The sweet daily life of being chased by a beautiful goddess

Chapter 328: Ai Jiajia brings all kinds of goods?

Having an assistant is really much easier. Although Chi Xiaorou's work ability is not outstanding, she has strong execution ability, good comprehension ability, plus she does things properly. She can solve the things that Lu Feng said step by step. What a nice assistant to have a little of her own subjective opinion.

In addition, Chi Xiaorou is the eldest lady of the Chi family, she has everything she wants, so she came to Lufeng to exercise.

Therefore, it will not happen that the apprentices of the church will starve to death of the master, and they will leave to do what they are against.

Let Chi Xiaorou do a basic research on these merchants and let those Internet celebrities pick them up and promote them, and let them make some money quickly, at least to earn back all the gift money they made.

It is said that the money was spent by Zina, wife's money is also my own money, how can I take advantage of them for nothing.

To sum it up.

Give me all the work to make money!

Lu Feng stretched fiercely, the workload this morning is quite heavy.

There are more and more people under this hand, and the workload will only increase in the future. It is really necessary to train an assistant well, and it is better to use people to make money than to do everything by yourself.

Teach Chi Xiaorou something, make a good relationship, maybe it will be useful in the future.

Although Lu Feng has the ability bonus of a god-level agent on his body, it is not difficult to deal with those work matters, but...however, he is a mortal body, and this kind of workload will always exhaust his body.

Lu Feng sent a message to Zina, but no one replied for a long time, it must be because she was still in bed, he knew how sleepy Zina was.

He slowly got up and went to the kitchen, and made a breakfast for two. It was not troublesome to make breakfast for a few days, two sandwiches and a large serving of soup.

Three, five, and two are done.

Lu Feng swiped his phone while eating breakfast.

Suddenly the green sign on the phone lit up, Lu Feng thought that Zina was awake, but when he clicked on it, it wasn't Zina.

Yes. You count as an old acquaintance, Mr. Li.

Ai Jiajia's President Li.

Ai Jiajia's order Lufeng remembered, that order Lufeng was a very good person, no different from a Bodhisattva descending to earth, the contract he drew up for Ai Jiajia at that time did not have a second one in the industry, and he could not complete the delivery task , Proportional refund, such a large volume of goods, the pit fee is only charged 20.

Lu Feng looked at Ai Jiajia and remembered the contract template he had just sent to Chi Xiaorou.

What a stark contrast.

That's what a real media company that wants to make money in business can offer, pit fee, delivery revenue, including the cost of top-up traffic in the live broadcast room. This is the company's real income.

On the other hand, Ai Jiajia, Lu Feng really did a good person.

Speaking of the opportunity to cooperate with Ai Jiajia, Lu Feng was considered young in this industry at that time, although not long had passed, he was really pure and passionate at that time.

I feel that it is an excellent national brand, and I am squeezed in the corner by other marketing brands that are just pretending to be fake. If I am struggling, I want to help, and I don't care about the issue of income at all.

If it weren't for the system adaptation to send a task, this order would not make much money at all. .

In fact, Lu Feng was quite afraid, the income of 20 yuan was not enough to look at, and it brought little profit to the company.

Ai Jiajia's quality is indeed good, but the brand is not well-known. If it wasn't for the good interaction between Zina and Lu Feng in the live broadcast room, the two of them would have directly brought up the popularity of CP. It's not that easy.

Moreover, the problem of black fans that Lu Feng had been worrying about at the time was not absent. In the comment area of ​​​​Qina, there are still a lot of people who use Zina's random goods. I don't know how much money they have received from others. Three no brand' products.

In the eyes of many netizens, Zina went from a high-end blogger to a low-income blogger.

After that, there are fewer and fewer merchants who come to Qi Na to pick up high-end brands. Otherwise, why would they plan Qi Na's business route to the cp route? Na Duoduo came into contact with her to get closer, and only then did she want to take the CP route.

Black fans have too much influence on the main account, which is also a major reason.

Now Qi Na's main account is looking for some mid-range products, don't think about the first-tier brands, but fortunately, the influence has increased, and the price of the mid-range market has also increased.

But, for Zina's main account, carrying mid-end products affects the overall behavior, so even if the price is increased, it's better not to receive them.

Fortunately, Zina's cp route and the daily account route are going smoothly, so no one can see that there is a big problem with Zina's main account.

In the comment area, Lu Feng also found some positive comments to set the pace, and with the support of Zina's fans, he suppressed those sunspots a little.

If it wasn't for Lu Feng and Qi Na's couple CP business gaining the upper hand, it is estimated that Qi Na would be hacked miserably, and Xing Ying would also be hacked miserably.

