After drawing the rewards, Ling Mufeng fell asleep happily.

But before going to bed, Ling Mufeng glanced at the door suddenly, frowned, then got out of bed and moved the table to the door to block the door.

He was worried that if something rushed in while they were sleeping, it would be dangerous if he couldn't react.

The original lock on the door was full of rust and could not be used, so Ling Mufeng simply moved the table over to block it.

And just after Ling Mufeng finished all these, he suddenly found that Xiong Er seemed to have woken up. Ling Mufeng quickly squatted on the ground, glanced at the weak Xiong Er, stroked its head, and then checked it carefully. Xiong Er's injury.

Xiong Er's bitten hind leg had grown new granulation, and with the help of the spiritual energy water, he recovered well.

After seeing this, he felt relieved, and stroked Xiong Er's head again. He really wronged him today, and he didn't protect Xiong Er well. Ling Mufeng blamed himself a little.

He returned to the bed, closed his eyes, opened his "Low-level Sleep Quality Improvement" and fell asleep in a few minutes.


The next day, when the first ray of sunlight outside entered the room, Ling Mufeng woke up.

He opened his eyes, and found that something seemed to be pressing on his body. After sitting up frowning, Ling Mufeng realized that Chu Xun had crossed the line dishonestly, with his thighs on his body, Moreover, his face was so close that even Ling Mufeng could hear Chu Xun's breathing, and the exhaled air could hit his face.

This made Ling Mufeng feel restless for a while, and it was early in the morning, Ling Mufeng actually reacted.However, he quickly patted his head, threw these bad things out of his mind, and sat up.

After slowly taking Chu Xun's leg off his body, Ling Mufeng got out of bed carefully, and then moved the table by the door.

The two cubs were more alert, so they were both woken up by Ling Mufeng. Only Chu Xun was still sleeping soundly like a pig's head.

After seeing that it was Ling Mufeng, the two little bears went on to sleep.

These animals need to rest longer than humans. Naturally, they are incomparable with Ling Mufeng. Ling Mufeng has the blessing of skills. Now he only needs to sleep for six hours to maintain a full day of energy.

After going out, he came to the deck. At this time, the rain had stopped, and Ling Mufeng began to observe the sailboat carefully.

The sails of this sailboat had been scrapped long ago, and only a few pieces of rags blown by the sea wind were left hanging on it, fluttering with the wind.

Ling Mufeng walked to the bow and roughly estimated the size of the sailboat. It seemed that the sailboat was a quarter the size of a standard football field.

This is already a medium-sized sailboat, and I don't know why it ran aground on this island.Ling Mufeng thought of his mission. Although he now has a mission overtime coupon, he can't waste his time. Let's find the nautical chart that the system said as soon as possible.

And the most likely place for that thing to be is in the captain's cockpit.

The cockpit is just above the deck, and it is much higher than the hull, so that you can have a better view in the cockpit and be able to see the surrounding situation clearly.

After arriving at the door of the cockpit, Ling Mufeng found that the door couldn't be opened due to a long time, so he could only kick it up, directly smashing the wooden door, and then walked into the cockpit .

The inside of the cockpit was very dilapidated. As soon as he entered, a choking smell came out, which made him cough.

Ling Mufeng hurriedly fanned the air in front of him with his hands, and then found a sheepskin drawing in a drawer in the cockpit.

There is also a notebook under the sheepskin drawings.

After Ling Mufeng saw it, he took out the sheepskin blueprint in no hurry.

Because as long as the blueprint is obtained, it means that the next task will be triggered, and Ling Mufeng doesn't want to trigger the next task so quickly, he wants to delay it for a while.

So he tentatively raised a small corner of the folded drawing.

System: Gain navigation. .

Before the system's voice finished speaking, Ling Mufeng quickly closed the blueprint again.

The sound also stopped abruptly.

Ling Mufeng felt happy for a while, it seemed that he had guessed right, as long as he didn't fully unfold the blueprint, it would not be considered as completing the task, so he didn't touch the blueprint, but took out the small book under the blueprint.

After flipping through a page, Ling Mufeng frowned. The notes were not in English or Chinese characters. They might be written in other European countries. He couldn't tell what language it was, anyway.

He put the note back to its original place with some disappointment. He wanted to find some clues in it. After reading this note, he might be able to know the origin of the ship and why it ended up on this deserted island. above.

After finding the nautical chart, Ling Mufeng felt relieved. His stomach also growled at this time, and he touched his stomach. He was going to prepare some food first.

So I came to the deck and found a lot of wooden barrels here, but most of these wooden barrels are no longer usable, as long as I kick them up, I can kick them all to pieces.

After all, it has been exposed to wind and rain for so many years on the deck, and it has already rotted away.

Ling Mufeng was a little disappointed that he couldn't find a usable water container, but fortunately, the fishing net on the boat was still usable, and he didn't know what material it was made of, but it was still extremely strong.

Ling Mufeng tidied up the net, and then cast it directly. After all, this is a shallow water area, so there are not many fish, but with such a large net, it is possible to catch two or three.

After casting the net down, he didn't waste the time waiting for the net to be collected, but went into the cabin to find something that could be used.

After a search, he was not disappointed. The ship had everything needed for daily necessities, and he also found a kitchen, which was on the second floor below the deck.

This sailing boat has three floors, the bottom floor should be leaking, and it has been submerged by sea water, so Ling Mufeng did not go down, and the second floor has not been submerged, but it is very wet, and it should be able to Flood here.

Ling Mufeng found a copper stove in the kitchen. Although there was a layer of copper rust on the copper stove, but because it was relatively thick, it did not rot and could continue to be used.

Finding this thing made Ling Mufeng very pleasantly surprised.

The role of this copper stove is self-evident. It can be used to boil water, cook and keep warm. There are three legs under the copper stove. There is a circular shape in the middle, and there is an opening. This opening is for putting firewood and ventilation. The place.

A pot can be placed on it for cooking food.

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