As soon as Lin Xiumei took a bite, her eyes widened a little, and she looked at Lu Feng with bright eyes, "It's delicious."

Lu Feng looked at Lin Xi expectantly, "Quick, sister, you have a taste too."

Lin Xi and Lu Feng have similar tastes, and they also like spicy food. She took a bite of the boiled pork slices on the table. Originally, she wanted to finish eating to tease Lu Feng. Mouth, the jokes she originally wanted to say were swallowed along with the smooth and tender meat.

"It's delicious."

Lu Feng looked at Lin Xi with a smile and said, "If you like me, do it often."

Lin Xi snorted, "That's about the same. With this skill, you still dare to hide and choke."

Lu Feng smirked and said, "I haven't learned it for long, and I haven't had the nerve to make it. I'm afraid it won't taste good. I'm going to try it boldly."

Whether it should be said or not, Lu Feng always gives people a sunny and refreshing feeling when he smiles. No matter what he says, there is a magic power that makes people trust, and he is very sincere.

Even Lu Feng himself was almost deceived by himself.

His craftsmanship was so-so, he couldn't even fool himself when he looked at the dishes on the table, but everyone believed Lu Feng's sincere expression.

I just think it's because of his high talent. After all, Lu Feng was also a master of learning since he was a child, and he can learn everything quickly.

Zina and Lu Feng were standing by the side watching Lin Xi and Lin Xiumei taste the food together. She felt as if she and Lu Feng had finished together. She was also happy to see the two eating happily.

Lu Feng secretly touched Zina's wrist with his fingers, "Xiao Qi."

Zina looked sideways at Lu Feng, "Huh?"

Lu Feng pointed to the four beets placed together on the table, "I made them for you."

Zina pursed her lips, and the smile on her lips was withdrawn a bit by her. Although she had only seen these dishes when she was in the kitchen, half of the dishes were brought out by her, but listening to Lu Feng To be frank, I couldn't help being happy.

Zina whispered, "Well, I don't need to taste it, everything you cook is delicious."

Lu Feng hummed lightly, and responded in a low voice, "Then don't taste it, just eat more."


The four of us had a wonderful meal together.

Lu Feng kept feeding the three of them vegetables.

Although it is enough to say, but today Lu Feng does not know which string he has made a mistake, he just wants to serve others.

When the system first gave him this culinary skill, to be honest, Lu Feng didn't care much about it, he even felt that this kind of home-style skill was used by the system to make up numbers or to punish him.

At best, it was to promote the happy life between him and Zina, so that Lu Feng could cook more meals to coax Zina.

Lu Feng's thought at the time was that it would be better to give him such crap as more money. If he wants to go out to eat, or find a nanny, why give him this culinary skill? In the case of an old woman who goes to the kitchen every day and gets this implanted skill.

Cooking is like a bodily function deeply implanted in Lu Feng, cooking comes naturally.

Lu Feng really felt that the system was just to punish him, to give him a life of serving others.

But now I see that everyone is happy because of eating the meals he cooked. The family can be so harmonious and happy. It's not just for filling their stomachs, but because of him, they can enjoy every delicious meal. The feeling is really good.

Experience this feeling. Lu Feng suddenly thought of a word, a thousand dollars will not be exchanged.

No amount of money can buy such kindness.

Lin Xiumei smiled, "Xiaofeng, you are really getting better and better, you can do everything."

"Of course, Mom, your son is quick to learn everything. You also experienced my massage technique yesterday. Is it better than that old Chinese doctor?"

Lin Xiumei immediately stopped talking. Before going to bed last night, Lu Feng insisted on giving her a massage. Originally, Lin Xiumei was exhausted from thinking about landing on Lu Feng all day. After running before and after, she couldn't bear to let her son get tired again, but Lu Feng couldn't stand it. Just guarding the door, with the posture of refusing to leave if she doesn't massage like this today, Lin Xiumei can only let him press.

But Lu Feng's craftsmanship is really good.

So now Lin Xiumei didn't dare to answer Lu Feng. If she said yes, wouldn't she be able to go out and press it again.

"Okay, okay, my son is skilled in craftsmanship, but you young people are all busy, and your career is important, so it's fine for mom to go out and press."

"Doesn't it cost money? There is free labor here. Don't worry, mom, the company doesn't have much to do, so I'm not tired."

Lin Xi could see her mother's hesitation at a glance. It was because of that old Chinese medicine doctor that it had nothing to do with money.

Lin Xi looked at Lu Feng and said, "You just have to work hard, why don't you want to spend some money?"

After speaking, he gave Lu Feng a wink.

Of course Lu Feng is not stupid, he was just thinking about taking care of his mother more, thinking that the system gave him such a good skill, it would be a waste if he didn't use it, he didn't think about anything else at all just now, now looking at his sister's eyes, he suddenly I understand.

