Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 106 Smoked Wolf Meat

Chu Xun nodded after hearing this, and then came to the side of the fire. At this time, her head no longer hurt so much. After drinking the herbal medicine, she felt her mind cleared up for a while, and she hurriedly poured another bowl to drink. down.

After drinking two bowls, a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on Chu Xun's head, and his stomach didn't hurt anymore. Instead, he felt a warm feeling.

The previous headache and nausea were also swept away, and there was a feeling of refreshment.

She quickly looked at Ling Mufeng, with a burst of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

I didn't expect the effect of this herbal medicine to be so good, I just drank two bowls, and after half an hour, nothing happened.

The feeling of recovering from a serious illness is very good, and she is very happy.

Seeing that Ling Mufeng was about to put the pottery jar made of clay on the ground, Chu Xun hurried over to help.

Only then did Ling Mufeng notice Chu Xun's expression, which looked much better than before.

He glanced at Chu Xun in surprise and asked, "You look much better, do you still have a headache?"

As he said that, Ling Mufeng put his hand on Chu Xun's head and touched it, but he just made sure that her head was no longer hot, and then quickly moved it away.

This time Chu Xun was awake, but he didn't stop Ling Mufeng's movements. It seemed that he had acquiesced, not resisted like he did at the beginning.

"It seems to be much better. There should be no problem. Just drink it again at night."

Ling Mufeng nodded, it seemed that the medicine had worked.

"I'll help you."

Chu Xun was recovering from a serious illness and was in a very good mood.

Seeing that she was so interested, Ling Mufeng didn't stop her anymore, so he said to Chu Xun, "Go and deal with the wolf meat, I'm going to smoke the wolf meat later."

Hearing that wolf meat was being smoked, Chu Xun hurriedly opened his eyes wide, then took his own saber, sat down in front of the banana leaf according to Ling Mufeng's instructions, and began to cut with the knife.

Cut the meat into small strips and put them on the banana leaves.

Ling Mufeng looked at it and was very satisfied in his heart. Sure enough, after adding one more person, the efficiency of work has also improved a lot.

He put the pottery jar into the fire, and then put a circle of firewood outside the pottery pot.

The same is true for the clay pot, which was placed in another fire.

While cutting wolf meat, Chu Xun looked at Ling Mufeng, feeling a little worried.

Can such a large pottery be fired successfully?
She couldn't believe it in her heart. After all, this kind of pottery is usually fired in a kiln, and even if it is fired in a kiln, it may not be successful at the first time, and it is very likely that it will crack.

She also has experience in surviving in the wild, so she naturally knows the difficulty of firing these pottery.

Although she wanted to remind Ling Mufeng, but seeing Ling Mufeng's confident appearance, she finally chose to shut up and watch, wishing Ling Mufeng success in her heart.

After Ling Mufeng put the pottery in the fire for a while, he didn't care about it anymore. Although these large pottery are more likely to fail, if the temperature is controlled in the early stage, it is almost the same.

So after finishing these things, he didn't care anymore, but went to help Chu Xun get the wolf meat.At this time, Chu Xun had already fixed the two wolf legs. After Ling Mufeng came over, the speed of the two of them became much faster.However, the bamboo knife in Ling Mufeng's hand was not as sharp as Chu Xun's saber, so the speed of cutting flesh was a bit slow.

With the efforts of the two of them, the meat on those wolves' legs was quickly cut off.

Ling Mufeng threw the shaved wolf bone to the two little bears to chew on.

After finishing these, Ling Mufeng simply made a shelf, then hung the wolf meat on the shelf, and roasted it on the fire.

He is going to do the first step first, to evaporate the moisture in the meat.

Generally, it is air-dried when it is made, but under such conditions, it is estimated that it will already smell bad without waiting for it to be air-dried.

So drying it over the fire is the best choice.

Because the shelf is not very big, only five or six slices of wolf meat can be put on it at a time, so the two of them can only wait patiently.

About an hour later, Xue Qiqi had already returned to the live broadcast room, seeing Ling Mufeng and Chu Xun in the camera making bacon together, this made Xue Qiqi feel a little uncomfortable.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself, but after seeing that picture, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Could it be that he fell in love with Brother Feng?
She asked in her heart, but there was no answer.

Maybe it's just some good feelings, but seeing another woman suddenly appear, Xue Qiqi must feel uncomfortable.

It's like when a man falls in love with a girl, but a handsome man suddenly appears next to the girl, it will make people feel uncomfortable.

On the deserted island, after the two of them had been busy for a while, those wolf legs were finally almost roasted.

Ling Mufeng found a few banana leaves, circled around the fire to cover the whole fire, and left a small opening for putting matches in.

He put on his hat and went out to chop some more firewood.

But these firewood are all wet, which is specially made for making bacon.

After putting these wet firewood into the fire from the small hole below, there were bursts of thick black smoke.

The black smoke made the inside of the cave choking.

Fortunately, it was raining outside, and the fire was near the entrance of the cave, so the inside of the cave was not very choking.

It's just that Chu Xun couldn't help being choked and sneezed a few times.

This process took three full hours. Ling Mufeng looked at the bacon while looking at the pottery being fired in the fire.

Chu Xun was a little bored and sat on the bamboo bed and didn't know what to do, but felt a little bored.

Her mobile phone and those video equipment fell into the water together when she went to the island. Otherwise, if she had a mobile phone, she could use the solar charging board she brought to charge and play with her mobile phone.

Now she can only sit on the bed and watch Ling Mufeng busy back and forth, and she can't intervene.

So he ran to the side of Xiong Da and Xiong Er and stroked the heads of the two little bears with his hands.

Today, thanks to Xiong Da biting the wolf's hind leg, Ling Mufeng was given the chance to save himself.

So Chu Xun was still very grateful to Xiong Da, and kept stroking Xiong Da's head.

At this time, she also smelled a smell from the two bears.

She wrinkled her nose. After all, the two cubs were in the wild, and they were beasts, so they definitely wouldn't smell good.

Chu Xun was about to bathe the two little bears, so he asked Ling Mufeng, "Ling Mufeng, these two little bears stink, do you want to give them both a bath?"

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