Those few people were also taken aback. They could understand what the man in front of him meant and what he was saying. It was so obvious that he was teaching a few people.

Look at that look, really came to class!

He taught them a lesson!Grass!
What, what is the purpose of your party.

What is the desired result.

I don't know how to preemptive strikes, but I'm not finished here.

This man was really giving them a lesson, they listened clearly, they were all stupid, as if they were poked several times for no reason, it didn't hurt much, but it was extremely insulting.

"Fuck you!" The leading man on the opposite side yelled.

The pitch was so high that it shook people's ears.

The man in the lead came to his senses first. Originally, he was still immersed in the pleasure of treating Lu Feng with his mouth, but in the end he was "criticized" by Lu Feng. It was like teaching him how to do bad things. The fire is big, and the anger is almost dead.

As soon as the man sweared, he ran towards Lu Feng, and he didn't care about it.

One kick is about to kick Lu Feng's lower abdomen, or his target is not the lower abdomen, but the lower part.

Lu Feng smiled, and couldn't help but say a few words to Lu Feng. The opponent is so angry now, this is the result Lu Feng wants. If the opponent is like a few soft persimmons, how can Lu Feng fully display his skills?
With a calm expression, Lu Feng raised his head slightly, and took a kick towards the man's flying kick. He just fixed on the man, kicked the man far away, and kicked him to the back. As if wearing candied haws on the body of the young man, he kicked the two of them to the ground together.

Lu Feng was a little dazed for a moment. It is really true that he can take a kick with such gravity without using much strength in his posture.
He startled himself.

And as this god-level fighting skill wandered through the body, it gradually merged with him. The strength of the previous kick was greater than this time, but the lethality this time was significantly improved. Effortless.

Lu Feng smiled contemptuously, and pointed at the three standing people and the two people lying down, he hooked his fingers together, "Let's go together, trash."

His every word can even echo in this dark alley.

Especially those three words, trash.

The sound is in the ear.

The five people on the opposite side were all furious.

The shallow hatred that could disappear with a few punches from Lu Feng suddenly turned into deep hatred under Lu Feng's sarcasm.

"He's alone, five of us, there's no surveillance here, what are you afraid of!!" The man in the lead kicked himself up on the ground, talking to the people next to him, and added a word of wimp in his heart.

Lu Feng even had an expression of watching the excitement, folded his hands in front of his chest, and said mockingly, "Yes, there is no surveillance here, what are you afraid of, let's go together."

Lu Feng opened his hands, pointed straight at the face of the man on the ground, "Otherwise, I'm bored."

This is an understatement, but the opposite party is full of humiliation.

'Otherwise, I'm not interested, so let's go together. '

'Let's go together. '

How insulting!

He didn't wait until the kid begged for mercy, and he said this.

The few people on the opposite side didn't care anymore, and now their faces are almost turning green.

But this time Lu Feng just talked about it, and didn't wait for a few people to do it first. It's not because of other things, but because they are too ink-stained. Lu Feng felt bored. What a turnoff.

Lu Feng rushed up directly in three steps and two steps. The alley was dark, and the faint light on the ground could not let Lu Feng see the faces of each of them. And how do you know who is who.

He has heard of a method of fighting with more people against fewer people before. The side with fewer people has no advantage. If you want to fight against the person on the opposite side, if you hit the person on the opposite side, and the head is broken, the other people will feel this. People are desperate, so they dare not go up.

But now Lu Feng doesn't need to do this.

He clung to the man closest to him, and slammed his feet hard. He preferred to use his feet rather than his hands. After all, he was also afraid of getting his hands dirty with these flies.

The man didn't even say a word, and was directly kicked to the ground by Lu Feng. Lu Feng wanted to make up his feet, but the person next to him had already come over. Lu Feng kicked him sideways, and the whole person's legs and body showed With an arc of about 130 degrees, it hooked fiercely on the man's chin, then turned around and buckled the other leg on the man's head.

Before the man touched Lu Feng, he was kicked down by Lu Feng's two feet. He was even worse than the previous man. He clutched his chin and head, fell to the corner of the wall, and almost fainted without effort.

Just like that, Lu Feng was only trying his leg strength, and didn't use his full strength.

Lu Feng glanced at the three men who were still standing on the ground, "Why don't you fall down by yourself? I'm tired and I'm too lazy to play with you."

Lu Feng didn't think much about fighting in the first place, so he just had to try this skill, and Lu Feng didn't suffer a lot in this journey. Lu Feng also verbally molested a few people for a long time, so he didn't bother to do it anymore.

The three people who were still standing sat down on the ground in response to Lu Feng's voice.

It's not because other people can see that the man in front of him is very lethal. He didn't even move his hand. It seems that the strength in his body hasn't been fully awakened. He just kicked a few times and killed several people. He got kicked, and his reaction was extremely fast. The two men who got kicked just now basically moved towards Lu Feng at the same time. Lu Feng solved the two of them in a flash.

No one dared to challenge this anymore.

The man in front of him also let go, obviously he didn't want to fight anymore, he just wanted to humiliate them, between being beaten and humiliated, they obviously chose the latter.

Lu Feng looked at the five men who were lying in front of him, raised his lips and smiled, and said lightly, "You really can bend and stretch, you have to put your mind to it."

Lu Feng really likes to lecture these flies, not for anything else, he always feels that these people are not intelligent even if they do bad things, he just wants to talk about them, maybe because he thinks it's fun.

But Lu Feng hadn't finished talking yet.

I saw Zina, who hadn't seen him for a few minutes, ran back by herself and yelled at him.

Lu Feng turned his head and saw a petite woman running over holding a big square wooden stick in her hand. The stick seemed a bit long, making it difficult for the petite woman to run, but it was more like using I did my best.

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