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Chapter 132 The Bad Woman

But now there is no bamboo gun to use, so Ling Mufeng is going to go to the bamboo forest to get some bamboo.

He glanced at Chu Xun, motioned her to wait for him at the same place, and then quickly went into the woods.

Chu Xun was alone in the tree with Heidandan. She glanced at Heidandan with some fear. The tree snake is huge. If she bites it with one bite, even if she has ten lives, it won't be enough.

After Ling Mufeng left, Hei Dandan also began to observe this woman. The aura of this woman was no stranger to him, after all, he had lived together for two days.

Heitandan leaned his head towards Chu Xun's face, and spat out the letter, as if he was detecting the smell on Chu Xun's body.

This made Chu Xun dare not move, for fear that if she moved, Heidandan would overreact. She still didn't quite believe that these cold-blooded animals could be tamed like cats and dogs.

And even if it is a cat, it may inadvertently bite or scratch you. If this snake also has this problem, then I will be left here today.

Fortunately, Ling Mufeng came back after a while. When he came back, he was still holding two bamboos. He had already dealt with the heads of the bamboos. There are also two grooves on both sides of the horn, which can better make these wolves lose blood and accelerate their death.

After seeing Ling Mufeng's return, Chu Xun finally let go of his heart that had been hanging around.

She also saw the two bamboo spears in Ling Mufeng's hands, so she frowned and asked, "Ling Mufeng, what are you doing with two bamboo spears?"

"Of course it's a bamboo spear, Ling Mufeng looked at Chu Xun confidently and said."

"Throwing a bamboo spear? How is this possible, the damage caused by this bamboo spear is limited."

Chu Xun would still believe it if it was said that he stabbed those wolves with a bamboo spear, but Chu Xun would not believe Ling Mufeng's claim that he threw a bamboo spear to kill the wolves.

This is simply impossible, the bamboo spear is so light, it probably won't have much power after being thrown over.

"You'll know in a while."

Ling Mufeng smiled, and then quietly walked towards his yard with a bamboo spear.A corner of the yard had been destroyed by these wolves, and that corner was still at the junction of the cave and the bamboo wall. It seemed that the coyotes were very smart and knew that it was the weakest point, so they made a breakthrough there.

Naturally, Ling Mufeng would not go in directly from there, it was too close to the cave, if he woke up the two wolves, he would be in danger.

So he chose to enter from the bamboo gate, stretched his hand into the bamboo gate, and then untied the vines that fixed the bamboo gate from the inside, and Ling Mufeng tiptoed towards the yard.

After arriving in the yard, he roughly estimated the distance between himself and the two coyotes. If he got closer, he would probably be spotted by the two coyotes, so he was about ten meters away from the two coyotes. At the place where Ling Mufeng stopped, he picked up his bamboo spear and made a throwing motion.

Chu Xun watched from the tree behind, also sweating coldly for Ling Mufeng, and decided that if Ling Mufeng didn't succeed, she would jump down to help.

Ling Mufeng bent his body into a bow shape, and then leaned back to achieve the purpose of accumulating energy.Then he spotted a weaker wolf among them, leaned forward, and the bamboo spear in his hand flew out impressively.

System: Triggering "Intermediate Throwing Specialization" increases the damage by 300.

System: Trigger "Advanced Strength Boost" to increase strength by 50 points and damage by 200.

There was a burst of piercing sound from the bamboo spear under control, and then it landed directly on the sleeping wolf.

The coyote didn't react at all, and when it realized it, there was a burst of pain in its body.

"Ow Oo"

—A burst of painful wailing sounded, which also woke up its companion.

Here, when Ling Mufeng threw his gun, he felt his arm sore for a while. He originally wanted to shoot two shots in one breath to kill the two wolves, but he forgot about it. After throwing the gun, he would into a period of weakness.

Now he only felt that all the strength in his whole body had been lost, and there was a burst of soreness in his arm.After the wolf nailed to the ground by Ling Mufeng wailed twice, the sound became smaller and smaller, and finally his nose bleeds and he lay on the ground. Although he was not dead, he was dying.

And the wolf next to it saw that its companion had become like this in the blink of an eye, and woke up. It glanced at the human who suddenly appeared in front of it, and frightened, it tucked its tail and looked towards the yard. the hole, ready to escape from there.

Naturally, Ling Mufeng would not give it this chance, and approached it, holding a bamboo spear in his hand, as long as the wolf wanted to go out, he would stab it without hesitation.

One man and one wolf confronted each other like this. The wolf bared its teeth and looked a little flustered. It kept trying to find a way to rush out, but was stabbed back by Ling Mufeng with a bamboo spear.

Ling Mufeng also took advantage of this time to recover his physical strength.

He was also betting that the wolf would not dare to rush over, and if it did, he would not really stop it, because he is very weak now, and it is very likely that he will be injured, so it is not worth it that's it.

At this time, Chu Xun also hurriedly got down from the tree behind, and arrived in front of Ling Mufeng, confronting the wolf together.

She has shadows about these wolves. Last time, a wolf almost bit her face directly.

Although afraid, Chu Xun still stood firmly beside Ling Mufeng, trembling tremblingly with the saber in his hand.

Seeing Chu Xun approaching, Ling Mufeng was a little helpless. Chu Xun's coming was not a good thing. He had already reached a balance with the wolf. If he didn't rush over, the wolf would not rush over, but Chu Xun The appearance of the wolf undoubtedly broke this balance. The wolf saw that Ling Mufeng had a helper, so he was naturally more anxious. The rabbit was anxious and bit people. A mouth full of fangs bit Chu Xun.Sure enough, Chu Xun did not disappoint Ling Mufeng, he was still the same as before, so scared that he even dropped the saber in his hand.
ground, then covered his eyes and screamed.

The scream was about to burst Ling Mufeng's eardrums.

Although he felt a little helpless in his heart, the movements in Ling Mufeng's hands were not slow at all, and he quickly raised the bamboo spear,

Then he knocked Chu Xun to the ground all at once, exposing his whole body in front of the jungle wolf.

When the jungle wolf bit it, it happened to be poked by Ling Mufeng, which wounded its mouth, but its claws also scratched Ling Mufeng's arm, and Ling Mufeng's skin was immediately torn open, and a stream of bright red blood flowed out.

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