Just as Lu Feng stepped out, Xiao Wu glanced at his phone and stopped him from behind.

"Brother Feng, it's a bit late to go back to the company at this point, Mr. Wang has gone home."

It turned out that it was past eight o'clock in the evening before I knew it.

Lu Feng looked at his phone, "Well, it's really getting late, Mr. Wang should have left long ago, I'd better go find Mr. Wang tomorrow."

"Then it's time for dinner."

Xiao Wu covered his stomach, feeling a little hungry.

"Eat, eat, wait for me to do it."

Originally, Lu Feng was still thinking about it. After Xiao Wu came home, he and Zina would have a candlelight dinner, and then he would think about his idea.

But now.
It seems that there is no such opportunity.

Xiao Wu waited here for a long time, it's not good for people to leave without even having dinner.

Xiao Wu followed Lu Feng who was walking towards the kitchen, rolled up his arms and sleeves and said, "Brother Feng, let me help you."

Lu Feng teased, "Yes?"

"People who love to eat, how can they not cook something."

"Very good, take a look at what's in the refrigerator, what do you want to eat, you prepare the dishes."

"Okay, I've been walking around before, and there are a lot of things I want to eat in the refrigerator!"

After a while, Lu Feng and Xiao Wu cooked the meal together.

Xiao Wu's ability to strike is really good.

Lu Feng thought, it would be great if Zina accompanied him to complete this.

"Xiao Wu, serve out the dishes, I'll ask Zina to eat."

"Okay, Brother Feng, leave it to me."

Just as Lu Feng walked out a few steps, he suddenly thought of something and turned to Xiao Wu and said, "Would you like to heat up a little more?"

Xiao Wu stared at Lu Feng, "Brother Feng, don't you ask the question knowingly."

"Our CP is very hot now. When we eat together later, you can record a video, highlighting when you are eating, and then you can focus on it."

Xiao Wuxin understood and said, "Focus on patting you to bring some traffic to my video?"

"Ruzi can be taught!"

Xiao Wu pursed his lips, "Brother Feng, you are really a chicken thief. My eating video should focus on it. You want me to shoot you two."

Lu Feng pretended to be aggrieved and said, "Fuck, my small thoughts were discovered so easily by you?"

"Tch, Brother Feng, your small thoughts are too easy to be discovered. I think you just want to hurt a single dog constantly. Hey, the softest part of my heart!" The little general clenched his fists and punched gestures on his chest, like a non-physical performance of himself with a knife barrel.

Lu Feng said proudly, "Stop acting, stop! Don't you want the free traffic? Then I'll find someone else to shoot, hmph!"

"Oh, I'll just complain, I know Brother Feng treats me the best."

"Okay, let's take a good shot, and I will try to get you some more interactions in a while, so that the popularity of your video will increase."

"Brother Feng, you seem to be trying to kill someone with a knife."

"That's the wrong word to use."

"Brother Feng, try this dish quickly, I think you forgot to add salt just now."

Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, "Impossible, I... How could my top culinary skills make such a low-level mistake.

Before Lu Feng could finish his words, a potato stick was stretched out from Xiao Wu's side and it was put into Lu Feng's mouth accurately.

Lu Feng chewed two mouthfuls of the potato sticks in his mouth, swallowed them all at once, and said speechlessly, "What are you doing, obviously?"

While he was talking, he watched Xiao Wu winking over there, as if something was wrong.

Lu Feng felt carefully, the sound of small footsteps behind him reminded him why Xiao Wu did what he did here.

Lu Feng reacted quickly, and grabbed the plate from Xiao Wu's hand with one hand, "Indeed. It seems that maybe there is no salt."

Only a faint voice came from behind, "What are you talking about here, who do you want to kill with a knife?"

Lu Feng twitched the corners of his lips, smiled softly, and turned to Zina, "You misheard Xiao Qi, you borrowed a knife to kill fish, Xiao Wu said just now that he wanted to eat fish, I asked him to go downstairs and borrow a knife, Those few in your house are not suitable for killing."

Xiao Wu glanced at Lu Feng in a daze, "Brother Feng, how did you say such a far-fetched reason?" '

Zina gave Lu Feng a deflated look, "No, there is no live fish in my house for you to kill."

