There was still a bit of panting in that voice, and it didn't sound emotional, as if he wasn't surprised by seeing Lu Feng, but it made Lu Feng feel a little familiar for no reason.

Lu Feng didn't know why he felt this way, maybe it was because he had been following him for the longest time among the newly signed male masters in the company.

Lu Feng nodded at him, "You dance very well."

Lu Feng was a little puzzled. In fact, in Li Jingkuo's short video account, there were no videos dedicated to dancing before. They were all some cool clips and cross-dressing videos. When I saw Li Jingkuo dancing today, Lu Feng felt that if he kept dancing Taking this dance route, in fact, the account can do better.

Although dancing is not a field suitable for cashing in, Li Jingkuo's strength is still acceptable.

Going in that direction suits him well.

Let's just say, my wife and sister have praised the man in front of me, but Lu Feng has no ill feeling towards him.

Generally speaking, it is enough to work well, and employees who can make money for themselves are good employees.

It's just that I feel a little sour in my heart, why are you praising him!
Hmm. Zina should be teasing him, what about Lin Xi? ? ?

Hmm. Lu Feng thought about it, what Lin Xi said at the time was that, looking at the draft data two years ago, he felt that Li Jingkuo was the strongest, but because of an internal decision, he didn't enter or leave the Taoist position.

The way her sister spoke at the time was a little regretful, not like she could tell from simply looking at the information.

Seems to be.
Lu Feng had a flash of inspiration.

Shit, he remembered.

Two years ago, when Lin Xi was a junior in college, she did an internship during her vacation, and she worked as a clothing assistant in a talent show.

Lin Xi studied editing and directing, but she hasn't graduated yet and has no career experience. Of course, she doesn't have any opportunities to choose. It's not like being able to participate in the program creation team now.

At that time, she went to practice. It can only be regarded as a part-time job during the holidays. Fuhua assistant, to put it bluntly, is doing odd jobs.
Among them, Lu Feng was able to help out. It was nothing but Lin Xi's test product. After all, Lin Xi had no experience in putting on makeup for others. She has never painted men, and this time the show is all men.

So. Before Lin Xi went to work, the poor little white mouse who helped Lin Xi improve her experience in boy makeup was Lu Feng.

Lu Feng remembered that at that time, he also didn't know what the bottles and cans on the table were, so Lin Xi pulled makeup on, and after one was removed, he painted the next one. Zhou Papi was not so skinny!
It took him several days!At that time, she was still in school, and Lin Xi always took time to do makeup for Lu Feng at the milk tea shop and coffee shop next to the school.

There was no better place to be in the public. Lu Feng thought it was embarrassing, but Lin Xi even told Lu Feng that it was to enhance his on-the-spot reaction and social skills.

In short, it was to temper Lufeng's face.

Thinking about it, Lu Feng thinks that he is so thick-skinned now, maybe it's thanks to Lin Xi's blessing.

Lin Xi was originally a cold person, and her face looked even more arrogant. Lu Feng remembered that after the show ended, Lin Xi was depressed for a long time when she came home. Lu Feng asked her and she didn't elaborate. Well, Lu Feng at that time was still a fishing player anyway, and he didn't think much about it.

Every day at school, besides sleeping and playing, I didn’t have much time to meet Lin Xi, and I didn’t have the brain to explore why Lin Xi was suffering because of something.

Think about it this way.

Lu Feng reacted to the smell.

His sister and Li Jingkuo should know each other, right? ? ?

With a voice, "Thank you, I'm quite unfamiliar, I haven't danced for a long time." Floating over from Li Jingkuo, with a panting voice, interrupted Lu Feng's train of thought.

It was Li Jingkuo who said it.

The response was that Lu Feng just said that he danced beautifully.

Lu Feng thought about those messy things for a long time, and almost forgot the big living person in front of him.

Li Jingkuo walked over to him, with a smile on his lips, and beads of sweat dripping down his neck.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu."

Lu Feng was taken aback, I praised you for dancing beautifully, I just praised you casually, I wouldn't thank you twice.

Lu Feng snorted, and continued, "Huh?? You don't have to be so polite." I said it casually.

This sudden politeness made Lu Feng a little at a loss.

And the second sentence, when he said it, he kept staring at Lu Feng, obviously looking serious, not like he was saying it casually.

There was no one else in the shooting room at this time, just the two of them. Li Jingkuo looked at the man in front of him. He looked about the same age as him, and he had an aura that made people follow and be convinced. Not obtrusive.

But he still remembered that Lu Feng was on the phone at that time, showing him kindness and power, saying that he would give him the opportunity, and within a month, he would become a blogger with a level of tens of millions.

As for Li Jingkuo, he also accidentally wrote that contract, that contract that didn't include any of the conditions that Lu Feng and he said, but he signed the contract in black and white.

