The sweet daily life of being chased by a beautiful goddess

Chapter 218: Crazy Increase in Physique Points

[Ding, in view of the fact that the host and official partner Zina Jiao have completed a wave of daily interaction, now a limited time reward is issued. 】

It turned out that Lu Feng misunderstood this system, which usually only knows to be cheap, and blamed it. The system usually has no business when it comes here, so Lu Feng almost forgot about the limited time rewards of this system.

Lu Feng's mood improved a lot with the naked eye.

The voice is also much softer.

Lu Feng said briskly, "Speak."

[Ding, time-limited task name: 'The most humble people are invincible'.

Within half an hour of the time limit, every time you offend Zina, you can get one point of physical fitness, and every time you get hit by Zina, you can get two physical points, no upper limit. 】

The system quickly finished the task name and task content without sloppiness. After all, it is a posting task, which must be different from the usual time of playing tricks.

Sure enough, this task.
and this name.

'A humble person is invincible. '

No violation.

Lu Feng sat on the unopened toilet, staring at the tiles on the floor, speechless for a long time.

stunned for a long time.

Finally he spoke, with a bit of bewilderment in his calm, "Brother Xing, isn't our system the perfect male god's favorite wife system? Why is there such a task? Is it a mistake?"

[No, Brother Feng, this was just ordered by the higher-ups, how could the higher-ups make a mistake. 】

Lu Feng hesitated for a moment, then said suddenly, "No, this person is so cheap. He has something to do with a fucking perfect male god."

Hearing what Lu Feng said, Su Xing also felt that it made sense, he rubbed his head, thought for a while, and said slowly.

[Maybe, maybe it’s a multi-faceted training, Brother Feng, although the name of this task is not very good, but you have a look. The reward is really good, and it only takes an hour to pass. . 】

Lu Feng nodded dully, the curve of the corner of his mouth was not much better than crying, "Yeah, for a lifetime, you can get over it even if you stand up!"

[That's right, a lifetime is pretty fast, Brother Feng, I've finished this task, I'll leave if I still have something to do. 】


Su Xing's voice became farther and farther away, and after the last word was finished, he left without delay.

If you don't want to do this time-limited task, you don't have to do it.

But this free physique value, can it be said that if you don't want it, you don't want it?
Lu Feng tapped his fingertips on his knees, in fact, this life is going to pass.

Lu Feng sighed deeply, this system is really sick, how much he wants to see him get beaten.

But after thinking about it, Zina beat him quite a lot. Although it wasn't heavy, it was considered a good hit. In fact, it was quite easy to be mean.

Lu Feng got up and was just about to go out, he hesitated for a moment, he had to do all the acting, he turned around and pressed the flush again, and then opened the sliding door of the toilet and walked out.

"Lu Feng, you have a bad stomach? There are medicines upstairs, the ones you bought."

"No, I didn't have a bad stomach. This is a series of normal operations completed by my digestive system."


After listening to Lu Feng's words, Zina couldn't help laughing.

He can pull out such a sentence when going to the toilet, there really is him.

Lu Feng frowned, and Zina smiled.
And suddenly a panel popped up in front of him, it was a timer, and it was recording how long he had left. It turned out that the timer had already started when he was in the toilet.

At this time, 5 minutes have passed.

hemp eggs.

Lu Feng thought to himself, something bad is going on, his natural sense of humor, and this shocking appearance make people feel uneasy at all.

He stroked his hair, what should we do?

He won't make people angry!
Thinking about the countermeasures in his mind, Lu Feng walked straight to sit next to Zina.

On the way, I picked up my mobile phone and opened Baidu to check the strategy there.

Of course, with Lu Feng's ingenuity, of course he wouldn't search for ways to annoy his anxious wife.

He looked up 'Girlfriend's worst behaviors. '

Lu Feng turned his body sideways, dragged his fingers, and buried his face very low, so that Zina couldn't find out.

"Lu Feng."

Zina followed his movements with her eyes, and called him slowly, but Lu Feng didn't answer.

She called out again.

"Lu Feng?"

Lu Feng just looked up, just looked at her, but didn't respond.

He gave Zina a dull look, and then lowered his head back to the phone in just a second.

Zina was stunned for a moment, and felt that Lu Feng went to a toilet and his head was filled with water.

Could this be my dumb groom in the legend?
Was the dumb point tapped by someone?
Although he is usually not very good at talking, but suddenly he stopped talking, really annoying!Besides, didn't we have a good chat just now?
"Lu Feng!"

Zina turned up the volume a little this time, to be precise, it sounded like shouting.

The room was already big, but the sound seemed a little loud in the quiet air.

