The ghost was still performing its duties, and took another step forward, toward Zina, showing its sharp claws, leaving only a gap of two centimeters close to her face.

Another "ah" ghost cried out.

Zina frowned, no way, this smell is too strong, I really can't cooperate.

Zina turned away and took a side step.

She said bluntly, "Don't scare me, I'm not afraid, just tell me how to get out, I was hired by your boss to work, not to play, the photographers were taken away."

The ghost was stunned, he had never seen such a courageous one.

The npc squeaked for a long time, "Uh, the door is timed. I don't have a key here. I have to stay in this room for 10 minutes before I can open it."

Zina's brush was pulled down, and it was as tight as if it had been coated with paste. She pursed her mouth and said helplessly, "Huh? It's been so long."

"Actually, not long ago, people who are generally dragged in will be afraid for a while, then notice the bed over there and be afraid for a while, and then come out through me to scare them. 10 minutes passed quickly. I have never seen you have the guts It's that big."

The npc staff also seemed a bit innocent and helpless. After all, in this business, if they failed to scare people, they would blame them for failure. If all the tourists were as courageous as the beautiful woman in front of him, he would soon lose his job.

Zina said indifferently, and glanced at the npc who was scratching her hair, "It's okay, it's not very scary, what you're doing is not real enough, and there's nothing scary about knowing it's fake."

Zina walked away from the npc, "How long is it? I didn't calculate the time."

The npc glanced at the phone, "There are still about 5 minutes."

Zina frowned, "So long?" As she spoke, she walked to the iron bed, lifted the quilt from the corner, placed the skeleton inside, and sat down.

Zina glanced at the NPC who was standing there in a daze, she was a little confused, probably didn't know what to do if she didn't want to scare the tourists.

It looks miserable, as soon as Zina arrives, she will lose her job.

Zina pointed to him at the other end of the bed, and said, "Go and sit down, it's tiring to stand in that closet."

The npc was a little dazed when he heard what Zina said. He looked at Zina's face under the warm yellow light. Some dust fell on his face at some point, and there was a lot of blood on his clothes and trousers. On the youthful and beautiful face, there is a bit of broken beauty, morbid beauty, especially when she sits with the skeleton, she really looks like a murderer without blinking an eye.
Sure enough, people cannot be judged by their appearance.The npc thinks so.

Zina's voice seemed to have an irresistible charm, but also had such a sense of distance that people couldn't get close.

The npc followed Zina's voice and sat down.

Zina took out her mobile phone and shook it in the air for a long time. When she got it back again, the signal was still weak, and she couldn't even send a message.

OK, give up.

Zina put down her phone, pursed her mouth, and could only spend time here, there were fine noises in this space, it was a bit boring.

Zina was really bored. She looked at the only living person in the room, the npc sitting next to her.

Zina waved her hand at him, "Hi?", then smiled.

The npc was taken aback for a moment, his eyes wandered for a moment, and he responded, "Yeah."

"How long have you been doing this," Zina said.

Zina was so bored that she chatted with ghosts.

The npc felt happy, staying here every day, living a nine-to-five life, repeating the frightening mechanical life, living a boring life, and dealing with various tourists every day. The big ones are okay, but there are some people who are overly frightened, it is difficult, and they may be beaten. It is really not easy for a beautiful girl, a bold and beautiful girl, to have such a warm moment.

The two chatted for a while, and the door was suddenly opened.

The total time is less than 10 minutes.

It was Xiao He who asked the staff to open the door for Lu Feng. Lu Feng was really worried about Zina. If he was alone in this haunted house, he would definitely not care about staying for a while, but he was afraid of Zina, so he was in a hurry. Then he ran out and found the room where Zina was.


The door panel hit the wall and made a loud noise. The time hadn't come yet, and Zina never expected that Lu Feng would come out early, because she had told the npc just now that she was here for work, and that person didn't give her anything. It means to open the door early.

So when Zina suddenly saw Lu Feng, she was dumbfounded.

The whole person was taken aback.

She thought, Lu Feng found out that she was chatting with an NPC?What would you think?Help, too dead.

Zina thought for only two seconds, then quickly jumped up, threw herself into Lu Feng's arms, her fingertips tightly grasped the fabric of the back of Lu Feng's neck, walked all the way up the back of her neck, and finally The palm fell on the skin of Lu Feng's neck, it was warm, but not wet, it was the temperature from the surface layer of the skin, and it should be accompanied by some anxious heat.

Lu Feng only felt that it was a natural reaction for Zina to be scared, so he hugged her back tightly and stroked her, "It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, I didn't know there was such a program, I didn't think about it." , don't be afraid."

Lu Feng's tone of voice was extremely gentle, and he deliberately accentuated the word "not afraid" a lot in order to give Zina some strength.

Zina's weak and trembling voice came in from Lu Feng's cochlea, "I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Zina seemed to feel that hugging through two layers of clothes was not satisfying, she quickly put down the hand around Lu Feng's neck, and stretched her hand in from the outermost baseball jacket, only separated by a loose The sweater wrapped around Lu Feng's waist, and the body temperature slowly spread to Zina's palm. In this mysterious and terrifying atmosphere, there was a bit more tenderness.

"Xiao Qi, don't be afraid." Lu Feng held the soft hair on the back of Zina's neck.

"Well, stick it."

While talking, Zina pressed her cheek against Lu Feng's chest, like a coquettish kitten, rubbed against his chest, and then again.

It was rare for Zina to show such a delicate moment. Lu Feng smiled, and tightened his hands on her shoulders a little more, and said dotingly, "Well, Tie Tie, Tie Tie."

The npc sitting at the foot of the bed looked at the scene in front of him and felt numb.

Is this still the girl who was like a ghost for a moment in my eyes just now, or that bold girl?
Why is this man so fragile in front of him? If it wasn't for the girl chatting with him just now, he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

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