Seeing Lu Feng, Zina didn't seem to want to say more.

Let me just say it first, it's always bad to be holding things back in your heart, she wanted to enlighten Lu Feng, and also wanted to give Lu Feng the greatest support, letting him know that he was not fighting alone.

Although she didn't know if she could help Lu Feng, she wanted Lu Feng to know that she was always by his side supporting him and supporting all his decisions.

"Lufeng, I know that Ai Jiajia's order is very difficult to make, the company's side, my side, your career prospects, including whether you can do a good job of bringing the whole line of goods.

In fact, Lufeng, you don’t have to think so much. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and Ai Jiajia wants us to bring goods across the board, so it’s impossible to set the target at more than one billion. If they sell 50 Wan, it's like letting you create so much value, isn't that a scam?So just do your best and don't leave yourself with regrets.

The company is easy to say, didn't we take the company's account directly when we took the order last time?When accepting private orders, Mr. Wang has given you full control of the company now. When the time comes to sign the contract, don’t accept it in the name of the company. You are not a contracted internet celebrity, and your personal income does not need to be shared with the company. , Just use your personal identity to take this order, even if the netizens want to hack, they won't be able to hack anything.

And now your number of fans is not low, it is almost the same as my original account, I think it is okay.

At that time, I will be a broadcast assistant, and use my account to divert traffic to your side, won't it be enough?Besides, I feel that Mr. Wang knows about Ai Jiajia's order, and he also wants to do it. Didn't he also approve of this order last time?Didn't he also want to help Ai Jiajia?In fact, Mr. Wang is not so philistine. "

Zina opened and closed her lips and talked for a long time, and her lips that were originally moist were a little dry due to what she said.

After she finished speaking, she waited for a long time, and found that Lu Feng was looking at her without saying a word. She frowned, and even the center of her brows tightened a little.

"Lu Feng is talking to you, why are you staring at my face? Is there something? You want to express some opinions?"

The words that Zina said, don't look like they were poured out of the brain, and there was no blunt tone in her tone, but it really made her use up her brains. She thought about it from all angles, thinking a lot and very carefully.

She really wanted to comfort Lu Feng and solve his problems.

But Lu Feng's current attitude made her displeased. Why did he speak seriously there? Lu Feng seemed to be deaf and dumb, and didn't express any opinions?

Lu Feng saw the impatience on Zina's face, and quickly explained, "No, no, Xiao Qi, don't be angry, I haven't lost my mind, I've been listening to you, am I not thinking about what you said? Brain, I think a little too much today, I'm a little stupid, I have to think about it carefully, and I can't express my opinions at will."

Seeing Lu Feng say this, Zina felt a little relieved. Originally, she felt that maybe her idea was not very good, and it was not what Lu Feng wanted to plan, so Lu Feng ignored her.

Hearing what Lu Feng said now, she was still dubious.

After all, how good Lu Feng's brain is, how could she not know?

From the time he first met him, he had shown it. A phone call, just a few minutes, directly cheated his boss and raised his signing fee by hundreds of thousands. He didn't have a lot of money all over his body, but in the face of hundreds of thousands of voices, he still looked normal, without any trace of anxiety.

How fast that brain turns.

He spoke so slowly just now, how could Lu Feng not be able to figure it out.

No matter how bad I can't say anything, I am thinking, and I should say the last sentence first, 'Let me think about it. . '

As for those who are so big-eyed and small-eyed? ? ?
Thinking about it, Lu Feng felt a little neglected, and became a little more angry.

Zina stopped bending over, straightened her waist, and landed on Lu Feng condescendingly. She wanted to see what Lu Feng had to say!
If he really didn't pay attention to what he said, and lost his mind, his sincere consideration for him would really feed the dogs.

Lu Feng sighed, "Xiao Qi, I've listened to everything, and I didn't pay attention to what you said. In fact, I didn't think about what you said. I used my account. Yes, my account has a lot of fans. And I'm not a contracted Internet celebrity in the company, so it won't affect the company, even if some black fans come to hack my account, theoretically speaking, there is no problem, but..."

Zina listened carefully to what Lu Feng said, and suddenly felt something was wrong, the problem of black fans!

In her mind, she subconsciously thought that the quality of the products of this company, Ai Jiajia, was good. Even if it was home clothes like last time, if there were black fans who came to find fault, they would be suppressed. Even if some people could believe their words, Why should those who are irrational care.

But Zina forgot an important issue, that is, even if only one person criticizes Lu Feng, even if they say some lies, they are brainless keyboard warriors, but before Lu Feng didn't want her to fall into the situation of being blackmailed by the sunspots, How could she want Lu Feng to get involved with these people and things like flies.

