The sweet daily life of being chased by a beautiful goddess

Chapter 142: Lu Feng's Little Temperament

Li also smiled at Lu Feng. She already had a charming look, but she looked even more alluring with this smile. She put her body in an S-shape and leaned against the edge of the sofa.

The distance between Li Ye and Lu Feng was not too close, but Lu Feng subconsciously moved closer to the side farther away from her.

Li also looked at his half-step back, and said, "Zina hasn't come back for so long, why don't you go look for her?" His tone was half a smile but not a smile.

Lu Feng thought in his heart, I can't even go if you say that, you clearly want to break us up and get me!
Lu Feng pursed his lips, and pulled at her in embarrassment, originally wanting to say, 'Never mind your business. '

After thinking about it for a while, he still said, "I guess she'll be back soon."

Li also raised his eyebrows, "If you don't go, I can go. I haven't come back for so long. I'm afraid she's not safe." While talking, his body also stood up from the armrest of the sofa.

'Tread the horse! '

'The scumbag sea king is going to find my wife! '

'My heart must be suffocating! '

After hearing what she said, Lu Feng hurriedly stood up, and gave her a stagnant gesture, "You rest, I'll go find her myself."

He walked to the restroom hall and looked around, but he didn't see Zina's figure, and then yelled at the door of the women's toilet, "Qina, are you in there?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced in the direction of the rest area. In the dim environment, the light reflected from the mobile phone hit a girl's face with a relaxed posture, typing something on the keyboard with both hands quickly.

There was a smile on the corner of his lips, as if he was talking about something happy, this person is not Zina!

Lu Feng stood sideways on the edge of the door frame, poking out one eye, watching her every move.

The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became. Her mobile phone is clearly powered, and she can clearly read the phone!

Zina must have received the message he sent!

I'm so angry, it's obvious that I'm annoyed by him, so I shouldn't have come to her!

Suddenly there was a gust of cool wind behind him, Lu Feng felt someone slapped behind him suddenly, he was startled, turned his head and said in shock, "Grass! Who is it!"

Lu Feng is not in a good mood right now, and being suddenly taken aback by someone, he not only swears loudly, but also speaks loudly.

This sound startled Zhou Qi behind him. He held his chest and said, "You have eaten gunpowder! Aren't you quite happy just now, uncle is here?"

Lu Feng rolled his eyes at him, "Why did you come to me? Didn't you go to He Qin?"

Zhou Qi pointed in the direction of the women's restroom, "I'm not waiting for her to come, brother, let's go first, you and Zina have a good time."

With a snicker, Zhou Qi deliberately emphasized the word "fun".

Lu Feng rolled his eyes, took a few breaths from his nose, "Have fun!"

Zhou Qi didn't look out just now, and then he noticed the direction where Lu Feng's perspective fell. Zina was sitting there, and he frowned, with the corners of his mouth drooping down, and he said helplessly, "No need, you This is how prey is treated to this extent? Are you hiding here and peeking at other people's houses, waiting for her to find you?"

Zhou Qi tugged at Lu Feng's body and pulled him outward, "Go, I'm anxious to see you!"

Lu Feng froze, refusing to go out, "Go and do your work, Chunxiao is worth a thousand dollars, don't worry about me, I won't go to her anymore! But remind you, He Qin is not a good person, you Take it when you see it!"

"I know, I know, I won't make such low-level mistakes!" Zhou Qi said halfway, when he saw Lu Feng walking towards the direction of their card packs in the arena.

Zhou Qi was a little confused by Lu Feng's sudden behavior. People are clearly in front of him, so it's not like being a little sheep.

He got angry when he saw Lu Feng, Zhou Qi thought for a while, and prepared to help Lu Feng.

He tugged on Lu Feng's neck collar and grabbed Lu Feng.

Lu Feng said angrily, "You must be sick. You drag it"

Before Lu Feng could finish his sentence, Zhou Qi raised his voice and yelled on the spot, "Lu Feng, you're here to find Zina! I saw her, so sit in the rest area!"

Zhou Qi's voice can be heard in a radius of ten miles, let alone Zina who is not far away.

Lu Feng turned his head and glared at him, then slowly turned his head to look in Zina's direction.

Sure enough, Zina heard it and looked up at him.

