Seeing that Lu Feng readily agreed, but the phone kept ringing, Zina half-opened her eyes and glanced at Lu Feng.

"Lu Feng, why haven't you gotten up to answer the phone? It's been a long time."

Lu Feng raised his eyelids slightly, and looked towards Zina, "Xiao Qi, maybe it's yours? We put all our phones over there."

Zina: "???"

Zina thought silently, usually when I saw a call from my cell phone, didn't you volunteer to answer it?

Are you pretending to respect other people's privacy?

Zina looked at Lu Feng suspiciously, before Zina could speak, Lu Feng spoke first.

"Xiao Qi, I respect your privacy very much."

"Lu Feng, I respect you too."

Except for the ground under your feet, you can't see the road ahead at all.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, Zina felt an obstacle blocking her, and after a pause, a pair of hands held her in the direction of her hands.

Then, he heard Lu Feng's voice, and he took something from his arms.

"Come on, this thing is taller than you."

Zina pouted, "It's not heavy, I can move it."

She was in a good mood seeing Lu Feng turning around and walking in front of her, and then walking towards the live broadcast room on the second floor.

The three-piece suit on the bed is light and fluffy, and Zina is not stupid, if she really can't handle it, what can she do? Even if the dozen sets are put together, they are not heavy, but they are a bit high.

Lu Feng has moved, so he should know about it.

So she knew that Lu Feng was reluctant to let her work.
Zina followed Lu Feng to the live broadcast room.

Lu Feng looked back at her, "Xiao Qi."

Zina blinked, "Well, what do you want me to do? Are you going to record a video now?"

Lu Feng looked at her and said, "Go back to sleep."

Zina asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

"Didn't you sleep well, go back and make up for it."

Zina pointed to herself, "I'm already awake."

Lu Feng smiled, walked out of the live broadcast room, pushed Zina's shoulders and led her all the way downstairs.

"It's past eight o'clock in the morning. You don't need to make videos so early. I'll make breakfast and you go back to catch up on sleep."

Zina stopped arguing with Lu Feng, he was diligent, and she was naturally lazy.

Zina made up for this sleep a little too much, and when she woke up, it was already noon.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling, but when she turned her head again, she saw a handsome face a meter away.

Lu Feng obviously fell asleep too.

She raised her finger, pretending to be in Lu Feng's direction enough, as if she could touch him from the air.

But it's been too long since they've been lying together. Now that Zina can see Lu Feng when she wakes up early, she has developed a habit.

There is a feeling that a middle-aged couple kisses, and the nightmare can last for a few nights.

Hmm. I just got used to it.

Zina suddenly thought of a question, she was thinking in a trance, could she be Lu Feng's real sister?
Two people lying in the same room and sleeping, how could it be like this naturally?
Thinking about it, seeing Lu Feng's late waking up, Zina felt a little hungry.

Then went downstairs.

On the table is the prepared food, which is quietly placed there, four dishes and one soup.

She heated several dishes in the microwave one after another, and then started.

Lu Feng came down when Zina finished half of her meal.

She ate slowly, eating while looking at her mobile phone. It took more than 40 minutes to eat half of it.

"Morning." Lu Feng's voice drifted over.

Looking at the phone, Zina raised her eyes lightly, facing Lu Feng, she said, "What's the matter, it's almost a little late, why didn't you ask me to come down to eat after you finished the meal, instead you went to sleep by yourself."

"Seeing that you slept so soundly that I was sleepy too, so I will sleep with you for a while."

"Oh, you haven't eaten yet, have you? I'll get you a bowl of rice."

Lu Feng stewed a whole pot of rice, and the electricity was never turned on. When Zina turned on the pot, the rice was still fragrant and steaming.


Zina brought the freshly served meal to Lu Feng, "Eat."

Lu Feng looked at the rice in front of him, and said, "Xiao Qi, I found that you are getting more and more capable."

When Lu Feng said this, he said it seriously. He really realized that during the time he spent with Zina, she really knew more and more, and became more and more diligent.

As soon as he came to Zina, he took the initiative to serve the rice. He felt that in Zina's place, doing this kind of work now was just a trivial matter.

This feeling is really good.

Lu Feng felt that his daughter-in-law seemed to be from the nurturing department.

From not touching Yang Chunshui with ten fingers, to being able to not starve myself, and not to starve him by the way.

It really has changed a lot.

Lu Feng ate two mouthfuls of food.

But it doesn't matter whether the change is there or not. Lu Feng also likes to take care of others, no. He likes to take care of Zina.

"I can do you a big-headed ghost. You praise me when I serve a bowl of rice, which makes me feel like you are yin and yang to me." Zina pointed at Lu Feng, not taking his compliments as sincerity at all, she questioned, " Are you talking nonsense???"

"He must be talking ironically, why not think about it? Zina, hit him!"

