Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 155 Take the initiative

"Don't go..."

Chu Xun naturally disagreed. It was too dangerous. The sea water was already high tide, and there would be many dangerous creatures in the water. Naturally, she was worried about Ling Mufeng diving down like this.

But before she could finish her words, Ling Mufeng plunged into the sea water.

This made her very angry, and at the same time worried, but she didn't know what to do, so she could only worry about it on the boat.

And here Ling Mufeng has already dived into the water, and after opening the eagle eye, he can clearly see the situation in the water at a glance.

But after searching for a long time, he couldn't find where the harpoon was. Ling Mufeng had no choice but to activate Hawkeye's special skill - perspective.

After turning on the perspective, nothing in the sea could be hidden from Ling Mufeng's eyes. Soon, he found that the harpoon was at the bottom of the water a hundred meters away from him, and part of it had been buried by the seabed soil, so He just didn't find out.

After finding it, he stopped hesitating and swam towards that place.The longer the time under the water, the more dangerous it will be. It is better to make a quick decision and get the harpoon back as soon as possible.

With the blessing of skills, Ling Mufeng's water skills are very good, and he quickly swam to a distance of [-] meters, then dived directly to the bottom of the water, rummaged in the sand at the bottom of the water, and finally picked up the harpoon up.

The harpoon was quite heavy. After Ling Mufeng picked it up, his swimming speed slowed down a lot.He didn't dare to stay under the water for too long, so he quickly swam back with the harpoon.

And just when he swam to the side of the boat, he looked back, and his heart skipped a beat, and he realized that at some point, the school of sharks in the distance swam towards him, and they seemed to be running towards him, but Ling Mufeng It was far away from them, and by the time those sharks came over, it was estimated that Ling Mufeng had already boarded the boat.Hurriedly holding the harpoon with one hand and the rope with the other, Ling Mufeng stopped at a height of one meter from the water surface.

And Chu Xun kept looking down on the boat, and saw that Ling Mufeng came out with a harpoon in his hand, so he felt relieved.

But soon, Chu Xun realized that something was wrong. Ling Mufeng seemed to have been looking into the sea, and had no intention of coming up. This made Chu Xun frowned, and hurriedly shouted to Ling Mufeng below: "Ling Mufeng, what are you doing?" What? Hurry up."

After hearing Chu Xun's worried voice, Ling Mufeng hurriedly shouted to the top: "I saw those sharks coming, and I'm going to avenge Xiong Er and touch the mold of these sharks."

After hearing this, Chu Xun frowned tightly, thinking that Ling Mufeng must be crazy, and wanted to fight the shark.

She hurriedly shouted anxiously: "Don't be stupid, come up quickly, didn't you already kill that shark yesterday? You have already avenged Xiong Er, this is too dangerous, come up quickly."

She hurriedly said, feeling that Ling Mufeng's move was too dangerous.

But Ling Mufeng shook his head. He thought it was a good gimmick. If he succeeded in fighting the shark, he would make it into a video and it would definitely explode. This is also an opportunity for him, he must not miss it Do something exciting, otherwise the live broadcast will be a bit monotonous.

Ling Mufeng saw some comments before, saying that he relied on two beauties to earn attention, which made him feel very depressed. He is a serious wilderness survival anchor. With the reputation of beauties earning attention, it is estimated that he will be labeled with this label in the future, and will definitely be looked down upon by others, so he must do something that a real man would do to make those people shut up.

He hurriedly ordered the system to fly the drone over his head, hovering over it.

Holding the rope in one hand, the harpoon in the other, and pedaling on the sailboat with both feet, Ling Mufeng looked at the live broadcast room, and then said to the live broadcast camera: "Old irons, today I will give you the whole exciting thing, hunt and kill Sharks, these sharks bit Xiong Er yesterday, and these sharks are also a threat to us, today I will avenge Xiong Er and stab a shark to death!"

After he finished speaking, he wrapped the rope around his waist to ensure that he would not suddenly fall into the sea.

He also lowered his height a lot, and now he is less than half a meter away from the sea.

He just saw those sharks swimming towards him in the sea just now. He probably got food here yesterday, and he just felt that Ling Mufeng was here, so he wanted to continue to try his luck.

Since those sharks had the motive to kill him, Ling Mufeng would not be polite, and these sharks living near here would pose a threat to him sooner or later, so he might as well take the initiative to attack.

in the live room.

"Did I hear you right, the anchor wants to fuck the shark?"

"Damn it, it's really hot, I love it."

"This is too dangerous, the anchor should go back quickly, anyway, we are here to see beautiful women..."

"Although I came here for beauties before, but if the anchor's wave can really kill the shark, then I will be your die-hard fan.

"What about those who said that the anchor relied on women to win attention? Today I will show you how powerful Brother Feng is. Brother Feng, come on, I support you."

"Shark Eagle anchor!"

Xue Qiqi also looked at this scene very worried, and she was extremely anxious. She really wanted Ling Mufeng to come up, don't do such stupid things, what if there is an accident?
But Ling Mufeng didn't bring his mobile phone with him. The mobile phone was in Chu Xun's hands, so what she said could only be heard by Chu Xun.

Chu Xun also heard Xue Qiqi's anxious voice in the live broadcast room, so he hurriedly shouted to Ling Mufeng below: "Ling Mufeng, come up quickly, don't be brave, Qiqi also said, let you come up quickly."

After hearing Xue Qiqi's words, she hurriedly shouted to Ling Mufeng, thinking that even if Ling Mufeng didn't listen to her own words, she should listen to Xue Qiqi's words.But what surprised her was that Ling Mufeng still didn't waver, he just turned around and shouted at the top.

He sighed and said, "Don't worry, I won't go into the water, those sharks have nothing to do with me."

Chu Xun could only watch anxiously, there was nothing he could do
And at this moment, Ling Mufeng found an embarrassing problem, those sharks seemed to have lost their scent, so they stopped as if they were not going to continue swimming this way.

If it was an oolong, it would be embarrassing and embarrassing, so Ling Mufeng thought about it and finally became cruel, biting his own finger, and then, a few drops of blood dripped into the sea water.

After the blood dripped into the sea water, it immediately spread in the sea water. In order to prevent the sharks from smelling the blood, Ling Mufeng even squeezed out a few more drops of blood.

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