Ai Jiajia's sign is hung in the most obvious position in one of the buildings.

It’s hard to see how many square meters the entire floor area can have. How about it can be as big as a normal community?


Zina said in surprise, "This company is not small."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Well, it's not small, and it's already listed, but it doesn't advertise much, so I thought it was a three-no enterprise.

Moreover, Ai Jiajia has a lot of product lines, including household items, including furniture, kitchen supplies, sofas and wardrobes, and pots and pans.

So they also have a lot of production workshops, but Ai Jiajia found us mainly for clothing, which is relatively suitable, and I didn't know about those before. "

"Your investigation is really comprehensive."

"I'm your manager. It's what I should do if I'm going to cooperate with you to investigate these things. I can't just collect money and do things without knowing it. But these are just checked today, and they belong to learning now."

"When you are doing business, you are really impressive. In fact, when I accept business cooperation, it is only the brand that sends me the goods. I will look at the quality introduction. This is the first time that I have come to the merchant. to investigate at the source."

"It's okay for you to do that normally. It's not because you're not careful. This time it's different. It's the first order we received, and it's still a very meaningful one. If this is really a conscientious enterprise, we still have to Help them well, so you have to investigate carefully, if it is not so good, you will save yourself being cut as a leek."

Zina patted him on the shoulder and saw the urgency in his heart, "Lu Feng, take it easy, even if the final result is not good, don't be discouraged, this trip will be treated as a tourist."

"I know, Xiao Qi." Lu Feng looked around, "Come here for a tour, you really know how to comfort people."

The two got out of the car, and were guided by the security guards at the door to the office of the product manager, Manager Li.

dong dong dong, dong dong dong.

"Come in." A middle-aged man's voice came out.

Lu Feng pushed open the door and walked in front.

The whole office is not grand, sitting in front of a big red rice table is a middle-aged man about 50 to [-] years old.

The man wears a pair of silver-rimmed square-frame glasses, is of medium build, and has half-length hair neatly carried back.

Well, not easy, not bald yet.

Manager Li was staring at the computer screen, and there was a simple lunch box by his hand. It seemed that while looking at the computer, he finished his lunch.

Seeing that he didn't look up, he was seriously looking at the things in hand, and Lu Feng didn't rush to disturb him. The things he looked at before finishing lunch must be quite important.

When Manager Li heard people coming in, he thought it was an employee who came to deliver the materials, and said without raising his eyes, "Xiao Wu, you can just put the quarterly report there. I will read it in a while. You should go back first."

It seems that Manager Li really didn't want to look up at all, Lu Feng said politely, "Manager Li, I'm Lu Feng, Zina's manager, I called you just now."

When Manager Li heard Lu Feng's words, he immediately raised his head, walked towards Lu Feng, and said, "I'm really sorry, I didn't pay attention just now, why didn't you call me in advance when you came in, I'll go to the door Pick you up."

Lu Feng waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay, the security guards have shown us the way, so I won't bother you if you think about it."

Lu Feng took Manager Li's hand and shook it with a polite smile on his face.

Lu Feng took half a step back and gave up Zina's position, "This is Zina, she has high requirements on the quality of the products she advertises, so we just came together, please trouble Manager Li today."

Accompanied by Lu Feng's words, Zina shook hands with Manager Li, "Hello, Manager Li."

"Hello, hello, I have known you for a long time, I really didn't expect that such a big internet celebrity as you would come in person."

The impression of contemporary Internet celebrities is really
Originally, it was only a group that was relatively active on the Internet and loved by some fans, but as it became more and more famous, people felt a sense of aloofness in their hearts.

It's really embarrassing.

Zina waved her hands anxiously and said anxiously, "Don't, don't, you are not much different in age from my father, I really can't stand this sentence, you can just call me Zina, and Internet celebrity is not a high-ranking person, Don't flatter me, I'm just an ordinary person."

The two exchanged polite words, and Lu Feng took the topic over.

He said to Manager Li and said politely, "The main purpose of our visit today has already been told to you on the phone. Today we mainly want to see the production line and the material quality of the batch of winter home clothes you want to bring. .”

"Well, I know that." Manager Li glanced at the time on his watch, "Our production workshop started at 01:30 in the afternoon, and there is still one and a half hours before now."

"Manager Li, I know this. It's because we came here at an abrupt time. It's fine for the two of us to just wait for a while."

"Just now I heard you on the phone, asking me about the nearby restaurants, the two of you haven't had lunch yet, I'll go to the staff cafeteria and make a copy for you.

I'm sorry to say that we don't even have a small restaurant near us, and there is no special leadership cafeteria. Even our chairman goes to the staff cafeteria to eat. It's really neglecting the two of you. "

Lu Feng turned his head to look at Zina, and said softly, "Xiao Qi, if you want to eat here, you should go to the staff cafeteria."

Zina whispered in Lu Feng's ear, "Let's go to the cafeteria, and let Manager Li go there to trouble others."

Lu Feng nodded and said softly, "Well, I feel the same way."

Lu Feng said politely to Manager Li, "We are not that particular, so you don't need Manager Li to help us call back, just take us to the staff cafeteria to eat."

Manager Li brought Lu Feng and Zina to the third floor of this building.

The canteen is huge, twice the size of a normal school canteen, and there are quite a few people in staff clothes walking upstairs. There must be another floor upstairs for such a big canteen.

Around the whole cafeteria, there is a circle of dining outlets, which are full of beautiful things in eyes and various in variety.

"Come here, what do you want to eat, I will take you to eat."

"Manager Li, we can just go and order by ourselves. With so many restaurants, we may have to choose a little longer, so I won't trouble you to take us to order.

May I ask, is it possible to pay directly from the company?Or do I need to take the badge to swipe the card?
If you need a badge, please lend us your badge. "

Lu Feng had never worked in this kind of company. In his impression, this kind of employee restaurant should be provided by the company with a certain meal allowance for the employees, and then they would come in with their employee cards and swipe their cards.

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