"Yeah, there's no live fish at home, so... don't eat it."

Zina smiled lightly, "Even if there are fish, it's not good to borrow a knife from the neighbor's house. The neighbors have to call the police."

Lu Feng responded, "That's right, that's why I stopped eating."

Zina gave Lu Feng a blank look, and said helplessly, "Lu Feng, don't talk about it, what the hell were you talking about just now, what are you talking about killing fish and chickens! It's too far-fetched."

Oh, it turned out that Zina didn't believe Lu Feng's words at all.

Fortunately, if you believe this, you will probably be half stupid.

"Hahaha, so you didn't believe me."

"A fool would believe your nonsense. What kind of bad idea are you discussing behind my back?"

Lu Feng thought for a while, then freed up a finger, pointed at Xiao Wu, and said, "It's not me, it's Xiao Wu, he wants to use our CP traffic!"

Zina was stunned for a moment, "Ah? What's going on?"

"that is."

"Xiao Wu wants to be a food blogger. He didn't have a lot of traffic when he first started his account, and then he wanted the two of us to appear on camera and shoot videos with him, so as to drive traffic to his account."

Xiao Wu: "."

My dear brother, isn't that your idea?

How did it become my idea.

Good guy, it turned out that I was the one who borrowed a knife to kill me! ! !

"That's it."

"Is it okay Xiao Qi, if not, I will reject Xiao Wu."

Xiao Wu, "."

I'm not right here. Is it really okay to let me block the gun like this in front of me?
Sister Nana will think that I kidnapped her morally.

Even if she wanted to refuse, she was too embarrassed to refuse.

Lu Feng also thought of this point, there was no other way, his wife was about to kidnap her.

Zina was notoriously soft-hearted, how could she reject a fat guy who worked hard and made progress? Lu Feng also took a fancy to this.

Another thing is that Zina wanted to tie up CP fans, and Lu Feng knew that she would definitely agree.

"Okay, pat, pat, what theme to shoot? I will cooperate with you."

Seeing that Zina agreed, Lu Feng put the things in his hand on the table. Qi Na said, looking a little shy and embarrassed, "Xiao Qi, Xiao Wu said he had a good idea, so let's When the time comes, sit across from Xiao Wu, and then he first takes a video of him eating, and inadvertently turns the camera to us. The scene at that time was just...you feed me, and then I finish eating, and I will feed you again, Then, you feed me back again, and then the plot will come, you accidentally rubbed the soup of the food onto the corner of my mouth."

"Then I wiped it for you? This plot is boring, many people have filmed it."

Lu Feng said vaguely, "Yeah, this plot is a bit old-fashioned, so...Xiao Wu's idea is."

Zina slightly curled her eyelashes, looking directly at Lu Feng with a little embarrassment, and slowly said, "Isn't this the plot? It won't be. It won't be. Could it be that you let me lick off the corner of your mouth."

Lu Feng feigned embarrassment, and nodded his head, "Uh, Xiao Wu's script is this, it's really a bit too much, why don't we wipe it out."

"I can do whatever. Xiaowu's video is up to Xiaowu. I don't express my opinion. I'm helping him anyway."

I saw a cute and weak little fat man standing two meters away from the two of them.

There are two dishes in his hand.

The eyes of the whole person were wide open, looking at the two people in front of them, coquettish and shy, the whole person was numb.

Xiao Wu: 'I'm really the one chosen by the heavens to take the blame!Brother Feng, did you keep me here just for this moment?

Such a disgusting plot, I have to say that I thought of it!
I'm just a cute little fat guy, it's too much to ask me to eat dog food every day, and now I'm going to take the blame! '

Xiao Wu and the two people in front of him looked at each other.

They seem to be waiting for Xiao Wu to finalize the script.

Xiao Wu didn't know what to do, what did Zina's last sentence mean?
Is she embarrassed to refuse, or is she looking forward to the script?

Xiao Wu held back for a long time, not knowing what to say.

Being stared at by two people made him very nervous.

Xiao Wu looked at Lu Feng, his eyes were filled with calls for help.

