But Ling Mufeng is not really worried. There are two little bears here. If something breaks in, it must pass by the two little bears first, and these beasts are very alert. Before other creatures approach, May have noticed it.

The two cubs gave Ling Mufeng and Chu Xun a strong sense of security.

After he got into bed, the boards of the boat creaked.

Ling Mufeng's physique is still strong now, weighing more than 150 kilograms. The bed was originally for one person to sleep on, but now it bears the weight of two people, and it has been used for so long, so it will make some noises It is also normal.

After Chu Xun felt that Ling Mufeng was also lying on the bed, her heart was very confused, her thoughts were full of thoughts, and she even thought of something that made her blush.

But soon, she forced herself not to think about these things anymore, but after what happened just now, she couldn't sleep anymore and became very energetic.

As for Ling Mufeng, he still had work to do. He had saved more than a dozen chances for the lottery draw, and now he was going to finish it all at once, and he was a little excited just thinking about it.

Ling Mufeng: System, give me a lottery.

System: Start lottery draw, current remaining number of lottery draws*13.

The sound of the system came, and then a huge turntable turned in Ling Mufeng's mind.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Intermediate Skill Book Treasure Box"*1.

System: Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery*1.

System: Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery*1.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Intermediate Skill Book Treasure Box"*1.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining aura water*10.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining aura water*5.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Intermediate Skill Book Treasure Box"*1.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mission overtime coupon*1.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining aura water*5.

System: Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery*1.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mission overtime coupon*1.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mission overtime coupon*1.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Advanced Skill Book Treasure Box"*1,

Ling Mufeng directly drained all the lucky draw opportunities without any pause, and the rewards he got also made him a little excited.


What surprised him the most was that he got a "Treasure Box of High-level Skill Book", which is really a lot of money, but Ling Mufeng hopes that he can get a useful skill this time, preferably one that can increase his combat power. This can increase the success rate of carrying out the task of hunting the wolf king.

In addition to this "Advanced Skill Book Treasure Box", Ling Mufeng was even more excited about the three mission overtime coupons. In addition to the ones he drew before, he had a total of five mission overtime coupons. Things are life-saving. Half a day has passed since the mission of hunting the wolf king, and the time limit is only two days. If there is no extra time coupon for this mission, Ling Mufeng feels that he will definitely not be able to complete the mission within the specified time. of.

And now, although he has a few mission overtime coupons, he still doesn't have absolute confidence. After all, he is the wolf king. Let alone the wolf king's combat effectiveness must be very strong. It may take a while for him to go one-on-one. It can be won, and if you are not careful, you may be killed by the wolf king's counterattack.

The most important thing is that the wolf king is not stupid, and he will definitely not go one-on-one with him. There are at least 30 wolf cubs around him, and he faces the siege of more than 30 wolves alone. Even if he has so many skills, there is only one word, and that is death!
Therefore, Ling Mufeng really doesn't think the five mission overtime coupons are too many. He has not yet made a solid plan. Although he has decided to shoot from a distance, the wolf king is not so stupid, just standing there and waiting. Go shoot it yourself, and even if you shoot the wolf king, whether you can kill it is another matter.

If he didn't kill it with one blow, then the wolf king would definitely be vigilant or even hide, and the possibility of killing it by himself would be even lower. In this way, these five mission overtime coupons for Ling Mufeng really is not enough.

Moreover, these mission overtime coupons are used to save lives. If possible, Ling Mufeng doesn't want to use them all up. It is already so difficult to proceed to the third main mission. Who knows how abnormal the following missions will be, so Save as much as you can, and the remaining one might be able to save your life at a critical moment.

But despite the worries, things are still moving in a good direction so far.

Ling Mufeng looked at the two "Intermediate Skill Book Treasure Boxes" that he had drawn, and prepared to open these two boxes first.

Ling Mufeng: System, open two middle-level skill book treasure chests for me.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining "Intermediate Sprint".

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Intermediate Riding Skill".

After seeing the two skills he acquired, Ling Mufeng frowned tightly. What the hell is this? Let alone the first skill is repetitive, the second skill seems useless. Advanced riding?
Introduction to "Intermediate Riding": Increase the performance ability of the host mount by 30, and increase by 5 for each level.Current level Lv1.

After reading the introduction, Ling Mufeng was even more confused. This thing seems useless, but he is on an island. There are horses on this island?
He was very puzzled, but there was nothing he could do. He had already smoked it, and he couldn't go back and smoke it again.

So he hesitated for a while, Ling Mufeng still kept the "Intermediate Riding Technique", as for the repeated "Intermediate Sprint", he did not throw away, but kept it to prepare "Advanced Sprint"

Synthesizing high-level skill books requires ten middle-level skill books.

The probability of synthesis is also calculated according to the number of skill books you have added.

For example, if you put five books of "Intermediate Sprint", the probability of synthesizing "Advanced Sprint" is 50.00%, and if all ten skill books have "Intermediate Sprint", then the probability of synthesizing "Advanced Sprint" is One hundred percent.

And now Ling Mufeng only has two copies of "Intermediate Sprint" in his hands. He really wants to acquire high-level sprint skills. This thing is very useful, but even if he can't get it, this skill can also be bought in the mall. But the price is too expensive, even 7000 million gold coins!

You must know that all the gold coins that Ling Mufeng has obtained so far do not add up to more than 5000 million.

And even if he has so many gold coins, he is not going to buy a copy of "Advanced Sprint". He is going to upgrade the lucky wheel.

After the Lucky Wheel reaches the second level, the lowest reward is the "Intermediate Skill Book", and if it reaches the third level, the lowest reward may be the "Advanced Skill Book". Thinking about it, Ling Mufeng felt that Excited.

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