Just like a snowball, one wrong step, one wrong step.

If the current Lu Feng were to choose, maybe he would not take the order so selflessly. Although the opposite is a good company, Lu Feng is also a businessman.

Lu Feng is a generous person, but he can't say he is generous. He can be stingy and make money.

After all, they came from poverty.

But for the negative impact of Aijia Canon on the company, he definitely chose the company and signed so many newcomers. Now the company's operations cannot have a single step wrong, and there must be no black spots.

In addition, Ai Jiajia only wants to publicize the quality of the brand. It can be said that they know nothing about marketing. They seem to disdain all kinds of promotion except products, including their company's donations to the country in times of crisis, and their original intention. His patriotic spirit, all kinds of kindness to the company's employees.

They seem to deliberately cover up these bright spots, and they don't take the initiative to reveal a little bit, as if the publicity will pull their holiness to the bottom.

Lu Feng felt that this was very good. He was so sacred in his heart that he didn't leave his name behind when he did good deeds, and he only wanted to do good deeds and did good deeds.

But on Lu Feng, he might not do that.

The world already demands more from good people.

Wicked people can become Buddhas when they put down their butcher knives.

But Lu Feng prefers to tell the truth, if he did it, he did it. Could it be said that what he did is not done?
It is really not conducive to survival in this society if there is no philistine involved.

Not to mention, there are pitfalls and routines everywhere, and a company that is too simple will not be able to survive.

So Ai Jiajia sticks to the old way of thinking, and Lu Feng finds it difficult to succeed.

Regarding the content of Mr. Li's WeChat this time, he roughly understood it.

The text sent by President Li is very long, and it realistically expresses Lufeng's help to their company and so on.

He said this before, if he didn't ask Lu Feng for new questions, he probably wouldn't bring up those previous things.

Sure enough, after a bunch of pleasantries, Mr. Li explained the purpose of his visit this time.

This time it is no longer a single item of home wear products, but wants Lufeng to bring Ai Jiajia's full line of products.

When Lu Feng saw these words, he was going to be stupid.

He has the ability of a god-level economic man and those later-stage abilities, but for the whole line of products, it is not enough at all.

For Lu Feng, it was considered as the last problem, and Ai Jiajia couldn't find a suitable partner if he went to other places. Ai Jiajia should also understand this clearly, so this time they seemed to be looking for someone to consult. However, the price of cooperation with Landwind has been greatly increased.

Give a pit fee of 50 yuan, plus a [-]% commission for all products.

With this price, it is completely possible to find a million-level Internet celebrity. He came to Lufeng because he really believed in Lufeng's ability.

And based on Lufeng's estimate of Ai Jiajia's current corporate profits.

Counting their usual operating costs, the 50, plus the already low-profit income, plus a [-]% commission, can be said to be a desperate move.

Lu Feng's intuition and business sensitivity gave him his first reaction, then Ai Jiajia might be going to be pornographic.

When Lu Feng thought of this, he suddenly felt a little sentimental.

And a little hasty.

How should I put it, Ai Jiajia was considered the first order that Lufeng took over. In the real sense, from field inspections to repeated entanglements, Ai Jiajia successfully completed it after fearing that she would mess it up.

Aside from benefits, Ai Jiajia's step-by-step planning has given him a sense of accomplishment. He also admires Ai Jiajia's corporate philosophy, employee feelings, and patriotic feelings for this company.

Lu Feng originally thought that after those home clothes were sold out, Ai Jiajia's corporate reputation would increase, and everything would develop in a good direction and then all operations would start.

But now, the pit fee of 50 yuan proposed by Ai Jiajia is a 'sky-high figure'.

Seeing it from ordinary people, they would think that Ai Jiajia is profitable for promotion.

But... Only Lu Feng knows that if Ai Jiajia's income is really enough to run the company, and if the promotion can really revitalize the entire company, Ai Jiajia will definitely not come out to promote it again, they will use the money for production on the device.

With such thoughts in mind, and Lu Feng's understanding of Ai Jiajia Enterprise, he didn't even finish his breakfast, he threw down the half sandwich left in his hand and went back to his study.

He turned on the computer and checked the latest situation of Ai Jiajia carefully.

That's what caught my eye.

The news that Ai Jiajia is about to delist.

Aijiajia Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. has had negative asset appreciation for three consecutive years and suffered losses year after year. Its operating conditions no longer meet the listing standards and are facing delisting.

Chairman and corporate legal person Qin Feng was unable to pay off the debts, and was facing bankruptcy liquidation, sale of property, and asset foreclosure.

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