He felt that the flash in Zina's eyes was not surprise, but anxiety.
They were all seen, and Lu Feng couldn't run away. He pursed the corners of his mouth into a straight line, laughed more awkwardly than crying, and walked towards Zina.

Zina herself was sitting here waiting for Lu Feng to come to her, and she felt joyful when she saw his figure appearing in front of her.

She was even more anxious and apprehensive!
Lu Feng's appearance was so sudden, her fingers were still on the message she sent with Lin Xi, the message "Just know, my sister will send it for me"

She took a quick look, what made Lin Xi send it?

'Just tell him, I vomited just now and I'm resting in the rest area. This party is very important, so I can't leave in a hurry. Let him keep me from drinking later! '

Zina looked at the messages on her phone, and then at Lu Feng who was walking over.

The message I sent to Lin Xi was just sent, and Lin Xi should have not sent it in time, which means that Lu Feng came here by himself.

The eye sockets of the person who vomited should be flushed and groggy.

She looked at herself again, the whole person seemed to be sitting here relaxed, and she didn't feel a little uncomfortable and needed to be picked up.

Originally, she planned to let Lin Xi finish sending the message, and then she secretly pretended to be in a daze from drinking, and put on a good pose to collapse on the sofa.

Pretending to be drunk, he saw Lu Feng take him down in one fell swoop with the strength of alcohol.

Lu Feng's appearance was so inopportune, if he received that message, he would definitely be able to see that nothing was wrong with him.

It's over, it's over!
People are getting closer!

"Xiao Qi, are you okay, why have you been here for so long?" Lu Feng walked towards her seat.

But Zina just glanced at him, then lowered her head on the phone again, and as Lu Feng approached, she almost pressed her face into the phone.

Fingers quickly tapped Lin Xi on the keyboard: Lu Feng, here it comes, don't post, don't post, the one I edited for you in the last article. Don't send it to him!

Even though Lu Feng was not very happy, his heart softened when he saw Zina, and he spoke to her very gently, hey!Even if you don’t reply to your own information, even if you come to nightclubs in the middle of the night
But my wife has to give in after all!
But at this moment, Lu Feng's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley.

Hmm. He came to look for her, and put aside all the sentimental things in his heart. He only wanted to care if she was not feeling well after drinking, and if she was in danger.

But what about Zina, even when he came over, she was still playing with her mobile phone, and when she saw that gesture, she was sending a message to someone else.

Lu Feng walked up to Zina and didn't sit down for a long time, and didn't say another word to her. Zina pressed the side button of the phone, and the screen went black, then raised her eyes and said to Lu Feng, "You're here."

Even in the dim environment without the light of the mobile phone to look at her, Lu Feng could see the meaning in her eyes through the dim yellow light above her head.

There is no trace of happiness.

Lu Feng took a deep look at her, smiled coldly, and thought in his heart, how much she didn't want to see him at this moment!
There must be more important people in the phone, so I stayed in this clean place to send messages to people, and didn't even reply to my own messages.

"You're here."

Doesn't this mean that I shouldn't come?

Lu Feng said lightly, "Come to the bathroom, I'll go back first!"

Lu Feng turned around and left, leaving behind only Zina who said in a long voice, "Lu Feng."

Little Lu Feng is also human, how could he have no temper at all!
He is unhappy now, very unhappy, hey. But his wife can't let it go, he is not walking fast, but he will never turn back, he is waiting for Zina to chase him!
After walking a few steps, there was a vibrating sound from the phone.

Lu Feng hummed in his heart, it's useless for you to send me a message, it's too late, unless you run over to hug me now and kiss me twice, I can barely forgive you!
But his hand has already pulled out the phone disobediently, and he focused his eyes on the message on the screen.

He was puzzled for a moment, but it didn't belong to Zina, it belonged to his sister.

right!Lin Xi's hands were too fast. After Zina just finished saying "she vomited, ask Lu Feng to help stop the drink", she had already sent the message to Lu Feng, and after 2 minutes, she couldn't even withdraw it. .

That's why when Lu Feng stood beside Zina, Zina looked at him with that embarrassing look, of course he didn't know about it.

He watched the news, and his body was fixed in place, with question marks in his mind.

