"Hey girl, girl." Sitting opposite Lu Feng, Mr. Wang took this scene into his eyes. He had a smirk on his lips at first, but... this clerk was busy trying to strike up a conversation with the "big star" in front of him. Did you not even do your job?
When Mr. Wang saw that the girl in front of her didn't respond, he changed her name and called over, "Waiter, waiter."

"Hello, sir, what's the matter?" the female clerk turned back.

Mr. Wang rolled his eyes at the ceiling. In this era of looking at faces, how come a guest who is not so good-looking is not a guest?He smiled and said, "Little sister, brother's order hasn't been ordered yet."

The female clerk was taken aback, a little embarrassed, she asked for the autograph of a good-looking man, and then forgot about her job, leaving the customer's order aside, but
Ah ah ah ah.


This greasy man calls himself brother!
Oh my goodness.

It's getting greasy.

The female clerk endured a chill in her heart, and said to Mr. Wang with a sorry expression on her face, "I'm sorry, sir, what would you like to drink?"

"Well, caramel macchiato, it's sweet and delicious."

The female clerk os in her heart: "Ugh, help! His greasy expression and his words are so sweet!!!"

"Okay sir, please wait a moment."

Lu Feng looked at Wang Zhigao with a suppressed smile, "Brother Wang, your demeanor just now can easily scare the little girl into nightmares."

Mr. Wang glanced at him, "Hey. You're the only one who is so proud of the little girl, and you don't even care about asking for an autograph. You're the only one who is so handsome."

"Harmful." Lu Feng tilted his head back and lifted his chin, "Brother Wang, what you said is the truth."

"I'll call Zina in a while and say that a woman is accosting you and you gave her her phone number," Mr. Wang said.


Lu Feng sneered, leaned forward, looked at Wang Zhigao and said, "Brother Wang looks like a jade tree, and as a man, the face is not important, but the strength is important, eh, I am not as strong as Brother Wang. "

"That's not your brother Wang," Mr. Wang said.

Wang Zhigao just wanted to boast about what Lu Feng said,
The waiter who dragged the plate interrupted him, "A glass of iced Americano, a glass of caramel macchiato, sir, the meal is complete, please eat slowly."

Lu Feng took it and said thank you.

After taking a sip of the bitter coffee, he said bluntly to Wang Zhigao, "Brother Wang, what are you doing calling me here today? You won't call me out if it's okay."

"Upstairs, the premiere, I'll take you to it later, Xinghong has cooperated with them, and they are going to hold a reality show."

Lu Feng nodded, "Two o'clock in the afternoon?"

Mr. Wang showed a hint of surprise, he didn't tell Lu Feng before he came, "How do you know?"

Lu Feng clicked his tongue, "I've only heard people talk about the premiere in this store, so don't you know?"


At the entrance of the cinema on the fourth floor, there are many staff coming and going. This premiere is not open to the public, but there are a lot of people crowded at the entrance, most of them are fans.

There are also some low-end media companies, and the marketing account studio is holding a mobile phone at the door, ready to shoot some news.

The staff put up a banner at the entrance of the studio, "Keep order, keep order."

This is not a fan meeting, and of course the stars participating in the premiere will not walk in through the ticket gate at the main entrance.

But there are still so many staff at the door to maintain order. This is Mr. Wang's brilliance. Where does the heat come from? Isn't it from these people?
There are no related stars and behind-the-scenes teams of this premiere at the door, but the posters of the new movie to be released during the Spring Festival this time are placed at the door in a big way.

The VIP elevator in the theater opened slowly.

A tall, sleepy-looking woman came out from the front. She looked good, but the heavy makeup on her face didn't suit her well. The heavy nose shadow was a bit thicker than the normal travel makeup. It was drawn for the purpose of wearing makeup to face the camera. Looking at it with the sound of high heels rattling, it was eight or nine centimeters tall and wearing a black tube top dress.

"I'm so tired, are these shoes worn by people?"

Qi Xiaojing is 1.6 meters tall, which is enough for ordinary girls, but it is obviously not enough for the entertainment industry. Nowadays, long-legged beauties are popular. It is reasonable to say that if her appearance is like that of Xiaojiabiyu It can be done, but there is no way, how can Xiaojiabiyu be as popular as the long-legged Yujie.

Today's premiere, although it's internal, the reporters and cameras outside can't fall on her, fans can't see her, and they own the country's top media company, which means she can already walk sideways in the entertainment park However, she must show her most perfect side in front of others, which is her life motto.

The high heels are her combat boots, and wherever there are people is her battlefield!

"Sister Xiaoxiao, just bear with it for a while, the premiere will only last for three hours." The little assistant followed her forward while adjusting the folds on the back of her skirt.

"Understood, I can't bear it, I can't even complain when I see someone in a while." Qi Xiao pulled the skirt back from the assistant's hand, and said impatiently, "Don't mess with it." , Go in and watch a movie soon, it’s pitch black, who can notice these two folds, hurry up and go back to the company after dealing with it, I have to make an announcement tomorrow.”

Qi Xiao is considered a floret now, she is at this age, and her qualifications are not enough, relying on her excellent background and resources.

Originally, half of these good resources should belong to her sister Zina, but her mother won them over for her, and she also has a father who turns a blind eye to the two of them. She is very happy .

Before she stepped in, she felt that it was a good job to participate in some activities every day, catch up with announcements, and shoot movies. She was stylish and chic, famous and had fans, and it was a good job. It's not the same at all, the more popular, the busier, the more fans, the less messy news you can have on your body.

She regretted it a little bit, she could have been a good young lady, relying on the family's gold and silver mountains, how good it is, to get a job, to have a good time, to eat, drink and have fun every day.

But now.

To deal with those who have nothing, you have to wear a smile on your face every day, like wearing a fake skin, if you don't pay attention, you will be photographed by those outside.

Super Micro's demeanor is not good, even if someone else caught it by looking up, they don't know what the media can write.

Playing big names, capitalists, these remarks just jumped up like a building.

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