At this time, it was around one o'clock in the noon, but the tide had not yet risen, so the water level of the sea was not very high. Ling Mufeng and Chu Xun walked to the place where they boarded the boat, and the sea water overflowed them. That's all.

"Ling Mufeng, your hand is hurt, I'll go up first, and then use the winch to pull you up."

Chu Xun glanced at the wound on Ling Mufeng's arm, and it would definitely hurt if she exerted all her strength, so she said so.Ling Mufeng shook his head. His wound has actually healed a lot. With the help of spiritual energy water, the speed of wound healing has increased by more than ten times. If you remove the bandage at this time, you can see that the wound is It's scabbed over.

"It's okay, what I can do is that these things are a bit heavy and it's not easy to take them up. You go up first, and then put down the rope of the winch. We can use the winch to pull these things up."

Chu Xun was still a little worried, and tried to dissuade her, but Ling Mufeng said that she had nothing to do, so she didn't say anything more.

Climbing was still very easy for Chu Xun. She followed the rope and quickly climbed onto the boat, and then threw a length of rope from above.

Ling Mufeng tied the rope directly into his back basket, which contained some survival tools such as clay pots.After finishing it, Ling Mufeng signaled Chu Xun to pull it up, while he pulled another rope like a monkey, and quickly climbed up.

Everyone in the live broadcast room shouted at this climbing speed.

in the live room.

"The anchor was reincarnated as a monkey in his previous life, he climbed so fast."

"To be honest, I think it's much faster than a monkey crawling."

"I haven't seen it clearly yet, why did I go up?"

"I haven't finished a noodle yet, why did you go up there?"

"With this speed, it's no surprise that you've climbed over other people's walls."

"Hurry up and report to the police station."

"Filing +1"


After Ling Mufeng went up, Chu Xun's stuff was less than halfway up. She glanced at Ling Mufeng in surprise, she didn't expect him to come up so soon.

You must know that Chu Xun has participated in rock climbing training, and she has won awards. She thinks that her climbing speed is fast enough, but in front of Ling Mufeng, she is really going to be tortured into scum.

After Ling Mufeng went up, he hurriedly helped Chu Xun pull those things up.

After he came up, Xiong Da hurriedly climbed up from below the deck, ran to Ling Mufeng's leg, and kept rubbing against his leg.

After patting Xiong Da's head, Ling Mufeng hurriedly got off the deck, ready to see how Xiong Er was doing.

After getting off the deck and arriving at the room, before Ling Mufeng entered the door, he saw Xiong Er limping out of the door to meet him.

Seeing that Xiong Er was able to stand up and walk, he knew that he was recovering well, otherwise, he would not be able to stand up.

I checked Xiong Er's hind legs carefully, and found that the granulation there had almost grown, and under the effect of the spiritual energy water, it would probably be healed in a day or two.

Before Chu Xun came over, the drone was also shooting at Chu Xun's side. Ling Mufeng quickly took out a bottle of spiritual energy water and sprinkled a little on Xiong Er's hind legs. After the spiritual energy water touched the wound, It was quickly absorbed by the wound.

After Xiong Da saw the spiritual energy water, he moved his mouth closer. He knew the benefits of this thing, so he moved his mouth to take a sip.

Ling Mufeng drank some for Xiong Da, and then gave Xiong Er the rest. After checking, he found that he only had six bottles of spiritual energy water.

This spiritual energy water is indeed a good thing, but it consumes a lot of energy. To replenish physical strength, to accelerate the growth of the two cubs, even after being injured, they have to drink a bottle of spiritual energy water to supplement.

There are four or five bottles of spiritual energy water consumed every day.

At this rate, in two days, his aura water will be exhausted.

However, he still has several chances to draw a lottery, and this spirit water is relatively easy to get, so Ling Mufeng is not very panicked.

At this time, Chu Xun had already returned with her clothes, and she couldn't wait to change.

After seeing Ling Mufeng watching Xiong Er's injury in the room, Chu Xun was going to go to the opposite door to change clothes.

Ling Mufeng also didn't notice that he was lowering his head to caress Xiong Er's forehead.

Soon, there was a burst of screams from Chu Xun.

The sound immediately alerted Ling Mufeng, and he quickly stood up. At this time, Chu Xun also rushed over from the room, and then burrowed into Ling Mufeng's chest.

"There are dead people!"

She was obviously frightened, like a frightened fawn.

At this time, Ling Mufeng felt the fragrance of Chu Xun's body, as well as the smell of hormones, and immediately had some reactions.

Chu Xun also sensed that something was wrong with Ling Mufeng, and hurriedly moved away from Ling Mufeng shyly, but she hadn't recovered from the shock just now, so she didn't dare to stay too far away from Ling Mufeng. She was shy and scared at the same time.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you, there are two skeletons on the opposite side, don't worry, they are all dead, there will be no danger."

After hearing Ling Mufeng's words, Chu Xun breathed a sigh of relief, slowly recovered, then looked into Ling Mufeng's eyes and asked, "You knew it yesterday?"

"Yeah, I saw it yesterday. I didn't tell you because I was worried that you wouldn't be able to sleep because of fear. Ling Mufeng spread his hands helplessly. He was also doing it for Chu Xun.

After hearing Ling Mufeng say that it was for her own good, Chu Xun's heart warmed up, and then she glanced at the opposite room with some fear, the surprise just now still fresh in her memory.

"You change in this room, I'll go out."

After Ling Mufeng finished speaking, he was about to go out, but was stopped by Chu Xun.

"Wait, you are waiting for me at the door, don't go far."

She looked at Ling Mufeng with a pair of scared eyes and said.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the door, don't worry, I'm here, it's okay."

After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng went out and closed the door, Xiong Da also came out with Ling Mufeng, and then kept rubbing against Ling Mufeng's feet, apparently wanting Ling Mufeng to touch it.

Ling Mufeng also smiled and squatted down, and touched Xiong Da's belly. Xiong Da seemed to like this feeling very much, and even showed a humanized intoxicated expression on his face.

in the live room.

"Oh my god, it's so cute, I want to masturbate too."

"I'm floating, I actually want to masturbate a bear."

"You see it cute now, when it grows up, you will see it cute."

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