Qi's father, the corners of his mouth were raised, bringing up a few creases at the corners of his eyes, but he didn't look old. Compared with his actual age, he seemed to be much younger. His eyebrows and eyes were deep, like that of Zina and him There are also some similarities.

It is an advantage to follow him.

Zina withdrew her thoughts and said lightly, "Yes."

A pair of chopsticks was slowly stretching out towards Zina's bowl, and there was still a piece of brightly cooked braised pork in the chopsticks.

Looks like the workmanship is excellent.

It was the smile on the face of the person holding the food opposite, which seemed a bit hypocritical.

"Xiaona eat more meat. Aunt Fu is a good cook. I don't see you often go home for dinner. This time, stay at home for a few more days. Your grandma will come over tomorrow."


The person opposite Zina who was talking to her and smiling at her was the wife her father found after her. In fact, she was three years older than her father, but she was well maintained, and with the development of medical beauty now. , No wrinkles can be seen on the face.

The whole person looks ten years younger than her father, with light makeup on her face, and her body is well-dressed and comfortable. There is a limited-edition luxury necklace around her neck, which is incompatible with the whole body. It shows nobility.

It seemed that the comfortable and decent attire was just an illusion.

But the smile and greeting hanging from the corner of his mouth is a kind of hypocrisy no matter how you look at it.

Zina's mother died of illness. She did not have a complete and happy native family. In fact, it has nothing to do with this woman. Her father has no objection to finding a wife, Zina. When she first came home, Zina's maternal love was vacant. Very dependent, she still remembers that she would blink her small eyes at that time, and call this woman "Mom" in a childish voice with a shy look.
If it weren't for the overwhelming announcements, there would be no words for this woman to attack Qi Na step by step for her own benefit.

Zina was still willing to eat the food she picked up.

Quietly, Zina put the braised pork on the plate aside, and continued to hold the vegetables closest to her, using the most flat tone, as if she was talking to a stranger.

"Thank you, Aunt Jane, I've lost weight recently."

Qi Xiao is not as hypocritical as her mother, she glanced at Zina and said bluntly, "You are not fat."

On the surface, it seems that the half-swallowed body seems to be quizzina's figure, but it is actually saying... You just don't want to eat, my mother made you a dish.

His voice was cold, and he was speaking for her mother.

Qi's father gave Qi Xiao a cold look, "It's not big or small."

Qi Xiao pursed her lips at Qi's father, looked at Qi Na again, smiled, and narrowed her eyes, "Sister, you have a really good figure, you should eat more meat, it doesn't look good if you are too thin."

Zina no longer longed for the warmth given by her family, but she felt a little sad when she looked at her relatives who were related to her by blood, but she looked like an outsider.

Zina didn't chat with them any more, it was just fake greetings and nonsense, she just ate in silence, Zina usually eats very slowly, she likes to taste small sips, Lu Feng usually gives When she cooks, she can't wait to eat for a long time.

But at home, no, this place that had her family but couldn't call it home.

Zina got up, with a faint smile on her face, "I'm full, Dad, eat slowly, I'm going back to my room first."

Zina is very talented in acting, but everyone can see the smile on her face, which is called "smile on the skin but not on the flesh".

She was too lazy to pretend to be with them.

Father Qi looked at her with a kind expression, "Xiaona, you go upstairs to rest for a while, come to my study when you are done."

Father Qi thought about it, and felt that the time to rest was not appropriate. What counted as a rest, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "It's 07:30."

What he said was a declarative sentence, and he gave Zina an accurate timeline, but the tone was more like a discussion, but obviously, Zina didn't have the heart to discuss it with him right now.

"I'm tired, Dad, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Zina looked back, with a slight smile still on the corner of her mouth, but it was a bit formal and polite.

The pattern is like, facing the uncle security guard downstairs, it is a little more unfamiliar.

She straightened her body back and walked slowly towards the stairs.

The villa has three floors in total, and if the basement floor is included, it will be four floors.

In fact, the master bedroom is on the second floor, and the place where Zina is going is on the third floor.

She chose it herself.

She still remembered that before, her room was on the innermost side of the second floor, facing south, and it was the most comfortable existence in the whole villa. There was an artificial lake under the window, which was very clear and clear.

And her parents' room was only an aisle away from her.

She remembers, as a child, countless times when she had nightmares at night, or was afraid to sleep by herself.

She will run to her parents' room by herself. In her memory, her parents' room will never be locked and will not be locked, as if they are waiting for her arrival.

But after getting bigger and bigger, she knew that she could no longer run to that room.

Even if the father who used to touch her head and tell her 'Xiao Na is not afraid' is still there, she can't run over.

Zina walked up, her mind was filled with memories, um, maybe she grew up, even if her mother was there, she would not run over.

What time has taught her, be like a grown-up.

With a "bang", Zina slammed the milky white door shut. In fact, the door is of very good quality, and the door can be closed without using too much force.

Perhaps this is the easiest thing among the few things she can express her emotions.

'Is it impossible for a person not to grow up? ' Zina muttered to herself.

'Is it because when people grow up, no one will hurt them? '

Zina paced, came to the edge of the bed, and lifted up a photo frame. The photo frame was not old and followed the pace of the times. It was newly replaced by Zina, but the photos inside were very old.

A photo that is slowly starting to yellow.

On it was a woman, a quiet and beautiful woman, her face was free from the weather of years, and the words were all quiet and good. She was holding a little girl in her arms, which was Zina.

There is also a line of boys above, 'Xiao Qi, mom will always love you. '

Zina held the photo frame tightly in her hand, and held it tightly on her chest. Could it be that at this time, her mother knew that she would leave, so she wrote the forever
How far is forever, she doesn't know.

According to the speed at which her mother left her, it felt like the word 'forever' might only be a few years.

Zina stroked the words on it with her fingers. It was written with a marker pen, which was a little thick. In fact, her mother's handwriting was pretty good, but if it was too thick, it didn't look so good.

Xiao Qi

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