Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 111 The Shadow in the Water

System: The skill "Intermediate Diver" has been purchased, do you want to learn it now?


Following Ling Mufeng's order, he felt as if his body was electrified by an electric current, and his whole body trembled.

After learning this skill, Ling Mufeng is ready to stop wasting time, the best way now is to get on that sailboat as soon as possible, otherwise the water level will only get higher and higher after a while, and it will be even more dangerous at that time.

"It's too late, you go to the forest and wait for me, I'll come back as soon as I go."

After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng gave Chu Xun his basket, and then rushed towards the beach while the waves were hitting him.

"Ling Mufeng, why are you crazy?"

Chu Xun frowned and yelled, but he couldn't stop him.

At this time, Xue Qiqi in the live broadcast room also screamed out in fright.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing?"

But Ling Mufeng couldn't hear her voice at all. Although he was still carrying his mobile phone, the sound of the rain outside was too loud. He couldn't hear the sounds coming from the mobile phone at all. The sound of the rain was drowned out.

in the live room.

"The anchor is crazy, what are you doing there in such bad weather?"

"Think your life is too long?"

"This anchor is the most daring I've ever seen. He's really too rigid. Master Pei dare not do this."

"There will be sharks in the bay, isn't this anchor afraid of being attacked by sharks?"

At this time, Ling Mufeng had already plunged into the sea water.

The sky was already getting dark, so he quickly activated his "Eagle Eye" skill, so that he could see clearly what was going on in the sea.

With the "Intermediate Diver" skill, Ling Mufeng's diving skills have directly reached the world's top level. Although it is only an intermediate level, this intermediate level is obviously not divided according to human levels.

Under the water, Ling Mufeng feels like a fish, but the waves are too big, and the waves are shot in the opposite direction to him. If he swims five meters, he will be shot back by the sea water for four meters soon. .

He could only grit his teeth and dive into the deeper sea water, so as to reduce his impact from the waves.

And at this moment, Ling Mufeng suddenly saw a black shadow rushing towards him.His "Eagle Eye" skill quickly caught this figure, and when he took a closer look, his heart skipped a beat.If he was not in the water at this time, cold sweat would definitely break out on his forehead, because it was a huge shark swimming towards him.

The moment he saw the shark, Ling Mufeng's mind turned quickly. He was still tens of meters away from the sailboat, and the distance between the shark and him was rapidly approaching. Get on board when you're ahead.

This was the only thought in his mind at the moment, so Ling Mufeng quickly turned around and swam towards the coast at high speed.

He had already exhausted almost all his strength, and with the help of the waves, his speed was also increased a lot. In addition, he and he hadn't swam far, so they quickly climbed to the shore.

And just before he got ashore, he felt a black shadow behind him, which almost rushed to him.

He didn't even need to think about it, he knew it must be the shark.

After landing on the shore, Ling Mufeng felt like he was going to die for the rest of his life. It was too dangerous. If he was a second late, he would probably have been bitten to death by the shark.

And at this moment, a sea wave came rushing towards this side again.

Ling Mufeng quickly ran towards the shore.

As soon as I landed on the shore, my body was very heavy, and my feet seemed to be filled with lead. It was extremely difficult to take a step.Fortunately, his physical fitness improved, so he ran to Chu Xun's side.

Seeing Ling Mufeng came back, Chu Xun breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing him panting,

Chu Xun immediately panicked.

"Ling Mufeng, are you okay?"

she asked worriedly.

"it's okay no problem."

Ling Mufeng panted heavily, and it took a while for him to react.

"I just met a shark. Fortunately, I run fast." After hearing this, Chu Xun covered his mouth in fear.


Encountering that kind of thing in the sea is like meeting a tiger on land, it is almost certain to die.

Moreover, humans may injure tigers on land, but it is different in the sea, where fish rule, and humans cannot be their opponents.

"Let's go back quickly, it's too dangerous here."

Chu Xun glanced at Ling Mufeng with some fear, and then urged him.

She didn't want to see Ling Mufeng go on an adventure again.

Ling Mufeng was a little reconciled. He could have swam up, but he didn't expect that the shark would spoil his good deed.

He was very unwilling in his heart, but he also knew that going back now would be equivalent to sending him to death.

He decided to go again tomorrow. It was too dangerous to swim like this. Ling Mufeng decided to make a small bamboo raft and paddle the bamboo raft there tomorrow, so that he would have a certain advantage on the bamboo raft, even if he encountered sharks in the sea. Yes, he is holding a bamboo spear, and he has the strength to fight.

Looking at the sky, it was already dark, and if we didn't hurry back, it would be completely dark.Ling Mufeng took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was already night, if he didn't go back, all the snakes, ants and poisonous insects in the forest would come out to move around at night, and it would be dangerous at that time.

So he sighed and decided to take Chu Xun back to the cave.

"Well, let's go back first."

Looking at the sky, the rain was about to fall again. Even if Ling Mufeng didn't think about himself, he had to think about Chu Xun.

Chu Xun nodded, and the two of them rushed back in the direction they came from.

At this time, the sky was already dark, Ling Mufeng looked at the time and it was already past eight o'clock, and his task had been completed, so he directly turned off the live broadcast.

"Ling Mufeng, why do you insist on going to that sailboat?"

Walking on the road, Chu Xun finally asked the question that he had always wanted to know before.

Ling Mufeng thought for a while, and then continued: "I don't know how to explain it to you, but I can only tell you that if I don't find something on it within 24 hours, my end will be miserable, maybe tomorrow When you see me again, I will be a corpse."

He didn't know whether he should tell Chu Xun these things, but he didn't want to lie either, so he said something he didn't understand.

"Well, you can come to me for help, if you need me to do something, just tell me directly.

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