Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 169 Fried Sea Eggplant

Chu Xun also started to do it together, but she obviously liked cleaning more than Ling Mufeng, and it took longer, while Ling Mufeng just cleaned up a little bit, rinsed his mouth twice, and it was considered complete.

After cleaning up the personal hygiene, Ling Mufeng came to the side of the fire, quickly got out the sparks with his own fire artifact, and then found the leftover wood wool in the cave, and quickly lit the fire Yes, put some firewood in, and the flames started to burn.

After finishing these things, Ling Mufeng took out the pottery pot, scooped up a pot of water, peeled the cassava that had been washed before with Chu Xun's knife, put it in the pot and boiled it.

These cassava must be cooked, otherwise it is poisonous, and will be poisoned after eating. It can cause vomiting and diarrhea, and it can cause death, so it must be handled properly.

The best way is to leave it for a while longer, of course, now that they are desperately short of food to satisfy their hunger, naturally they can't do that.

While putting the clay pot and cassava in it to cook, Ling Mufeng ignited another fire, and then began to roast crabs on it.

Chu Xun also sat down, using the knife in his hand to deal with the sea eggplants he picked up at the beach.

Although those sea eggplants are unpalatable, they are also a good food to supplement nutrition, and the most important thing is that there are more of them.

The few bergamot snails that Ling Mufeng picked up were washed a little, and then put them into the cassava cooking pot.These things must be sterilized at high temperature before they can be eaten, otherwise people's stomachs will not be able to bear it if they are eaten raw, and it is easy to get sick and suffer from vomiting and diarrhea.

And the two little bears were lying on their stomachs beside them, looking at the things on the fire, obviously hungry.

Ling Mufeng touched the heads of the two cubs. These two cubs haven't grown up yet, and it might be dangerous to let them go out for food, so now they have to raise them by themselves, and these two cubs eat too much , There were wolves attacking him before, and he could still beat two wolves to feed the two cubs, but these two days may be because he thought he left, and these wolves no longer appeared, which made Ling Mufeng feel happy and at the same time , also a little depressed.

If these wolves stopped coming, the food for the two cubs would be reduced a lot, so they could only eat cassava with them.

Bears are omnivores. They don’t just eat meat. When food is in short supply, they will also eat some fruits, worms or tree roots and bark to satisfy their hunger, which is similar to human food habits.

It takes about an hour to cook the cassava. Because he is worried about the toxins in it, Ling Mufeng decided to be on the safe side and eat it after an hour. Otherwise, if the cyanogenic glycosides in it are not completely removed, people with a bad stomach will easily cause poisoning of.

Chu Xun's stomach is not very good. Ling Mufeng realized this before. The last time Chu Xun vomited and diarrhea almost killed her. If he hadn't cured her with spiritual energy water, Chu Xun would have died I can't stand it anymore.

Survival on a desert island is like this. Not only do you have to face the dangers on the desert island, but you also have to face some tests of your own body.

After roasting for a while, the crab was already charred on the outside and tender on the inside. Ling Mufeng quickly broke off the claws of the crab, and handed it to Chu Xun for her to eat first.

Chu Xun smiled softly at Ling Mufeng, and without being polite, picked up the crab's big tongs, peeled off the outer shell, and then began to eat the crab meat inside.

Soon, a crab was eaten by two people. Although the crab was quite big, there were only those places on its body that could be eaten, and Ling Mufeng shared the remaining crab shells with the two cubs.

Humans don't eat these things, but the two cubs can still eat them.

After the two cubs ate the crab shells, they were obviously not full. They looked at Ling Mufeng eagerly. This little thing was not enough for them to stuff their teeth.

At this time, Ling Mufeng also felt the shortage of food for the first time. If he wanted to recruit people to the island in the future, he must have a variety of food sources, otherwise the food would not be enough.

So Ling Mufeng decided to make some fish baskets and traps, so as to ensure a variety of food sources.

But the most important thing right now is to solve the problem of breakfast. Fortunately, not only these things but also some sea eggplants were processed by Chu Xun with a knife, and then they were put on the iron plate brought over and roasted.

At this time, Ling Mufeng thought of the coconut oil he made, so he quickly took out the coconut from the basket, and saw that the coconut mud inside the coconut had completely solidified, Ling Mufeng put the coconut on the fire to roast up.

After a while, a layer of coconut oil was deposited on it. Ling Mufeng hurriedly dripped the coconut oil on the iron plate. After the already red-hot iron plate touched the coconut oil, there was a burst of noise immediately. Crackling sound.

After seeing the coconut oil, Chu Xun was also extremely happy.

And Ling Mufeng also took advantage of this time to say to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Old irons, this is the coconut oil made yesterday. You see, after heating with fire, the coconut oil is separated out. You can take it For cooking, the nutritional value of these coconut oils is very high, and it also has a beauty effect. When these coconut oils are applied on the skin, they can also have whitening and anti-aging effects. It is a very good thing. Those who are interested can buy some or make them themselves, click on the head portrait of the anchor in the video produced, and you can find it in the list of my works.”

At this time, the number of fans in the live broadcast room has reached [-], and many of these people were recommended by the system, so Ling Mufeng didn't miss any chance to increase fans, and asked for another wave of attention.

"For those who haven't followed the anchor, please pay attention. The anchor broadcasts Survival on Deserted Island every day, and there will be a lot of dry goods on Survival on Deserted Island. If you want to watch previous videos, you can click on my profile picture. , there are a lot of videos made of survival items.”

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