The sweet daily life of being chased by a beautiful goddess

Chapter 40: I am lucky to meet you in three lives.

As Zina spoke, she looked at Lu Feng suspiciously, "No, you learned this at the company?

Lin Xi said that you have worked in this company for a total of two and a half months, even if you don’t go to work for two and a half months, you can’t learn so much just from training, and Lin Xi said that you”

Zina felt that her mind was a little confused by the information that suddenly came from all directions.

"My sister? What did you say about me?"

Seeing Zina's expression of disbelief, she stopped speaking.

Lu Feng was a little timid, he made up all that just now.

Before Lufeng worked in the company, he didn't do anything except do odd jobs, and where did the company provide training, he also trained interns with a monthly salary of [-] yuan to specialize in post-production.

He felt outrageous when he said it.

So his sister's words are likely to expose him.

But. He has no other choice but to talk nonsense. Could it be that he said that he traveled through time and got a system that can give him abilities.

Because of the daily interaction with Zina, I got these abilities.

ah. this.

Can't Zina take Lu Feng as a fool?

Zina looked puzzled, pursed her mouth, and thought, "Your sister told me that you have complained to her about being a fisherman in the company every day, with no performance, and you can't learn anything except doing odd jobs, and you don't want to do it anymore.

And she said you swiped your phone like a dead body when you got home"

After hearing this, Lu Feng felt ashamed.

I rely on!

Is there a good sister who cheats my brother so much?
Lu Feng often complained about his work to Lin Xi.

Why did she tell Zina everything?
But he also misunderstood Lin Xi.

She was the one who said this, and Zina wanted to come to Lu Feng to sign a contract and have more opportunities to get along with her, so she said it before.

It was just a little routine between sisters, Lin Xi didn't know what Zina thought about Lu Feng at that time.

After that, Lin Xi never complained about Lu Feng's work.

No sister would want to trip up her younger brother's work.

Lu Feng stabilized his mind and said calmly, "Aren't I trying to learn something and surprise her?

Xiaoqi, you should understand the truth during this period. If I tell her that I learn a lot every day, but I don’t get any grades in the end, it will be different from lying.

I still prefer to talk about my grades, and I don't want to claim credit in advance.

As for swiping my phone at home, on the surface I seem to be swiping my phone, but in fact, I am looking at the operation methods, shooting methods, and overall data of various types of video accounts.

Taking up the time of rest at night and putting in more effort than everyone else can learn so much. "

Lu Feng panicked a lot in his heart, would his sister say something else to Zina?

His ability to deceive people is not strong.

He never lied to anyone.

He is such a simple and honest man.

Telling a white lie at this time, the heart is suffering!

Woohoo, little Lufeng is wronged!

Combined with Lu Feng's professional ability and his serious explanation now, Zina felt like she was suddenly enlightened, "Still, the money is hidden? Right?"

Lu Feng glanced at Zina from the corner of his eye in surprise, and stroked the fine sweat on the tip of his nose with his fingers.

The little hands in my heart clapped.


Zina really knows everything!
No wonder it was his official match.

What a fool.


But the ability to analyze problems can hit the nail on the head.

Lu Feng nodded in agreement with Zina, "You're right! That's the truth!"

"Yes, your sister also said you."

Lu Feng quickly interrupted, "Xiao Qi, don't listen to my sister complaining about me, it's not the truth."

"Ah? Your sister said that you have good academic performance and strong learning ability, and you don't like to show yourself. Isn't this... true?
I feel that your learning ability must be faster than ordinary people, otherwise how could you be proficient in so many things in such a short period of time. "

Lin Xi was really wrong.

Lu Feng felt that he was really a bit of a loser.

After finally being praised for a good word, he was interrupted by himself.

Lu Feng twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment but politely, "Uh, my grades are not that good, but what my sister said is not completely wrong.

My professional grades are not bad, which belongs to the middle and upper reaches.

But the grades in school can be regarded as mediocre, I just sacrificed more rest time than those people who were fooling around.

Coupled with the company's careful training, it is only possible to have such a small ability. "

Zina understood by heart, Lu Feng already had excellent grades in school, and new media was his major.

Coupled with hard work and earnest training from the company, at the expense of more rest time for others, in order to master all aspects of knowledge.

When others swipe their phones, they just swipe their phones.

When Lu Feng swiped his phone, he was actually studying.

Who wouldn't love such a hard-working, good man!

Lu Feng found a hint of surprise and admiration in her eyes.

It's actually quite wonderful.

But how dare he.

Zina blurted out, "Lu Feng, you are really great."

Lu Feng was very happy, not only because Zina had never been stingy with complimenting him.

Instead, he saw a sentence when he was reading love posts on the Internet, and he thought it was right.

Two people must tolerate and praise each other in order to live a good life.

Just like a snowball, praise can make two people's strengths, positive attitude, and longing for a better life roll more and more.

A word, a look, and a small matter have great energy.

A quarrel, a word that hits the deepest part of a person's heart, will stab into the heart like a sharp knife, and it can't be pulled out no matter how hard it is.

The accumulation of bad words and the friction of small things, accumulated for a long time, can often break a relationship more than a sudden major event.

So Lu Feng is very happy, he and Zina are in a virtuous cycle of mutual relationship.

This is a good start.

Lu Feng said sincerely, "No, no, it's because you are in excellent condition, I can at most lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Because of you, I have a place where I can use what I have learned, and it is thanks to you, Xiaoqi, that you gave me this opportunity! "

"No, Lu Feng, even if it is another person, with your ability, you can create him, so you gave me this opportunity."

It feels good to have the ability, to have the confidence.

The feeling of complimenting each other is also very beautiful.

But Lu Feng felt that he could no longer pour these words into his head.

It has only been two days since I came to this world, and I just have a few abilities of the system.

It's not good if you get carried away by self-confidence.

You can't be too smug in life.

"Let's stop being modest, let's shake hands for our strong alliance." Lu Feng raised his hand and made a handshake gesture, "Xiao Qi, I am lucky to meet you."

Zina smiled sweetly, raised her palm and held his hand, "I'm lucky."

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