Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 152 Change of Attitude

Ling Mufeng didn't watch the bullet screens in the live broadcast room, he was thinking about what to do at this moment.

After hearing that Chu Xun wanted to help him, he did not hide it from Chu Xun, and told Chu Xun all the difficulties he had encountered so far.

"A bow and arrow consists of three parts, the bow body, the bow string, and the bow and arrow. The bow body needs a wood with sufficient toughness, and the bow string also needs a strong rope. Those ropes woven from bark are not strong enough. Maybe use It will break after a few times, and the arrows of bows and arrows need to be sharp enough, and they must be a little heavier, so that they can pierce the wolf skins of those wolves."

Ling Mufeng frowned and told Chu Xun all the problems he needed to solve, and Chu Xun fell into deep thought. These problems are really difficult to solve. After all, they are on a deserted island with limited supplies. What do they want? , you need to do it yourself.

"By the way, we can search on the boat, maybe we can find what we need."

Chu Xun also couldn't think of a good solution, so he wanted to look for it on the boat.

"I thought so too, let's do it now, otherwise, it will be inconvenient when it gets dark." Ling Mufeng went ahead and decided to explore all the rooms on these ships before dark to see Can you find something that can be used.

"Okay, I'll be with you."

Chu Xun nodded hastily, expressing that she would follow Ling Mufeng, and she would not dare to stay here alone.

After the two agreed, they began to rummage through the first floor of the cabin.

They had already searched the first two rooms and found a bag of gold coins inside, but they hadn't had time to search the back rooms.

However, Ling Mufeng reckons that the identities of the two people at the front are probably quite special, so there are so many gold coins, and those behind are probably the sailors and crew members on the ship, so they will definitely not be so rich. .

Ling Mufeng went straight to the front of the room, kicked the door of that room open, and then a burst of dust came out, Ling Mufeng hurriedly pulled Chu Xun back, and when the dust was gone, Only then did the two come forward.

These old ashes, Ling Mufeng was really worried about the tuberculosis that would result if he smoked too much.

After entering the room, the layout here is very similar to the previous two, the only difference is that the room is very messy, after Ling Mufeng searched inside, he only found a few candles and matches , a rusty knife, and those yellowed sailor suits in the closet, nothing else.

There is nothing of value in the sailor's house, but these are the supplies.

However, Ling Mufeng never refused anyone who came, these candles and matches were very useful survival supplies, and he put them in his pocket bluntly.

And Chu Xun also followed Ling Mufeng to rummage in the room, but found nothing useful.

The two continued to search, during which they found some containers and rusty knives, but finally found some needles and threads in the back rooms.

After seeing those thin threads, Ling Mufeng was a little excited. These threads can be braided together and then made into bowstrings, so the strength is naturally much stronger than the ropes made of the bark of those trees.

The two found some ironware and containers, but these things were not very useful to them. The ironware was rusted and stained, and there was no way to use it, but Ling Mufeng still Putting it away, he planned to polish these irons and make them into sharp arrows.

The same is true for the containers in the house. The two of them already have a lot and don't need them.Only some candles and matches were in short supply, and the two of them took them all.At this time, Ling Mufeng suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked Chu Xun who was following behind him: "You said that there should be a warehouse on this ship to store these materials, and then when needed, you can buy them again." After distributing it, I don’t know where the ship’s warehouse is.”

After hearing what Ling Mufeng said, Chu Xun's eyes lit up, and he felt that what Ling Mufeng said was reasonable. There must be warehouses on the ship, otherwise those things couldn't be piled up in these people's rooms.

So she looked at Ling Mufeng in surprise and nodded.

"Maybe it's on the second floor. After all, the kitchen is on the second floor, and those functional rooms may be on the middle floor, which is safer."

The two of them have almost explored the first floor at this time, and are going to go down and have a look.

At this time, Huoshaoyun had already appeared outside, and it was around six o'clock in the evening. Xue Qiqi still ordered takeaway food. Ever since she started this job, she has never had a day of leisure. She has to sit in front of the computer every day. Manage the order in the room, but because of the existence of Ling Mufeng, she still prefers this job.

And there is also a reliable income. In the past few days of live broadcasting, Ling Mufeng has received tens of thousands of dollars from the rewards and advertisements of the background video. She has 4000% of the income in the live broadcast room. More than [-] yuan was allocated.

You must know that Ling Mufeng has only broadcast live for five days, and she has earned four to five thousand yuan, which is equivalent to 1000 yuan a day, and this is still in the early stage, and it will be even more profitable in the later stage.

So Xue Qiqi is also very motivated, after all, no one will have trouble with money.

She also shared her background income of the past few days with her mother Gong Li. After watching it, Gong Li couldn't believe it. She didn't expect the Internet to make so much money. It's only been five days. This live broadcast I earned tens of thousands of yuan in the room, and more than 4000 yuan was distributed to my daughter, which is almost catching up with my monthly salary!This made her support her daughter in doing this, because Xue Qiqi said that now
It's only in the early stage, only 10,000+ fans. After that, when the number of fans exceeds one million, the income can be doubled several times.

Now Xue Qiqi's daily income will reach 1000 yuan, then how much will the income of fans reach one million?Wouldn't it cost more than 1 a day?
Xue Qiqi's mother, Gong Li, excitedly told her father Xue Jun about this matter. Xue Jun still didn't believe it at first, so she came over with some doubts and took a look. Xue Qiqi directly gave the backstage of the income to Xue Jun watched it, which surprised Xue Jun, he didn't expect Ling Mufeng to be so successful, but for his own face, he was not too surprised, and even said that the live broadcast would not last long, and then directly left.But Xue Qiqi could see that her father was no longer as resistant as before, which made her very happy.

After ordering the takeaway, Xue Qiqi looked at the screen in the live broadcast room. Ling Mufeng had already followed Chu Xun to the second floor of the cabin.

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