She vomited and asked him to help stop the drink
Lin Xi had also said before that she was asked to take care of Zina, but she was not familiar with Zina at that time.

Now he and Zina are getting more and more familiar, and the two of them are in the same place!
Why didn't Zina take the initiative to send him a message when it was her sister?

Lu Feng thought for a while, what kind of family? Didn't Zina still treat him the same way? What's the use of binding this relationship, secretly telling Lin Xi that she vomited and drank too much, and then Lin Xi came to let him help.

It made it seem that Lin Xi and her belonged to the same family, and he looked like an outsider!
Lu Feng complained fiercely in his heart, "You're on a horse!"You two go over!I'm the puppet hero used to pass the trial in Lily's novel, right? '

Lu Feng stayed where he was, and replied to Lin Xi's news, the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and he quickly typed on the keyboard: Forget it, sister, I don't think she really wants to see me.

We are in the same place, and her meeting today is also for our work. She can't drink anymore, so she has no embarrassment to tell me.

It's not a shame to vomit, she can go around and tell you without telling me, maybe she doesn't really want me to know.

Besides, she didn't want to take me there today, and she didn't reply to my message, so she probably regarded me as an outsider. .

If you are worried, you can take care of her yourself! ! !

Lin Xi was lying comfortably on the bed, eating snacks and chasing TV dramas, and was watching the bloodiest part of the family drama.

Seeing the two messages from Zina and Lu Feng on her mobile phone, she took a big sip of water and calmed down.

These two people are not in a good relationship, but every day, they let her, a single dog, come to assist her. It's really not a good thing to talk to them.

Lin Xi glanced at Zina's note first: Lu Feng said he stopped by to go to the toilet and left, should I go after him?Is he in a bad mood!

She gave a big kick, and typed on the keyboard with her fingers: "Is he in a good mood!"How would I know when I ride a horse!I haven't seen him all day!

Lin Xi calmed down a little, deleted the message she just typed out, and edited it again, still be gentle to her good sister.

Lin Xi: You hold back for now, he sent me a message, I'll see what's going on with him first!

The moment Lin Xi opened Lu Feng's message, Lin Xi was stunned, and even his eyes began to lose focus.

She felt that her mobile phone suddenly changed from an iPhone 12 to an iPhone 80
Lu Feng sent over a densely packed long text, black as a group of ants.
In short, it is an old lady's foot wrap, smelly and long.

Lin Xi thought speechlessly, 'Just tell you that she vomited, take care of her, and help her stop drinking!How did you come up with so many words. '

'Playing emo with the two of us in the middle of the night! '

It's not the first time Lin Xi has received this kind of long text, but it's basically the kind of net suppressing cloud text that a little girl can only send out when she's broken in love.

She never dreamed that this kind of long-winded speech could come out of her brother's mouth.

She stared at Lu Feng's dialogue box, which was typing, swayed for a long time, and rolled her eyes at the ceiling. Is there another word like this?
Lin Xi thought for a while, did Lu Feng have too much work pressure and suffered from the legendary jade disease?

Lin Xi read Lu Feng's 'composition' through with the vision that his younger brother would be rescued even if he was dying of illness.

'I got the feeling she didn't really want to see me. '

'Probably don't really want me to know. '

'Probably treat me as an outsider. '

Lu Feng didn't mention sadness in every word, but every word showed sadness.

Lin Xi made a swallowing movement, tried hard to digest what Lu Feng said, and arranged and combined them in his brain.

oh!I see!She realized it!

'Treat him as an outsider! '

What is the relationship between Zina and Lu Feng now?Yes. Family!
Lu Feng didn't have any biological parents in the first place, and his blood relatives all disappeared long ago.

He has a deep attachment to his family!
So. From Lu Feng's point of view, Zina, who is Lu Feng's family, doesn't tell him anything, which makes him feel alienated.

How could such a naive boy like Lu Feng know that all of this was fake, and that Zina just wanted to do his girlfriend's business?
So he is like a hedgehog, showing his hard thorns, which is a kind of self-protection?
Lin Xi tapped on the keyboard quickly, thinking about how to make up a reasonable message. She was so tired, and she couldn't tell Lu Feng directly, and she had to solve the negative emotions in his heart now.

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