The host shoots a few more shots, one is not enough."

"Turn on self-aiming?"

Ling Mufeng also looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room. He knew that after he shot the bird, the audience would definitely post a lot of barrage.

He also took advantage of this time to interact with the audience, asking for a wave of attention.

"Boys, you can't kill too much, just get one, and you can't exhaust the water. After all, if you kill too many seabirds, they won't come here in the future, and if you kill too many, you won't be able to eat them all. We'll return later. Going to the sea to catch some seafood."

"Old iron in the live broadcast room, if you haven't paid attention to it yet, give the anchor a wave of attention. The anchor broadcasts Survival Island, thank you for your support."

Ling Mufeng took this opportunity to ask for a wave of attention, gained dozens of fans, and was quite satisfied. The arrow he hit a bird just now was quite shocking. These people didn't say that Ling Mufeng was cheating. The fish may have put those fish in the fish basket, but this bird was shot down on the spot, which left those people speechless.

Except for some rhythmic ones saying that Ling Mufeng turned on the self-aiming and hanging up, there was no one who hacked him.

After Ling Mufeng took a look, he didn't care about it anymore, and put the seabird in the back basket behind him.

At this moment, Chu Xun walked towards the sea.

After Ling Mufeng saw it, he frowned tightly, and asked Chu Xun, "Chu Xun, what are you going to do?"

"I'll take a dip in the sea water, the sea water should have some bactericidal effect?"

Chu Xun felt that the high salt content in the seawater should have some bactericidal effect, so he wanted to soak his rashed calf in the seawater.

But Ling Mufeng hurried forward to stop her.

"Who did you learn this from? Seawater is indeed high in salinity, which can dilute the water in the cells and kill some microorganisms, but there are a lot of bacteria in it. If you go in like this, not only will it not let you The rash on the leg has improved, and it is still irritating, and it may be infected if it is serious, so hurry up and go back to me."

After hearing what Ling Mufeng said was so serious, Chu Xun hurriedly stopped in his tracks, obviously really scared.

"Is it really as serious as you said? I heard on the Internet that sea water can..." Chu Xun covered her mouth. She remembered that she used to watch those short videos on the Internet that seemed to say something about the magical effect of sea water.

But Ling Mufeng rolled his eyes and said: "You really believe what those marketing accounts say, if you really do that, you will be tricked by them."

Ling Mufeng became a little speechless. It seemed that Chu Xun had been deceived by some marketing account, and he actually believed what those marketing accounts said.

"Okay, I won't go, I'll just pick up something by the sea."

Chu Xun nodded quickly. She was really scared, so she didn't dare to go there.

After Ling Mufeng finished speaking, he went to the beach to look for those seafood.

Although it was noon, there were still a lot of seafood on the beach. After searching for a while at the beach, Ling Mufeng felt uncomfortable in the sun.So he hurriedly let Chu Xun go back into the woods.

Chu Xun was reluctant at first, after all Ling Mufeng was so busy that he couldn't be idle.

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