Unexpectedly, Lu Feng let go of his grind and killed the donkey, his eyes kept rolling around, and he didn't want to respond to him at all.

Zina was similar, after she met Xiao Wu's eyes, her eyes kept fixed on the ground.

'Help, such a problem'

After thinking for a long time, Xiao Wu said slowly, "Or, let's eat normally."

The voice was full of embarrassment, embarrassment, and bewilderment.

Who would have thought that the two people in front of them would blurt out at the same time.



Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, but why did Zina also shouted, "No way. Could it be that she is satisfied with the script she thought of?"
Lu Feng looked sideways at Zina, and said slowly, "Xiao Qi..."

"Ah? I..." Zina blurted out.

Now I don't know how to answer Lu Feng.

"Um, um, it seems a little too rusty if we just eat. We are now the official CP in the eyes of fans. If we are too unfamiliar under the camera, CP fans will see the flaws."

"Oh." Lu Feng said if he felt lost.

Hey, Zina really only cares about CP fans.

Lu Feng's eyes flicked between Zina and Xiao Wu a few times, and he said seriously, "Why don't you change the script, don't be so intimate, and don't eat dryly, just the two of us will pick up food from each other, hey, hey, eat Yes, in this way, take a warm direction.

how about it? "

"I'm fine, you two can decide." Zina said as she walked towards the dining table and sat down at the seat on the back, apparently reserved a seat for Lu Feng.

After Zina finished responding to Lu Feng, Lu Feng looked at Xiao Wu and said, "She can do it, and you! What do you think of this script?"

Xiao Wu pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty, "I can do it too."

Xiao Wu also walked towards the dining table. On the way, he turned around and threw one to Lu Feng, "Brother Feng, you can really trick my eyes."

Lu Feng returned a look, and wrote a few large characters, "Eating people with short mouths!"

The script is finally set.

Lu Feng also happily sat next to Zina.

This is the second time the two have sat together to eat.

The first time was at Lu Feng's house.

All when there are people. .

When there is no one else, the two of them are face to face.

It's better if two people sit on one side, so that they have the feeling of a young couple in a passionate love period.

Xiao Wu just picked up a piece of food, put it in his mouth, looked at Lu Fengdao, "Brother Feng, do you want to shoot now?"

"Shooting after eating, it's too fake to shoot a video without moving."


Xiao Wu's chopsticks were just placed on the tomato scrambled eggs on the table, but they were pushed away by Lu Feng all of a sudden, and pushed to the position in front of Zina.

Besides this dish, there are several sweet dishes, all of which were replaced by Lu Feng.

"Xiao Qi, these dishes are sweet, you should eat more, they are specially made for you, I also put more sugar."

"Okay." Zina picked up a piece and chewed it in small mouthfuls, "Mmm, it's really sweet."

"Eat at ease, I put sugar substitutes, it's not easy to gain weight."

"The heart is really careful."

Xiao Wu's chopsticks were hanging in the air, muttering in his heart, "It's obviously sour!"

Just as the chopsticks were about to be placed on the plate of spicy fried chicken, they were pushed away by Zina and brought to Lu Feng's eyes, "You like spicy food, you should eat more of this."

Lu Feng took a piece and put it in his mouth, "It's delicious."

"How can you praise yourself so much, Wang Po sells melons."

"Xiao Qi, you should try this too. The spicy ingredients I have for this dish are those used in cold snacks. It has a slight numbness, not too spicy, but also a little sweet. You can like it. "

Zina tentatively took a small bite and put it in her mouth, "Well, it's really not very spicy, but it has a numb fragrance."

Xiao Wu straightened his lips, ah!Save him, the sour smell of love!
After dinner, Lu Feng and Xiao Wu left Zina's house together.

"Show me the video, how did it go?"

"Don't worry, Brother Feng, the protagonists are you two."

"you got me!"

"Brother Feng, you two are like that. Are you still not together?"

"What's wrong?"

"I've watched all the hot videos, kissing and hugging. Haven't really been together yet, or...you two just enjoy getting along like this?"

Lu Feng shook his head, "Hey, Zina just wants to keep CP fans, she just wants traffic, I understand her.