Before Lu Feng could finish speaking, Zina hurriedly interrupted him, "I didn't think about that. Lu Feng just now, you don't like to show your face very much, and you are not a contract internet celebrity, then Ai Jiajia You asked me to bring the goods, how did I come up with a bad way to let you bring the goods to this list! If the sunspot blackmails you, why not blackmail me!"

The expression on Zina's face was congealed, as if she was having trouble opening her mouth, or she didn't know how to word it so that she had been thinking about what she had just said for a long time, trying to make suggestions for Lu Feng and help him feel relieved, but in the end she just did it. Pull it back if you make a mistake.

Lu Feng wouldn't feel that he was trying to cheat him, he wouldn't accept his own order, and then she would be Lu Feng's assistant broadcaster?
Lufeng also said before that Ai Jiajia is facing delisting, so what is the real reason for delisting?Is it suspected of some illegal issues delisting?
If Lu Feng finished the order and the news of Ai Jiajia's delisting was picked up by netizens, even if Ai Jiajia was basically fine, would the majority of netizens really not call white as black?
At that time, the network environment that Lufeng will face will not only be a problem of blind delivery of goods.

No, she is thinking more and more now, the sentence Lu Feng said that her brain has become a paste, is really reflected in her body, this time she really became a paste, just now Suspecting that Lu Feng hadn't listened carefully to what she said, the more she thought about it, the more she regretted it.

In the end, all the messy thoughts in Zina's mind turned into one sentence, "Lu Feng, just pretend that I'm asleep, I'm in a daze, and I'm still in a dream, nonsense, okay, don't be angry with me, I didn't think Push you out and pick yourself out, Lu Feng."

Zina spoke in such a hurry that the bottom of her eye sockets turned red.

Lu Feng did know what Zina meant, but...he didn't mean that.

He felt distressed and confused at the same time.

Where does this follow.

Seeing that Zina hadn't finished speaking, and wondered how she would condemn her to go down, Lu Feng hurriedly interrupted her, "Wait, Xiao Qi, stop talking, the thing you told me , and what I told you is not a matter of time at all."

He dragged the soles of his feet on the ground, moved the chair towards Zina, and grabbed Zina's hand.

When I grabbed it, I realized that there was a little tremor between the fingers.

Lu Feng took a fixed look at her, and said patiently, "Xiao Qi, just listen to me quietly, I know you are kind enough to give me advice, I'm not that narrow-minded, let's talk about it. I don't feel anything, it's great to be the boss behind the scenes, I don't care about sunspots, I really don't care about this, is there no sunspots among our CP fans? There are too many, just be a fart and let it go.

In fact, the main reason is not this. Although I am not the legal person of the company, and I have no economic contract with the company, theoretically I can bring this batch of goods, and the company can be separated from me without affecting the company.

But. I am now in charge of Xingying. Everyone knows that the last time I brought in Ai Jiajia, it ended up leaving the company's accounts. So, in fact, I am inseparable from Xingying. Yes, anyone can see that it is too self-deprecating.

Xiaoqi, you just think too much, how did you sell me? You said you would use your main account to attract traffic to me, and even serve as a broadcast assistant for me. Does this count as getting yourself out?What a fool you are. "

Lu Feng didn't doubt her intentions at all. Although he said the last sentence in a light tone, teasingly calling her stupid, but this way made Zina feel relieved and completely relieved.

Lu Feng tapped Zina's head twice with his finger, coupled with the sentence, how stupid you are, very pampering.

Zina pursed her lips, she almost wanted to cry just now, she felt that her kindness was almost screwed up by herself, she was very anxious.

Seeing Lu Feng joking with her now, she was in a much better mood, so she hurriedly slapped Lu Feng on the head twice, not to be outdone, feeling that she wasn't strong enough, and matched it with a brainstorm.

The corner of Lu Feng's mouth chuckled, and he said softly, "Silly boy." With a bit of coaxing.

Zina grumbled, she didn't quite agree with this title in her heart, but she said something wrong just now, and now she was even more embarrassed to argue with Lu Feng, so she just stood there and listened quietly to Lu Feng's words.

"Xiaoqi, you have one point. You are right. President Li didn't ask for the quantity of goods. In fact, this time Ai Jiajia's order is even higher than last time.

It’s just that I feel that if Ai Jiajia cannot clear out 80.00% of the goods this time, in fact, it will not be able to solve the key delisting problem they are facing now.

But you're right, you can't set your goals that big.

The impact on the company, in fact, is okay, I mainly consider your side. "

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