"How can I, how can I not be willing to spend money on my mother, it's okay, mother, your son is earning a lot now, you can just go out and spend."

With a big wave of Lu Feng's hand, he said the word "consumer" in a chic and unrestrained way, alleviating the embarrassment during the period and bringing the atmosphere back to a harmonious atmosphere.

The family of four had finished their meal, and it was getting late, so they wanted to keep Zina at home.

But Zina answered the phone and said that she had to go home today, not to her apartment, but to her father's.

I didn't keep her.

Lu Feng sent her downstairs and stared blankly at the rear of the car for a while.

In the past few days, I've been staying with Zina, regardless of what I'm doing, I always feel that Zina is nearby, even if Zina is at his house, I just live in his sister's house, and I can't see her at night.

But, he left like that all of a sudden, as if he couldn't breathe the air in the same place, which suddenly made Lu Feng a little melancholy and lost.

Lu Feng lit up a cigarette, and forgot when he bought it. Lu Feng hadn't smoked for a long time, but right now he just wanted to smoke one. He looked at the light blue cigarette case in his hand. It was crushed in the pocket anytime.

While thinking about something, Lu Feng smoked. He had just smoked halfway, and suddenly felt that the cigarette was a bit choking. He threw the remaining half of the cigarette on the ground, and quickly stamped it out with the sole of his shoe.

"It's not that people are gone!"

Lu Feng whispered to himself.

He rolled his big eyes upwards, and suddenly felt like a big girl who just fell in love, which was a bit embarrassing.
Fortunately no one saw it.

There was no dream all night, Lu Feng slept quite comfortably, but was woken up by a phone call in the morning.

Lu Feng stretched lazily, then picked up the phone, "Hello."

"Aren't you up yet?"

Hearing the man's voice on the phone, Lu Feng was a little dazed for a moment, it sounded quite intimate, and it made his scalp go numb for a while, as if it was like waking up a little lover.
Lu Feng picked it up casually, without paying attention to the caller ID on it.

Lu Feng took a look, and found that it was Mr. Wang, um, this tone is indeed Mr. Wang, this kind of numbing and greasy accent with a bit of anticipation, indeed only he can pronounce it.

"Well, Mr. Wang, I just woke up."

There was a chuckle over there, and he asked, "Why are you still called Mr. Wang? Didn't I tell you to change your mouth?"

These few days, the job changes have been quicker, and he was promoted to a partner all at once, which made Lu Feng not quite used to it all of a sudden, so he asked Mr. Wang to make it easy.

"Well, Brother Wang."

Lu Feng smashed his mouth, Mr. Wang is not quite right today, although he usually says he is a little oily, but he shouldn't talk to him in such a coquettish tone.

Lu Feng's intuition told him that Mr. Wang must have asked him for help.

"Feng, today you...arrange a retest. I'll ask Xiaorou to give you the list."


Lu Feng drew a long tail, waiting for Mr. Wang to say the next thing. He knew that Mr. Wang would definitely look for him for more than this.

"I have something to do now, so I have to go there later, or I may not be able to make it through. My sister, please help me take care of it."

Hearing Mr. Wang's hesitant tone, Lu Feng glanced out of the window, and the glare of the sun made him a little uncomfortable, so he withdrew his gaze and stared blankly at the ceiling for a while.

His sister, Wang Xier
Now Lu Feng finally understands the name of Mr. Wang's phone call, is this here to connect?
Lu Feng was afraid that he might be wrong, but he felt that he couldn't be wrong about the little girl, so he hesitated for a while before asking, "Brother Wang, has your sister taken a fancy to me?"

Lu Feng wants to hear one more thing now, don't put gold on your face, Mr. Wang is not at the level of being kind to Lu Feng, but how can he manage the company even if he calls Lu Feng his brother? Well, Lu Feng has no power or influence, if he can do this, he really treats Lu Feng as his own, so if Mr. Wang and his sister really like him, he really doesn't know how to reject her little girl.

Hey, I really blame myself for being so handsome.
Of course, he didn't hear what he wanted to hear.

There was a voice from Mr. Wang, "Yes."

It sounds helpless.

Lu Feng sighed, "Brother Wang, I'm with Zina, your sister. I. I told her that I have a wife, and she is still your sister. I really don't know how to say no."

"I don't know what to do. Let me tell you the truth. She came to me yesterday and kept asking about you. I thought she asked so many questions because she wanted to work with you. , but later found out that was not the case, but I said everything.”

"What did you say?"

"I said you and Zina are not together yet."

Lu Feng choked for a moment. He and Zina were really not together. He told Wang Xi'er that day that he went home to find a wife just to put some pressure on her, so that she wouldn't have any wrong thoughts about him.

What Boss Wang said now suddenly made Lu Feng feel a little guilty. He was left with my wife and the other with my wife, but... he and Zina even made a fake couple the day before yesterday.

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