However, Lu Feng turned away from Zina's line of sight, and secretly smiled, the arc of the corner of his mouth showing a bit of purity.

There was a voice in his head that pleased him.

"Time-limited reward, physical fitness plus one."

"Lu Feng!"

"Time-limited reward, physical fitness plus one."

"Lu Feng!!!!"

"Time limit reward, physical fitness plus two."

As Zina's voice became louder and louder, the sounds of mission rewards rang out one after another in Lu Feng's mind.

Lu Feng looked at the one displayed on Baidu.

([-] things your boyfriend should never do!)
In fact, it is the same as the guide to chasing a wife, it just turns what can be done into what can't be done.

This first one, that is.
Girls are most likely to get angry one point: not answering, like a log in a daze without speaking, commonly known as cold violence.

I've heard it before that no matter it's normal or when they quarrel, girls would rather keep arguing than keep silent between those two people.

This is against the rationality of men, and girls are born with a slightly sensitive nerve.

Seeing these two roars from Zina, Lu Feng knew that this one was indeed effective, but Lu Feng couldn't bear to see Zina's current state.

Who can bear to make his wife sad.

Today is required by the mission, Lu Feng made up his mind in his heart, even if he comes to such a mission in the future.
Maybe you have to pick it up, but you can't use cold violence.

Except for the task, at any time in the future, she can't be treated in this way.

"Little Qi."

Lu Feng turned around and smiled obediently, warm and refreshing, his eyelids slightly lowered, forming a beautiful arc.

Seeing this beautiful face, the unknown anger in Zina's heart instantly improved a lot, and her voice also faded, "Lu Feng, why do you seem to have crashed."

Lu Feng explained, "I was watching something just now, but I was too focused on what you were saying."

"What are you looking at, so focused, show me too."

As Zina was talking, she leaned her head toward Lu Feng, toward the screen of his phone that hadn't been turned off. Just as she was about to take a look, she saw Lu Feng lightly press the side button of the phone, and the screen went black all of a sudden. go down.

"Lu Feng, why don't you show me?"

"Nothing. I just checked some information."

"Then there's nothing to hide."

Zina pursed her lips as she spoke.

Lu Feng hurriedly stuffed the phone into his trousers pocket, thinking about a topic.

"Xiao Qi, where were we talking just now?"

Zina didn't think much, and said casually, "Ah, I just asked you if you agreed to all the dating projects you mentioned just now, and you said yes."

Zina frowned slightly, "What's the matter? Disagree after going to the toilet? It's okay, you can bring up your disagreement. We can discuss it."

Hearing what Lu Feng said, Zina directly corresponded with Lu Feng's investigation of the things on the phone, could it be that Lu Feng just went to check these things?
Are you afraid that you will cheat him?

Lu Feng glanced at the contract on the table, and the corner of his mouth slightly tilted a little. There is nothing to do with this contract, but...he came up with a crazy idea, not bad.

Perfect for time-limited missions.

Lu Feng half-closed his eyes, shifted the eyes that fell on the contract to Zina, and looked straight into her eyes.

The lights in the room were not on, and Lu Feng could completely see his own face in her eyes.

Lu Feng hesitated for a while, and did not move his eyes away from Zina, "I have no objection to anything else, just...the one taking a shower together? Are you serious?"

Lu Feng's tone was a bit romantic, and the light in the living room was not turned on. One sentence made Zina's head buzz, what is it?
take a shower together.
Did you speak your mind?
Zina thought about it carefully. She actually forgot half of what she said just now. She just expressed her thoughts about those dating projects just now, and said whatever came to mind.

Taking a bath together, such an important thing, did you really say it from your own mouth?

After thinking about it for a long time, Zina finally put her memory back together.

Zina yelled angrily, "Lu Feng, what I'm talking about is the kind of public bathhouse! Men's and women's bathrooms are separated, and they can sweat together, and they wear sweat suits! It's not the kind of mandarin duck you think. "

Lu Feng gave a meaningful 'oh'.

[Limited time reward, plus one physical point. 】

Hearing this voice, Lu Feng secretly smiled inwardly, knowing that, if this is the case, Zina will also have a little seizure.

Not angry, but shy.

Lu Feng had been in contact with Zina for a long time, so he naturally knew how to set fire to her.


Lu Feng nodded, looking into Zina's eyes, and said without moving, "I know this, I thought."

Zina pointed to Lu Feng, "Don't tell me, you haven't been there since you were young."

"I've been."

Zina suddenly said, "Then you still..."

Lu Feng raised his eyes slightly, and gave a smirk.

"I know, but I don't know what you think. I think you've charged such a high price. Maybe you should have some special programs for this dating project, otherwise you will be at a disadvantage."

"Lu Feng!!!"

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