Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 143 Dispel doubts

The lifting platform Ling Mufeng is going to be made into a box type, and there will be a door for the two cubs to enter. After the two cubs enter, close the door to prevent them from falling out of the lifting platform.

Although Ling Mufeng doesn't plan to live here permanently, but before the base is built, this is the best safe haven, and we can't keep the two bears on the boat all the time, the temperature is too high, and it will easily die of dehydration after a long time .

Together, Ling Mufeng and Chu Xun found a good-looking table in the cabin room.This table can be used directly, turn the table over, and then nail the boards around it or tie it directly with ropes to make a lift table.

In the process of searching, Ling Mufeng also found nails, but these nails were already rusted, even so, they were still usable, at most, they just need to smash a few more nails to improve the toughness.

Taking into account the weight of the two cubs, this table can only transport one cub at a time, and two bears will not be able to bear it.

And even if it was just one, Ling Mufeng wasn't sure if the table could hold it.

So he prepared to strengthen it. He found a rope from the boat and tied the three sides of the table firmly, leaving only one long side, which was used for the two cubs to go up.

He found another wooden board in the warehouse, and modified it with an axe, so that it could just be inserted from above, so that the four sides could be closed, and the two cubs would not fall off.

After doing all this, he and Chu Xun were already sweating profusely.

Chu Xun didn't want to stay on the boat anymore, so he said to Ling Mufeng, "Ling Mufeng, let's go down, it's really too hot here."

She kept stirring the air in front of her with her hands, her face was rosy, and her spirit was a little depressed.The dry clothes on his body were soaked in sweat, and his graceful figure was once again displayed.

After Ling Mufeng glanced at it, he moved his eyes away and nodded.

"Okay, now the lifting platform is ready, you go down first, I'll take the two cubs down, let's go to the forest to rest, it's too hot here."

After hearing that Ling Mufeng agreed, Chu Xun hurriedly nodded happily.

She didn't know when she had started to follow Ling Mufeng's lead. When she first came here, she was still not convinced by Ling Mufeng, but after two days of getting along, she has now completely convinced Ling Mufeng, even herself. Neither felt it.

Chu Xun quickly climbed down from the boat along the rope on the boat.

And Ling Mufeng called the two little bears over. Xiong Er was able to walk, but he was a little limping when he walked, but he seemed to be getting better.

However, when the two little bears walked over, Ling Mufeng discovered another problem, that is, the ship wall on the deck should be half the height of a person, so he couldn't lift the two little bears up by himself, it would take too much effort , so he directly took out the ax pinned to his waist, and then slashed on the deck wall with a hammer, completely cutting out a long opening that could allow the two cubs and the lifting platform to pass through. , then stop,
Then Ling Mufeng let Xiong Er stand inside the lifting platform, and he controlled the winch, and slowly transported Xiong Er down from above.

After Chu Xun's cry came from below, Ling Mufeng repeated this, and transported Xiong Da down from above.

After transporting the two cubs down, he climbed down the rope again. At this time, Chu Xun and two cubs had already arrived in the woods near the sea, waving to him.

Ling Mufeng hurriedly ran over against the sun, and after reaching the woods, he was relieved.

It's much cooler here than above the cabin.

"Ling Mufeng, let's hurry up and build the base. It's too hot on board. It's okay at night, but it's like a steamer during the day."

Chu Xun said to Ling Mufeng while fanning the air in front of his cheeks with his hand.

Ling Mufeng also nodded, he also had this idea.

"Let's spend the day in the cave in the future, and then come back here at night, but it's a bit far away. It will take three hours at the fastest to go back and forth."

Ling Mufeng was a little helpless, the distance was too far, and it was not a matter of tossing back and forth all the time.

Chu Xun said with some yearning: "It would be great if we could live around the waterfall in the middle of the island, that would be great happiness."

Thinking of that waterfall, Chu Xun was very happy. He would definitely be able to take a bath there every day. Thinking about it, it was a very happy thing.

"Yes, but not now. One day, I will conquer this small island with my own hands!"

Ling Mufeng said confidently, he knew that he would have to live on this small island for a long time, and for him, he was able to meet the needs of life now, and the next thing to do was to improve his ability as much as possible. Quality of Life.

Two people and two bears were sitting under a tree. The tree was so big that even ten people couldn't hug it. There were aerial roots hanging down from the tree. These aerial roots hung down from the old tree and then Drilled into the soil again.

Two people and two bears are enjoying the shade under this tree, which is much better than on the boat.

And at this moment, Ling Mufeng took out a square metal object from his pocket.

After taking out the metal object, Chu Xun was immediately attracted to it.

Before she could speak, Ling Mufeng unfolded the metal object, which was a solar charging panel.

After seeing the charging board, Chu Xun asked in surprise: "Ling Mufeng, your charging board is so compact? Which brand did you buy? I'll buy one later.'

After taking out the solar charging board, Chu Xun's previous doubts were dispelled.

But Ling Mufeng said: "I made this to order, but you can't buy it online."

"Made to order? Then can you give me one."

Chu Xun looked at the expectant look in Ling Mufeng's eyes.

This almost made Ling Mufeng vomit blood.

There are 2000 million charging boards, so you can't just give them away.

But he couldn't refuse, so he directly changed the subject and said, "By the way, Chu Xun, when it comes to this matter, I still have something to discuss with you."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Chu Xun glanced at Ling Mufeng in surprise, not knowing what Ling Mufeng was going to tell him.

"That's right, I'm going to give you some share from the live broadcast room."

Ling Mufeng had already chatted with Xue Qiqi on this matter through his mobile phone.

In the live broadcast room, it is estimated that half of the people are fans of Chu Xun, so Ling Mufeng planned to give Chu Xun a share to keep her and let her join his survival team.

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