Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 17 Making Bamboo Doors

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also understood that Ling Mufeng was going to make a simple bamboo door.

After the first bamboo got stuck, Ling Mufeng picked up the second bamboo to compare the width of the cave, cut off a little bit, and stuck it on the stone walls on both sides.

Of course, the gaps between the bamboos must be left out, otherwise there would not be so many bamboos, especially the lower part, it must be denser, after all, these wolves are beasts and cannot jump so high.

Repeatedly, Ling Mufeng stuck more than a dozen of these bamboos horizontally and seven or eight vertically, and the work was basically completed.

"Old irons, this simple bamboo door is done, it is very strong, one row horizontally and one row vertically, even if a wolf comes, it may not be able to break through for a while."

in the live room.

"Anchor 666."

"I'll go, it's too emotional, I feel like I'm watching Robinson Crusoe."

"I'm looking forward to the live broadcast of the host getting up and fighting wolves at night."

"I hope the anchor won't encounter wolves at night. If so, this bamboo gate should be unstoppable..."

"Does the anchor have any self-defense tools?"

"It is recommended that the anchor make another thick layer, which is safer."

"System: Get 1 rocket sent by the third brother, live broadcast point +10000, current live broadcast point: 289123."

"System: Obtain a rocket sent by Riding the Wind and Waves, live broadcast point +10000, current live broadcast point: 299123."

"System: Get 100 hearts from Liudao Payne, live broadcast point +100, current live broadcast point: 299223."

"System: Get 666 rewards from Lolita with double ponytails, live broadcast point +666, current live broadcast point: 299889."

Looking at the bullet screens in the live broadcast room, Ling Mufeng was very moved.

"Thank you for the gifts everyone gave, and everyone paid a little attention to the veterans on the list."

"Thank you for your concern. The anchor will definitely work hard to save his own life and bring you more high-quality live broadcasts."

By this time, the sky outside had become completely dark.

Ling Mufeng waved his hand and shouted, "Heidandan, come back quickly."

Heidandan seemed to understand Ling Mufeng's words, and hurriedly climbed back from the branches outside.

Ling Mufeng is a little worried that Heidandan is outside alone. After all, there are still many birds on this island, and many birds are active at night, such as owls. If Heidandan hangs outside, Ling Mufeng is worried. Will be caught and eaten by owls.

So he was more at ease staying by his side.

Heidandan saved his own life this afternoon, he is his partner, Ling Mufeng will take good care of them.

And at this time, Xiong Da and Xiong Er also ran over from behind, snuggling up next to Ling Mufeng, one person, one snake, and two bears snuggling together, this scene was actually a bit warm.

in the live room.

"Love, love, little bear is so cute."

"I prefer Heidandan."

"Is the anchor still short of a wife? I'm going to a desert island to give birth to a monkey for the anchor."

"Can the anchor reveal the location? I want to live with you, can I add someone."

"Can the anchor live broadcast at night? I can't stop watching, and the day passes before I know it."

"This live broadcast is so interesting, it's much better than watching those coquettish sluts dancing."

After seeing these bullet screens, Ling Mufeng smiled, picked up an unused bamboo, cut it into two pieces and threw it into the fire, and then began to answer questions in the live broadcast room.

"There is no live broadcast at night, brothers, because it is too late and everyone is asleep, and I don't want everyone to stay up late, after all, everyone has a job."

"What time does the anchor broadcast live? The anchor starts broadcasting as soon as he arrives during the day, and plays until he goes to bed at night."

"How many days are you going to survive on a deserted island? This anchor didn't think about it. As long as everyone is willing to watch, the anchor will continue to broadcast here."

Ling Mufeng was very depressed at this moment, and he also wanted to know when the live broadcast would last, but the system would not let him out if he had less than one billion live broadcast points, and his current live broadcast points were only over 20. But it's only been a day, and it's already fast. Ling Mufeng believes that it will get better and better in the future. Thinking about it this way, one billion is not impossible, and the future can be expected.

"Thank you for watching, those who don't pay attention, do pay attention, the anchor will live live every day, so you won't get lost if you pay attention."

"How old is the anchor? The anchor is 25."

"Young? You're not young anymore, you're already in your third year."

"Is the anchor married? Not yet. The anchor is single and can't support himself. Where can I find a girlfriend..."

"You want to give birth to a monkey for the anchor. That's a good relationship. Let's talk about it after the anchor broadcasts the desert island. But when I feel that the anchor is already a savage, don't dislike me."

"System prompt: Gain the attention of the little fairy."

"System prompt: Get the attention of Xiaomi La Niubi."

"System prompt: Get the attention of Hu Shi Hai Drink."

"System: Get one of the little fairies to call you, live broadcast point +1, current live point: 999."

"System: If you reach 30 live broadcast points, you will get one chance to draw a lottery. May I ask if you want to start a lottery draw?"


Ling Mufeng didn't say anything, he had waited for a long time, and now he finally got [-] points. Now he is very excited and wants to know what he will get.

However, he did not forget to thank those who rewarded him.

"Thank you little fairy for sending me a call for you. If you are interested, give little fairy a little attention. Thank you everyone."

After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng felt a huge turntable appeared in his mind. On this turntable, there were red, gold, purple, and some glittering things. Ling Mufeng couldn't see what it was, but the light Judging from the color, you know it must be awesome!
The big turntable started to spin, making Ling Mufeng's heart beat along with it.

"Pick a good one and take a good one."

Ling Mufeng meditated in his heart, and finally the pointer pointed to a gray skill book.

"System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random low-level skill treasure chest. Would you like to open it immediately?"

Another low-level treasure chest?But after thinking about it, Ling Mufeng thinks it's not bad. What he lacks now are these skills. Otherwise, even if he gives himself a miracle, he may not be able to survive on this deserted island. What he lacks most now are these survival skills up.

"Open it for me!"

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