Zina smiled slightly.

Teach you to take pictures?

Okay, this perfect group photo is here.

It happened that I was not satisfied with the last shot.

Little Lufeng is really the little roundworm in her heart.

Zina took out her mobile phone, switched the selfie camera, faced her face, and thoughtfully left half of the camera blank, pulled Lu Feng's sleeve, and pulled him into the camera, "Lu Feng, come in, I Teach you to take a selfie."

"Ah? It's really good."

Lu Feng thought that what he said casually, Zina actually came to teach him.

As he spoke, he leaned in Zina's direction.

"Could it be that you really want to learn? Lied to me?"

"No, no, I really want to learn."

"Come here, get closer, the lens is only so big, and half of your face is in the lens, what can you learn?"

Originally, they were already arm in arm with Zina, and Lu Feng originally wanted to keep a more gentlemanly distance.

After Zina had spoken, Lu Feng could only "pass over obediently".

Hee hee, it just so happened that the distance of the photo I took last time was too far away.

Zina is really the little roundworm in his heart!
"it is good."

Lu Feng moved his head forward, successfully occupying half of the camera, and the distance between the two people's hair was instantly reduced to one centimeter.

Smelling the bursts of fragrance from Zina's hair, the air seemed to be enveloped in an untouchable haze.

Lu Feng suddenly felt his heart beat half a beat slower.
This distance is too close, it seems that Lu Feng will be able to kiss her with just a little more tilt of his head.

Lu Feng stared at the camera in bewilderment, the expression on his face was even more stupefied, the corners of his mouth were like a puppet being pulled on a string, it was pulling unnaturally.

Originally, I thought taking a selfie was a trivial matter, and it was also a good way to increase the interaction between two people.

Including Zina's expression, she was also in high spirits, looking ready, as if completely ignoring the almost intimate distance between the two.

he feels like
Horse riding, he is a big man!I feel ashamed! !
Although it is the first time to take a selfie with a girl, even if this girl is so beautiful, it is exciting.

He shouldn't be so shy.

He who has lived for 40 years in the two worlds together, unexpectedly let him feel for the first time what it is, the beginning of love!

"Lu Feng, your expression is too dull."

In the camera, Lu Feng could see that Zina was tilting her head towards him, looking at his expression from side to side, and frowned slightly.

The slight stream of heat from her nostrils hit Lu Feng's face gently and softly, and he could feel that the face that had been influenced by Zina's breath was slightly reddish.

The speaker is interested in the listener, and Lu Feng's sixth sense tells him that Zina's sentence 'Your expression is a bit dull' has another meaning, 'Lu Feng, you are shy! '

hateful!It seems that this 'bad sister' has taken advantage of her!
Lonely men and widows live together in one room!
It's only the first day, are you going to be 'bullied' like this?

Lu Feng stammered, "Really?"

"Yeah, your expression is wrong, the curvature of your mouth is too unnatural, it looks very blunt"

As Zina spoke to Lu Feng, he felt that the delicate air flowing in this not-so-close distance became more blurred
Even more nervous!
Lu Feng's words were full of unnaturalness, he paused again and again, "Well, how do you look better?"

Zina looked at Lu Feng's eyes gradually becoming more interested, she slightly curled her eyelashes, her eyes were filled with some nasty little thoughts, she raised her hand lightly, her slender fingers waved in front of Lu Feng's eyes, they were carefully manicured The old European-style manicure, like the tip of a knife that wasn't sharp enough, shook Lu Feng with the glittering sequins on it.

That small fingertip, like a weapon that can penetrate the heart at this moment, is fixed on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth, trying to pull it with a little force, changing his expression, the fingertip is slid across the face, and Zina is In Lu Feng's ear, he said lightly, "You want to do this, that's right."

This this.
Lu Feng is still a little boy, how can he bear this!

But Zina was just teaching him to take pictures!

But. Are you sure this is really teaching him to take pictures?

still in.?

The official mate complained, the most deadly, Lu Feng felt 1 helpless, didn't he still have the task of attacking Zina?

Why is he acting so unnaturally, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

Lu Feng shouted helplessly from the bottom of his heart, "System, system, can you give me a boost of calmness!"Or turn back the attributes!
I don't want to be like a shy little sheep ahhhh!Zina will laugh at me, I am very shameless! ! ! '

[Ding?Host, you want to cheat?That can't work, your pure first love, you need to complete it down-to-earth!The perfect male god system resolutely resists cheating! 】

After speaking, the system's voice was far away. He seemed to be gone, but he didn't leave completely. His voice gradually became weaker, and he added, "This host is really bad!"

This is stepping on the horse, Lu Feng seems to have gotten double ups!
Where did he put his dignity as a man?

Lu Feng glanced at Zina's finger resting on his face, and held that heavy breath.

Take a deep breath.


Lu Feng wants to fight back!
He suddenly turned his head towards Zina who was facing him.

The distance between the two of them was very close, and Zina was looking at him with her head tilted.

After turning their heads from the landing wind, the two directly formed a 'face to face' look.

His neck lowered slightly, his eyelashes as thick as crow's feathers fell to the ground, and he raised them abruptly, staring at Zina's eyes with a smile from the corner of his eyes, so that the eyes of the two people were completely connected.

The corners of the mouth were curled up, and she gave a soft and sweet smile, and slowly raised one corner of the mouth higher, looking soft and evil.

"Xiao Qi, it's more convenient to look at my face. You mean to smile like this, right?"

The hot air from Lu Feng's nose hit Zina directly on the face, his bright black eyes stared at her firmly, and the scorching eyes seemed to lock her in at once.

Let her play tricks on Lu Feng just now, be careful.

All vanished.

The whole person looked at him in a daze, and made a swallowing motion.

She felt that her world was so empty right now, leaving no thought, nothing else.

There was only room for Lu Feng's beautiful and delicate face.

His eyes are so bright.

His nose bridge is high, like a work of art carefully sculpted by an artist.

His lips, with a light pink, so moist.

There is no trace of fat on the smooth face, as if carefully carved with a utility knife.

Every tiny pore, the small mole that can be clearly seen on the face.

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