Naturally, Ling Mufeng had already realized this problem, he hurriedly searched on the cabin, and soon found a winch.

With this winch, you can use the principle of leverage to save a lot of effort.

He quickly grabbed the rope on the winch, and said to Chu Xun, "I'll go down and tie up the two little bears in a while, you wait here for me."

And at this moment, Xiong Da's roar suddenly came from below.

Ling Mufeng hurriedly looked down, only to find that a shark fin appeared on the surface of the sea. He didn't expect that shark to swim over so quickly, which was completely beyond Ling Mufeng's expectation.

"It's not good, the shark is coming, and the two cubs are in danger."

Ling Mufeng was sweating profusely. At this moment, he saw a harpoon on the bow of the ship. He didn't know what material the harpoon was made of. It was blown by wind and rain here. After so long, there is no rust on it.

He hurried over and grabbed the harpoon. He thought it was very light, but he almost missed it.

And at this moment, Xiong Er's miserable scream came from below again.

Without saying a word, Ling Mufeng jumped off the boat.

"Ling Mufeng!"

Chu Xun screamed on the boat. She knew how dangerous it would be to jump off at this time. There was a shark in the sea, and that one bite could bite a person in half.

She was very worried, but it was too dark now, she couldn't see anything, she could only blacken her eyes, and then heard the sound of splashing into the water.

"You must come back alive!"

She is an atheist, but at this time, she also wants to ask God for mercy.

Ling Mufeng plunged into the icy sea water, holding a black harpoon in his hand. After he fell into the water, he quickly adjusted his body shape and used his eagle eyes to see clearly the situation under the water.

Xiong Er's hind legs have been bitten by the shark, and he is struggling hard, and the shark wants to drag Xiong Er to the bottom of the water.

"Made, I'll kill you!"

Seeing this scene, Ling Mufeng's eyes were red, and he wanted to kill his partner. He hurriedly held the steel fork in his hand, kicked his legs in the water, and quickly approached the shark.

The shark also sensed Ling Mufeng's approach, but ignored him. In its view, the threat of this human being was clearly inferior to these two bears.

The shark continued to drag Xiong Er, trying to drag Xiong Er into the water and drown him.

Xiong Er's blood continued to flow, and the water nearby had been stained red.

Ling Mufeng was already close to the shark, and the black harpoon in his hand poked out fiercely, piercing towards the inside of the shark's gills.

System: "Intermediate Polearm Specialization" is activated, and the damage is increased by 300.

System: "Overlord Gun" activated.

The shark's eyes were already red, and it wanted to drag Xiong Er into the water. How could the harpoon in Ling Mufeng's hand be so powerful, it was directly inserted into the gills by Ling Mufeng's harpoon.

The severe pain from his body made him let go of his mouth in an instant, and then bit towards Ling Mufeng.

Ling Mufeng looked at the biting shark, and suddenly continued to use force in his hand, and ruthlessly poked the harpoon in.

The shark was suffering from pain, turned around frantically, and wanted to escape, but it was too late, the two pointed horns of the harpoon had already been inserted into his gills, this was its last madness, but it was caught Ling Mufeng's powerful hands restrained him firmly.

Seeing that the shark didn't move anymore, Ling Mufeng pulled the harpoon out of the shark's gills. He knew that the most important thing now was to send the two cubs to the boat, because the bloody smell here , will soon attract the sharks.

He threw the harpoon away in a hurry, and then swam to Xiong Er's side. After a brief inspection of Xiong Er's injuries, Ling Mufeng found that Xiong Er was dying, and he would die if he continued like this. He lost too much blood, and his hind legs Almost obsolete.

Seeing Ling Mufeng approaching, Xiong Er rubbed his head on Ling Mufeng's head pitifully, and Ling Mufeng's heart ached when he saw it.

He hurriedly tied the rope that came down from the boat to Xiong Er's body, tied it firmly, and then tied Xiong Da to it.

After doing this, Ling Mufeng dived into the bottom of the sea, and opened his eagle eyes to take a look.

He was startled by this sight, because the school of sharks in the distance had already swam towards this side, and it was estimated that it would take another 5 minutes to reach here.

Ling Mufeng didn't dare to leave ink, so he quickly climbed onto the boat along the rope, and then came to the winch with Chu Xun, and started to turn the winch to pull the two cubs up.

It may be due to the long-term disrepair, but the winch couldn't turn at first, which made Ling Mufeng's heart skip a beat. He hurriedly checked around the winch, only to find that there was something stuck inside the winch. What was it? It was black. Ling Mufeng grabbed it, and it was still very sticky. Maybe something had rotted on the capstan. Ling Mufeng didn't have time to think about it. After cleaning those things, he was finally able to turn the capstan. to turn.

These winches are used to hoist heavy things on the ship, so the arm of force is very long, and the rope is also very strong. After so many years, it is still not broken. Ling Mufeng and Chu Xun, with the help of this winch The two cubs were hoisted up without much effort.

After the two cubs came up, Ling Mufeng breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, there was a sound of slapping water splashing from the bottom of the water. Ling Mufeng looked down from the boat, and it turned out that the sharks were scrambling. The body of the shark that he poked himself to death.

He sat on the boat with his buttocks. It was too dangerous today, and he really had a narrow escape. But at this time, Chu Xun screamed and said to Ling Mufeng: "Ling Mufeng, come and take a look, Xiong Erliu is a lot worse." Blood. Ling Mufeng didn't dare to rest for a moment, and hurried to Chu Xun and Xiong Er, and found that a piece of meat had been bitten off Xiong Er's hind leg, and blood was oozing from the meat. Xiong Er was also very weak, laying on the ground and letting the rain water pour over his body, while Xiong Da roared anxiously beside him.

Without further ado, Ling Mufeng took out a bottle of spiritual energy water. It was dark now, and Chu Xun couldn't see clearly what Ling Mufeng was holding in his hand.

She just saw Ling Mufeng take out a bottle-like thing, poured it on Little Bear's leg, and then poured the rest into Xiong Er's mouth.

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