Hearing Zina's question, Lin Xi said without any hesitation, "Yes."

Zina stared at Lin Xi suspiciously, "Why?"

"The two of you stick together every day, and you still have so many opportunities to meet as a couple. As time goes by, I don't believe that Lu Feng doesn't like you, and"

"And what?"

"Lu Feng himself should really like you."

Zina frowned, leaned back vigorously, raised two fingers, and gestured to the last knuckle of her little finger, looked at Lin Xi, and asked, "Is there such a thing?" Is there a lot?"

This question is too sharp, but it's difficult for Lin Xi. She frowned, and twitched the corners of her lips, "It should be."

Seeing Zina's downcast face instantly, Lin Xi felt that what she said was wrong.

Quickly took Zina's gesturing finger, moved it a position, and lengthened the length a bit, "It should be more."

Following Zina's widening eyebrows, a burst of splashing water made some noises through the wall.

Lin Xi glanced over there, and said to Zina, "I know what Lu Feng should be doing now, he should be taking a shower."

Lu Feng's house is an old house with poor sound insulation, and Lin Xi's next door is the bathroom. As soon as the sound of water came out, she knew that someone must be taking a bath, and at this time, her mother was already asleep, so it must be Lu Feng.

"How do you know? You pressed the camera in the toilet?"

Lin Xi pursed her lips, and gave Zina a look of 'you seem to be sick'.

Then he pointed to the wall on the right, "Listen."

When Zina heard it, the continuous sound of water seemed to be the sound of someone taking a bath.

"Isn't your mother at home?"

Lin Xi pointed to the watch beside the bed, it was past twelve o'clock.

"My mother goes to bed early, it must be Lu Feng, he is a night owl."

Zina nodded and said 'oh'.

The voice was quite flat, but there was a ripple in her heart. She was at Lu Feng's house, and Lu Feng took a bath next door to him. Although Lu Feng had also washed when he was at Zina's house, but listening to the rushing water through a wall Sound, there is always a different feeling, as if Lu Feng is very close to him, very close.

As long as you reach out, you can touch him.

Lin Xi looked at Zina's slightly lowered head, "In a practical sense, you should be considered an ambiguous period?"

The word 'ambiguous' makes people feel embarrassed. Zina pushed Lin Xi and said fiercely, "I don't know."

Lin Xi snapped her fingers, "Ambiguous period. Not bad."

Zina covered her ears with her hands, "Lin Xi, don't keep saying this word."

"I suddenly have a good idea, do you want to hear it?"

Zina glanced at Lin Xi, "Don't be tricky, sister."

"My skin care products are in the bathroom, I'm too lazy to take them, can my brother and sister get them for me?"

Zina's face turned red with wow.

He beat Lin Xi lightly on the shoulder, "Lin Xi, how can I get in when he's inside!"

Lin Xi curled her eyelashes, "Why don't you go in if he's not in there, isn't your good sister adding to the ambiguous atmosphere for you guys?"

"I'm sorry."

"What's so embarrassing, you don't want to take down Lu Feng quickly?"

"I'll just rush in. Lu Feng mustn't be scared. Die."

In fact, Zina didn't say the whole thing, she felt that the person she rushed in to scare wasn't necessarily Lu Feng, but herself.

How could she be ashamed, even if she wanted to get closer to Lu Feng again.

Will this be counterproductive?
"It's okay, there is a curtain in the bathroom, Lu Feng must be pulling the curtain to wash it, you just want to see something when you go in, but you can't see it."


Hearing what Lin Xi said, Zina felt relieved, but...
That's not right, how did Lin Xi know that Lu Feng must be pulling the curtain, didn't he?
Zina looked at Lin Xi with an unbelievable look.

"Could it be that you pressed the camera in the bathroom to know that Lu Feng was taking a shower with the curtains drawn?"

In fact, what Zina really doubted was not this, but whether Lin Xi and Lu Feng were close enough to take a bath together?In other words, Lin Xi can go in and get things casually while Lu Feng is taking a shower.

Even real relatives can't do this, they are both so old, and besides, they are not related by blood, let alone
"I..." Lin Xi pursed her lips, she felt that she could really be pissed off by Zina.

"There is no wet and dry separation area in the bathroom, if you don't pull the curtain to take a shower, the outside will be full of water.

If Lu Feng didn't want the toilet to flood, or wipe the toilet outside after taking a shower, he would definitely have to draw the curtain, and it would be very cold to take a shower without the curtain.

Anyway, I assure you, he must pull the curtain to take a bath! "

Looking at Zina's dazed eyes, it's not over yet.

Lin Xi explained helplessly, "I didn't press the camera. Besides, don't worry, our family has always practiced the family concept of children avoiding their mothers and daughters avoiding their fathers!"