"You said at the time that you would tell me the reason when you have time." Li Jingkuo stumbled while speaking.

Lu Feng's appearance was too sudden, and he still had a lot of doubts. He really wanted to hear everything from Lu Feng's mouth, so he asked without any words.

Hearing his question, Lu Feng also realized in an instant, he thanked himself not for the good-looking dance, but for signing him and promising him the debut position, and the tens of millions of Internet celebrities.

Lu Feng smiled, "That's what I said casually at the time."

Li Jingkuo was taken aback for a moment, the color in his eyes darkened a few degrees, thinking, is this person playing tricks on me?In order to make me sign a contract to play me, and then say it outright?
He didn't show his anger, but his voice was obviously a little hoarse, "Mr. Lu, I signed the contract not to stay in the company for five years. A man must be trustworthy when he speaks, right? I signed without saying a word .”

Lu Feng thought, that's because you are stupid.

How could you just sign the contract without fulfilling the contract?

Lu Feng shook his head in his heart, he should recruit more people like this in the future.

Lu Feng smiled and shook his head, "I promise you, I will do it, what I said is, I will meet and talk to you when I have time. This sentence is casual."

Lu Feng's kicking was a way of speaking, which almost scared Li Jingkuo out of his soul.

If it wasn't for Lu Feng agreeing to him so many conditions, no. It can't be said that he agreed to him, he didn't mention it at all. He saw that the contract was coming, and it was Lu Feng who offered him the conditions on his own initiative.

With such superior conditions, he didn't know why Lu Feng would put such a big piece of pie on his head.

It won't be. Let's take a fancy to him.

Li Jingkuo's eyes were unpredictable in front of Lu Feng, ranging from shock to calm to shock.

Lu Feng didn't want to tell him the whole thing at first, but seeing the expression of the person in front of him, Lu Feng still subconsciously said, "Xinghong voted for the star camp, and a few people from our company can go out to the show, this time it's a fan vote mode, so increasing the number of fans for you is more conducive to your debut, but why did you choose to focus on training you?"

What Lu Feng originally wanted to say was that after reading the information, he felt that you were the best in terms of overall strength.

But Lu Feng directly re-spoken and uttered the psychological question in another way.

He looked at Li Jingkuo, fixedly glanced at him a few times, raised his eyebrows and said, "Lin Xi, you say you are strong."

Lu Feng deliberately emphasized the word 'Lin Xi'.

Li Jingkuo obviously heard this name, and his expression was obviously startled.
The pupils dilated in astonishment.

The corners of his mouth twitched, as if he wanted to speak, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

It was Lin Xi who helped him. How did Lin Xi appear here?What is her relationship with Lu Feng?
Li Jingkuo has belonged to other people's children since he was a child. If he simply took the road of learning, his grades would definitely not be bad, but the deviation lies. Although his grades are very good and his brain is still good enough, he just fell in love with him. tune.

I went to country h at the age of 15, and worked as a trainee there for more than four years, but I didn’t choose to make my debut there. After all, it’s very difficult to make a debut in country h, especially because Chinese people don’t have the same treatment as their native people there. good.

How many years of mixing may not be able to wait for a debut position.

By chance, Li Jingkuo returned to Luochuan to participate in the talent show. He was just nineteen that year.

To be precise, it is half a year, just half a year after becoming an adult.

It was a summer.
That program needs to arrange board and lodging practice room, one competition a week, there are two sessions of off-site voting and judges' scoring.

The proportion of off-site voting is not large, because the promotional logo of the program group is to select idols from a professional perspective.

Factors outside the field will affect the correct judgment of the players, it is such a name.

But in fact, of course, it is for the convenience of black box operation.

The contestants include people from entertainment companies and individual trainees like Li Jingkuo.

Each entertainment company will send almost four people.

In this way, they are basically people from the same company occupying a dormitory.

The relationship is also good, because who is used to make a debut and who is here to bind and attract fans, everyone has a little idea in their hearts, so they will not compete, and they will not be so serious in training.

On the other hand, there are not so friendly conditions for getting along with individual trainees.

Either they have their own traffic fan halo and eyes grow on their heads, or they have money from their families to send them out to study for a few years, or they are Internet celebrities who come to attract fans, so they don't get along very well with each other, and they have a competitive relationship .

It belongs to the kind that has lived on the surface.

I met Lin Xi in the one hundred selection sixty promotion competition.

Powder room in the background.

Lin Xi was wearing a simple black half-sleeve and denim shorts that day, her legs were straight and slender, her hair was simply tied back, she was leaning lazily on the edge of the dressing table, she was bored with a sense of just starting a job nervous.

Waiting for the players to come in and make up.

To be honest, makeup is something Lin Xi is not good at.

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