However, our relationship is getting better and better, and it is estimated that we are not far from the fake show. "

From the family relationship, all the way to the CP relationship, this speed is not slow.

Xiao Wu pursed his lips, no matter how they looked, they didn't look like fakes.

Lu Feng looked directly at Xiao Wu, and said seriously, "Don't talk nonsense about this matter."

Xiao Wu made a zigzag gesture on his lips, "Understood Brother Feng, my mouth is tight."

Lu Feng handed Xiao Wu's cell phone back to him.

Xiao Wudao, "How was Brother Feng's filming?"

"It was shot very well."

"I knew it, I knew it, I still have a bit of talent in making videos."

Lu Feng pursed his lips, "It's a good shot, don't do it again next time. Send me the video, I'll fix it and send it back to you."

"Brother Feng, you are so out of breath when you speak, you are really speechless."

Lu Feng complained, "I was speechless enough when you filmed that thing, the video is reflective, it's like a layer of lard was smeared on our faces, it's too ugly.

You did a great job of taking pictures of yourself! "

Xiao Wu looked at the video on his phone. Lu Feng said that he hadn't noticed before that the photos he took of Lu Feng and Zina were full of flaws. He said embarrassedly, "Well, I'm more skilled at taking pictures of myself."

"I'll go back and fix it."

"Brother Feng, remember to fix it for me too."

"Got it, I'll make you a handsome guy!"

"That won't work. I can't lose my original features. My fans should still like my little face."

"Not bad, I'm beginning to know how to pay attention to personal characteristics."

Lu Feng got into the car and returned to his home.

There is no traffic at night, but the distance is really not close, and it took a lot of effort.

This task is completed, and the system's account should be settled.

At Zina's house just now, Lu Feng was afraid that he would be stuck there all the time when he was talking to the system, as if the whole person had crashed, so he might as well go home patiently and ask.

With this money, he can change a house, and he can't wait.

Lu Feng looked at the 1.8-meter bed under him that he could barely straighten his legs.

Eagerly called out the system.

"System, system, system."

No one responded to him for a long time.

Lu Feng was a little puzzled, logically speaking, the task was completed, the system shouldn't take the initiative to announce the completion of the task to him, and send him the money.

How is the current efficiency getting slower and slower.

It's okay not to declare completion.

Even when he took the initiative to ask the system to come out, no one responded.

Lu Feng yelled again impatiently, "System, system, system, where did you go?"

A messy sound came from Lu Feng's mind. Hearing the sound, it seemed like he was singing K?

[Ding, Brother Feng, I'm here.

What's wrong, what's the matter! 】

Lu Feng glanced blankly at the ceiling, "Are you in .KTV?"

[Holy shit, Brother Feng, your ears are really good, why don't you get off work, I'll come out to play. 】

"You off work! You off work
What class do you go to work? Isn't it my customer service? I didn't see you solve the problem for me. "

[Brother Feng, do you have any questions to ask me during the day? 】

Lu Feng was at a loss for words for a while, he really had nothing to look for during the day to find the system.

"My mission is completed today, when will you call me the money?"

The system opened a light blue electronic interface, [Brother Feng, my side shows that it has not been fully completed. I should wait for the review team. I am afraid that there will be suspicion of swiping the order. Wait until tomorrow, and I will check the progress of the task. 】


Shit, it turns out that swiping bills still needs to be tested. If you are strict enough, you know that money is not so easy to earn.

Originally, Lu Feng thought that the amount of orders was not enough, so he went up and handed in the task, but fortunately he didn't go to the order.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me? Is there really an audit? Although the money is usually given but not the source, the speed is still ok.

Could it be waiting until tomorrow, even if the finance department is not at work, and you won't pay me the bill? "

[No, no, Brother Feng, trust me! 】

"It's been recorded. I've recorded the story of you secretly drinking and singing in ktv. If you don't give me a proper fix, I'll let your wife listen to it."

The system pouted, [Brother Feng, you are really inhumane, you were not like this before, after all, I paid by mistake. 】

"Tch, you paid by mistake. I was obviously afraid that you would be inhumane. You are hitting me back."

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