The little bit of jealousy that Zina had suddenly sprouted, as well as the trace of loss in her heart, were instantly wiped out by Lin Xi's words of "children avoid mothers".

She is really her good best friend, she knows what she is thinking, and she hasn't said it directly, so she answered the question from a different angle, and it won't embarrass Zina too much.

Zina couldn't hold back a sneer and laughed, "A son avoids his mother."

Lin Xi smiled, "I should be able to count him as half a mother. After all, he was very good at shopping when he was a child. It's because of my good teaching that he won't learn badly."

Zina laughed and said, "Then I will teach well in the future, can I be a half one too."

"Being his mother? Then you don't want to be his child's mother?"

Zina thought for a while, "It's better for the latter."

"The latter, why don't you go quickly, I've created opportunities for you."


"It's nothing to worry about. Seeing how you are dawdling, I really want to give you a quick push."

Lin Xi said so with his mouth, and his body was very honest. He pushed Zina's waist and pushed her out of bed for a long time, muttering with a smile on his lips.

"Get out of your comfort zone."

Zina reached for the slippers on the floor, "Okay, then you have to pretend to be decent, right?"

"Well, anyway, didn't you tell him that I knew about your couple's contract? Just say I asked you to help me get things."

"It's okay to say that, you have to tell me what to get, otherwise I will be quite dumb when I go in."

"There is a mask on the cabinet above the sink. Take two masks."

Zina nodded slowly, "Okay."

This sound was brisk, but it was more like gritting her teeth. She felt that her feet had become heavy now, and she was a little afraid
Some dare not pass.

Zina stood at the door and pulled the door, her movements were sluggish, as if she could directly meet Lu Feng when she stepped out of the door.

She suddenly turned to look at Lin Xi, "What brand is the mask?"

Lin Xi glanced at her, "Think about it yourself, is the brand important?"

"Tell me one, or I won't feel at ease."

"The one from MJ, the one from the green box, do you want me to make up the script for you?"

"You make it up."

Lin Xi looked at her with the unteachable eyes of a child, "Hey, take it out if you find it, and don't stay in it for too long, it's on the top floor of the cabinet."

"That's fine too."

Lin Xi thought to herself, what can I do, I will wait for my sister to assist my good sister for a while.

Walking out of Lin Xi's bedroom, the lights in the living room and kitchen were turned off, only a beam of light came from the corner of the door in the bathroom.

Zina walked over there step by step.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is as slow as a king
Zina took a deep breath and muttered to herself, "What are you afraid of? I'm going to help Lin Xi get things. I'm going to help her get things. Green mask, green mask."

When people are thinking wildly, as long as they think about one thing over and over again, it will be much better, and it is true.

Zina kept talking about the green mask, and she didn't feel so afraid after all.

Zina curled up her fingers and tapped on the bathroom door.

There was a thump and a thud, and she felt that what she could hear was her heartbeat.

The people inside the door didn't respond, obviously because the sound of the water was too loud, Zina's knock on the door was not noticed.

"Just die."

Zina muttered something to herself.

'Kaba' turned the doorknob.

One step into the bathroom.

The door rattled quite a bit.

This time the person in the bathroom noticed it and called out, "Who is it?"

Hearing it was Lu Feng's voice reassured Zina a lot, it would be even more embarrassing if Aunt Lin was in the bathroom.

Zina said in a low voice, "I"

Lu Feng didn't turn off the water, and the sound of rushing water was ringing in his ears, and he couldn't hear what the people outside were saying clearly.

He turned off the shower, curled up his fingers and opened a gap in the door curtain, and looked outside with his head spread out.

Drops of water hung on the wet hair, slipped off bit by bit, passed through the curtain and hit the ground outside, and the remaining foam at the corner of the ear was still there.

Zina looked at Lu Feng's eyes, which could not be fully opened due to the water mist, were blinking one after another, with a little red in the pupils, looking at her in a blurred state.

Can't help but "ah!"

Hurry up and turn your head away.

He stared at the tiles under his feet.

It seemed that Lu Feng didn't come out with his head poked, but lifted the curtain directly.

"Lu Feng, I, I, Lin Xi asked me to help him get the mask."

Lu Feng was surprised, but he didn't exclaim like Zina, he is a man, so he felt nothing to be ashamed of.

Besides, the person who came was Zina, let alone anything else.

Lu Feng wiped away the mist from his eyes, and his eyes fell on Zina's earlobe, which was facing him because of his sideways face. The color was bright red, quite attractive.

Lu Feng let out a long 'oh', and continued, "Then take it."

He knew that Zina was embarrassed, and his ears were proving it for her.

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