Possessed skills: god-level matching skills, god-level green tea identification skills, god-level food ingredients skills, god-level broker skills, god-level late-stage skills, god-level cooking skills, god-level massage skills, elementary perspective skills, elementary mind-reading skills, Intermediate acting skills.

Heh, Lu Feng smiled a little, and his good looks gave him away.

0.1 more.

Afraid that he is not proud enough?interesting.

Just when Lu Feng was thinking about when to use this new skill.
A pair of small hands were dangling in front of him.

The first time I used a new skill, of course, was on my wife!
Tou. Forget it, read your mind.

Lu Feng was not that proficient at using the skill for the first time.

I only felt a voice slowly appearing in my mind. Zina in front of me didn't speak, but I could already hear her talking in my mind.

She said so.

【Is Lu Feng sick? Why is he always standing like a mummy? ? ?Isn't this a sign of dementia? ? ?Let's take Lu Feng to the hospital in a while, forget it. Lu Feng wants to save face, he can't take him to the hospital, take him to a family doctor! ! ! 】

At this time, Lu Feng: "." He didn't want to talk at all, it's better not to watch this cute inner dynamics.

Senile dementia, I can really think about how my wife is such a weird person.

Lu Feng smiled at Zina, and nodded his little head, which was observing attentively in front of him, "Your husband, you don't have dementia, don't worry."

Zina pouted, "Oh".

She joked, "Lu Feng, do you know how to read minds?"

"Well, indeed, I know that my wife has been thinking about me, and it's me all the time." Lu Feng said.

As he was talking, he involuntarily dragged Zina forward and hugged her tightly into his arms, "Is my husband right???"

Zina also laughed. After getting off the ferris wheel, Lu Feng kept saying the word "husband" like a child. Even if Zina didn't have to think about it carefully, she still wanted to understand it. Same, I know what kind of thoughts the man holding himself in his arms is thinking at this moment.

Zina's position is not too high, it will be on Lu Feng's shoulder, she rubbed her cheek on the fabric, "Well, my husband is right."

Lu Feng couldn't help but used the mind reading technique again. At this time, Zina was not thinking about anything, and just said something, [Lu Feng smells so good, did he wear perfume? ? ? 】

In fact, Lu Feng didn't seem to need to use mind reading at all, because the second after he finished using it, Zina looked at him with raised eyelashes and said, "Lu Feng, you smell so good."

Look, Zina can never hide her little thoughts.

Lu Feng nodded, and whispered as if he wanted to whisper, "Mm, body fragrance."

"Shameless." Zina said.

The two of them walked to the haunted house unknowingly, to fulfill what Lu Feng said today, and took Zina to finish the last few rooms. In the middle of the night, he reckoned that Zina didn't enjoy herself to the fullest.

Lu Feng asked, "Xiao Qi, are you afraid???"

The two of them walked to the door of the ticket office, holding the passes that Mr. Jin gave them in their hands.

Just as Lu Feng was about to hand it out, he said this sentence with some bad intentions.

Zina looked at him and raised her eyebrows, "Well, I'm so scared."

He said so in his mouth, but his face was provocative, as if he was saying, 'I'm afraid of a fart. '

After speaking, he snatched the pass from Lu Feng's hand and quickly handed it to the staff.

Zina likes playing this kind of game very much. She usually doesn't blink her eyes when watching ghost movies, how could she be afraid!

Because the two of them had also gone through the previous checkpoints, they were sent directly to the entrance of the new room after talking to the staff.

How should I put it, when they were in the same corridor, Lu Feng didn't know if Zina was really not afraid, but he was a little scared, very quiet, so quiet that it made people tremble, as if only I could hear the heartbeats of two people. Lu Feng didn't know if it was his own illusion. It seemed that he could even hear the sound of blood flowing. There was no music or human movement in this corridor. At this time today, there was nothing else. There are tourists, just the two of them, it should be a beautiful world for two, but the silence makes people feel terrible.

"Little Qi."

Lu Feng opened his mouth and whispered to Zina, but it felt like his throat was being choked. Could it be high technology? ? ?

When he lowered his eyes to look over, he realized that Zina's face now had the same... that expression of pain and fear.

When he looked up, he saw the sign in the corridor.

This is the negative decibel region.

It turned out to be the case.

Lu Feng understood that this kind of low-decibel room Lu Feng had also seen in online reports. It turned out that this haunted house created such a place in order to create a fearful atmosphere for people.

Lu Feng hurriedly dragged Zina to the front door.

Normal people cannot stay in a room with low decibels for a long time.

The door slammed shut, and the two walked into a new hallway.

Finally, I was able to take a good breath of air.

Zina looked at him with an uneasy expression, "I feel a little...difficult to breathe, and I can even hear the sound of my own blood flowing in my body."

Zina, who always said she was brave, now held Lu Feng uneasily, showing her fearful side.

"Well, there is a notice written on it. The low-decibel room is scary but not scary. It's just that the body is uncomfortable. It will be fine after a while."

Zina took a deep breath, "It turned out to be a low-decibel room. I heard that there are challenge competitions abroad. If you stay here for at least two hours, you can get tens of thousands of bonuses."

Lu Feng nodded, "Well, I've heard of it, but it's basically impossible. It's very painful to stay in that kind of place for an hour."

Zina said, "I can't stand the money. There must be many people who want to earn that money. There are usually tickets for that kind of challenge, and they are not cheap. Many people like to make big gains with small things."

The two were chatting about this topic, and Zina's words just mentioned him.

Lu Feng changed the topic, "Should I ask Mr. Jin to add a challenge here? That gimmick should attract many tourists. Just do it like a foreign challenge and stand in the corridor just now. two hours"

"Is two hours a bit too long??? People who just want to play haunted houses don't feel like they can experience any good game effects." Zina responded.

Lu Feng felt that what she said was reasonable, thought for a while, and said slowly.

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