Lu Feng almost choked on his meal.


The owner who said that just now walked down the stairs slowly.

Her hair was tied back in a mess, and there were two big dark circles under her eyes.

It's Lynch.

Lu Feng looked in that direction, "Sister, are you such a cheater? What I said is really true, the conscience of heaven and earth."

Lin Xi smiled, "The man is not telling the truth, Zina, hit him quickly."

"Ah" Lu Feng let out a scream.

He held Zina's hand and begged for mercy, "I'm telling the truth, my sister has changed a long time ago, don't listen to her nonsense."

"Lu Feng, you're tired of living, aren't you?"

"Ah..." Lu Feng let out another scream, which was more tragic than the previous one. He looked at Lin Xi and begged for mercy, "Sister, I was the one who changed earlier."

Lin Xi let go of his arm, "It's not too bad."

"Lin Xi, why did you wake up so late." Following the sound of the porcelain bowl falling on the table, Lin Xi glanced at it in a daze. The person who spoke to her was also the one who served her food.

She frowned, glanced at the bowl of rice in front of her, and clicked her tongue, "Don't say it. It seems that Lu Feng is not lying. You are indeed diligent."

Zina sat down and glanced at Lin Xi, "You two can let me go, I only served two bowls of rice, I can't bear this big compliment, and my life will be shortened."

Lin Xi smiled, "Yesterday I worked overtime to catch up with the progress of the program planning, and stayed up late into the night. No. It was three o'clock in the morning today. I woke up early. I was so sleepy." She yawned heavily as she spoke.

"Have you talked with Mr. Wang???" Lu Feng said.

He hasn't asked Mr. Wang about the situation. After all, this is a problem between the two companies.

Lin Xi nodded, "Well, the Propaganda Department sent people to talk about it, and it's almost done, just wait for Xinghong to get the money, and it went smoothly."

She looked up at Lu Feng, "I have to thank my good brother."

It was rare for Lin Xi to thank him so earnestly, but it made Lu Feng a little embarrassed, "Well, sister, why don't you thank me."

He changed his mind and suddenly thought of another person who thanked him. He looked at Lin Xi with a scrutiny attitude, but said in an unusually calm tone, "Li Jingkuo also thanked me for coming, he didn't thank you in person. ?” His words were a temptation.

Li Jingkuo and Lin Xi only met each other, right after Lu Feng finished speaking, but he didn't know, and no one told him.

"I've seen it, thank you." Lin Xi said vaguely after taking a sip of food. I don't know if it was just eating, or because she didn't want this topic to be brought up by her, so she said vaguely.

Lu Feng let out a faint "Oh" and continued, "Sister, tell me the truth, is this your ex-boyfriend???"

There was no emotional ups and downs in Lu Feng's entire speech, just like a normal household routine.

He and Li Jingkuo have no grudges, Li Jingkuo is also good-looking, about the same age as Lin Xihe, and they have been working together in the same place for so long, even if they are ex-boyfriends, Lu Feng doesn't think it's strange.

His entire inner path right now is curiosity. Of course, if Li Jingkuo scumbags his sister, he must avenge Lin Xi or something.

Lin Xi was stunned for a rare moment on that indifferent face, she frowned slightly, "What are you thinking about, you are a friend."

Compared to Lin Xi's rather natural expression, Lu Feng was a little disappointed. At first, he thought that Lin Xi must at least have some ups and downs, because when Li Jingkuo told him at the time, he was not so natural.

Of course, the one who didn't disappoint Lu Feng in the end was Zina.

Her eyes are wide open.

Looking at Lin Xi.

She said, "You have an ex-boyfriend???"

Lin Xi: ".??"

Lu Feng: ".??"

These are all topics that have already ended, and the frightened expression of Zina was brought up again.

Lin Xi pursed her lips, "I've already said that we are friends, why are you two making more fuss than the other?"

Zina looked at Lin Xi questioningly, "Isn't that right, when did you start making friends, or with men?? I don't know if you have friends?

Am I not the only friend you have had since childhood? ? ?

When did you join? ?
It's over, Lin Xi, you're cheating behind my back. "

Zina pointed to Lin Xi and said, her eyes gradually opened wide, it really looked like it. . .Lin Xi went out to find someone behind her back.

Girls are all like this. They are especially possessive when it comes to friends.

It's not that you can only have such an excess as a friend like me, but I've been with Lin Xi for so long, and I haven't seen Lin Xi introduce her to have other friends.

Still a man.

Zina felt that this matter must not be simple.

She opened and closed her mouth, and repeated what she just said, with a bit of aggrieved tone, "It's over, it's over, Lin Xi cheated on me."

Lin Xi gave her a white look, "It's not that Lu Feng cheated on you. Besides, you are my best friend. The word friend has a wide range of meanings."

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