This made Ling Mufeng alert immediately.

But he listened carefully, and felt that it was not the sound of a wolf, but rather a baby voice.

So he emboldened himself and decided to go in and have a look.

Holding the ax tightly in his hand, he walked nervously into the cave.

With the help of the light outside, Ling Mufeng could roughly see the situation inside the cave.

It turned out that it was in the cave, and there were two furry little bears in it.

After seeing this scene, Ling Mufeng immediately put down the ax in his hand.

These two cubs look so cute, they don't look threatening.

But after seeing Ling Mufeng coming in, the two little bears immediately became vigilant.

And shouted towards Ling Mufeng.


This voice is like that of a child, very cute.

So he hurried in and got close to the two little bears.

After seeing Ling Mufeng, the two little bears seemed to be seeing this kind of creature for the first time, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

As for Ling Mufeng, he carried the two little bears outside.

Because there is no light in the cave, Ling Mufeng ordered the system in his heart to let the drone stand by outside.

After leaving the cave, you can see the situation on Ling Mufeng's side in the live broadcast.

in the live room.

"I'll go, what's going on here? Two little bears?"

"Maybe it was born by the female bear before. Judging by the appearance of the two cubs, it is estimated that they are only ten days old and have not been weaned yet."

"The anchor is too cruel. He killed his mother."

"Above, you don't want the Holy Mother to be a bitch, okay? It was obviously the female bear who attacked the anchor first. If the anchor didn't fight back, it would have become a piece of shit by now!"

Glancing at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room on the phone, Ling Mufeng smiled and didn't say much. In the state just now, he could only do that, otherwise, he would be the one who died.

But he didn't want to discuss this topic, so he just ignored it and stroked the heads of the two bears instead.

It was very comfortable to be touched by Ling Mufeng. The two bears instantly drew closer to Ling Mufeng, and they didn't have such a strong hatred for him.

After all, all things have spirits, Ling Mufeng has no malice towards them, and the two little bears can still feel this.

"Guys, I've decided to raise these two cubs, let's give them a name first!"

Ling Mufeng was very happy. Living on this deserted island, it would be great if he could have a partner. Heidandan is a snake. Although he is very loyal to him, he is mentally retarded and cannot understand himself. mean.

Bears are different creatures. They are very smart and can have the intelligence of human children. They can understand many human instructions.

in the live room.

"I think it's better to be called Teddy."

"These two cubs are so cute, why not call them Xiong Da and Xiong Er!"


Looking at the messy names in the live broadcast room, Ling Mufeng finally chose Xiong Da and Xiong Er. In fact, he was the first to think of these two names.

"Okay, I watched the live broadcast, and most people chose Xiong Da and Xiong Er, so let's call it this."

After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng mentioned a relatively big brown bear baby, and said to him: "From now on, you will be called Xiong Da, you are the elder brother."

Then he lifted another brown bear baby up and put it in front of his eyes.

"Wow wow."

The baby brown bear called out to Ling Mufeng in a childish voice.

Ling Mufeng chuckled, and said to it: "From now on, you will be called Xiong Er. Who made you grow smaller? Then you should be the younger brother."

After naming the two cubs, Ling Mufeng took a look at the live broadcast room and found that he had gained a lot of fans. At this time, the number of people online in the live broadcast room had exceeded [-]!
With 3 online viewers, this is Ling Mufeng's first live broadcast, and it's already amazing to be able to reach this level.

There is no doubt that Ling Mufeng should be the rookie king of today's live broadcast!
"System: Xiaoyao Zifeng followed you."

"System: Bear is so cute and followed you."

"System: A cat and a dog followed you."


Because of the two little bears, Ling Mufeng attracted countless fans in an instant, and his fans directly broke through to [-]!

This made him very happy. It seems that in the future, he will not only be a simple wilderness live broadcast blogger, but also a host with babies and cute pets.

Because of the two cubs, he instantly labeled himself two more.

At this time, Xiong Da and Xiong Er yelled at Ling Mufeng again.

Ling Mufeng also didn't understand what was going on, could it be that he was hungry?
in the live room.

"Anchor, hurry up and get something to eat for the two little bears, they are both hungry."

"It must be hungry, the cub needs to drink milk, otherwise, if it is not nourished enough, it will not be able to survive!"

"The anchor quickly find a way to get some milk."

This matter stumped Ling Mufeng.

But at this time, Ling Mufeng found a useful piece of information in the barrage.

"Lincheng Veterinarian: Judging by the size of the baby bear, it has been more than ten days. The weaning period of a normal bear is about 20 days. That is to say, these two cubs are almost out of the weaning period, but just to be on the safe side, The anchor should get more protein-rich food for the two cubs, such as fish or coconut..."

After seeing this barrage, Ling Mufeng quickly thanked and said: "Thank you Lincheng veterinarian, your suggestion is very useful to me, I understand; now give the two little bears some coconut meat."

As he spoke, he hurriedly put the bag woven from leaves on his back on the ground. The bag was quite strong, and after walking all the way, it was still usable without any damage.

This is also thanks to the "Elementary Knitting Technique", otherwise, with Ling Mufeng's previous skills, it might have fallen apart halfway through.

After taking out a coconut, Ling Mufeng used the ax in his hand to pry open a hole. After seeing it, the two cubs rushed over and licked it with their tongues.

"Don't grab it, it's all there."

Ling Mufeng saw the two cubs fighting each other, so he hurriedly pulled the two cubs apart, and then opened a coconut with an axe.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er started to lick the coconut juice inside the coconut with their tongues. They looked very happy, and they must be thirsty.

But at this time, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room has changed, and these people seem to be cute by the two little bears one by one.

"Oh, these two little bears are too cute, I can't stand it!"

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