The sweet daily life of being chased by a beautiful goddess

Chapter 136: Shocking the scum girl for a lifetime

Zhou Qi's face was solemn, and the air around him seemed to be condensed, "Did you come here through time travel? What kind of 100 million a day sign-in system did you get?
You are not the real Lu Feng!Lu Feng should be a stingy king. Ever since you offered to treat me, I have seen something wrong with you. What have you done to my brother?who are you? "

Zhou Qi's words really startled Lu Feng, his face darkened, and after thinking about it carefully, the second part of what Zhou Qi said was correct, Lu Feng in this world grew up from a young age, and he couldn't get a few out of his pockets. A word, it's not picky, it's because I really don't have money, so I won't be so generous.

Lu Feng looked deeply at Zhou Qi, his good brother, can he tell the truth to Zhou Qi?
To be honest, he has experienced such a mysterious thing, and he has always kept it in his heart. Sometimes he can't help but think that someone can know what he went through.

But...Will Zhou Qi keep the secret for him or...hand over Lu Feng to some scientific research institute.

He wanted to try it out, and if there were any bad results, he would say that he drank too much.

Lu Feng sat upright, frowned slightly, and said solemnly, "I came here through time travel, I"

Before Lu Feng could finish speaking, Zhou Qi only heard a 'puh-bah' laugh, "You are panting when you say you are fat, tell me honestly, are you close to a rich woman!"

Lu Feng licked his nose, uh. Sure enough, this kind of thing would not be taken seriously even if it was said, because his brain was short-circuited for a moment when he was poked at the center, and he almost forgot. Zhou Qi likes such serious jokes.

Lu Feng said in a long voice helplessly, "It's not right that I don't have what you think, brother, I said I am."

Zhou Qi took a meaningful look at Bi Xian who was next to Lu Feng, and then patted Lu Feng on the shoulder vigorously, "Damn! I understand! You are next to a man, no wonder, no wonder you haven't had a girlfriend for so many years." , you are."

Lu Feng gave Zhou Qi a blank look, what did he say? Don't look at Bi Xianyi's sleek clothes, like a rich second generation, but his whole body is full of A, even if it's the two of them There is a sugar daddy among them, and he must be Bi Xian and Lu Feng.

Zhou Qi put his hands on his chest, showing shy resistance, "Say it quickly! Have you been thinking about me for so many years!"


Seeing Zhou Qi's expression and what he said, Lu Feng laughed angrily, and he hit Zhou Qi vigorously, "I'm going to hell, are you sick! I've said it all, Sheng Job, promotion, bonus, bonus, what are you thinking about!"

Zhou Qi also relaxed his body, followed Lu Feng with a laugh and raised his eyebrows, "How about it, my acting skills are pretty good now, isn't my stunned and bewildered expression just striking?"

'Am I acting well now? '

After Zhou Qi finished speaking, Lu Feng remembered that Zhou Qi and Lu Feng had the same major, but he didn't like to do new media. He likes acting, and his dream is to be an actor, or the kind of real acting school.

But he is not well-known, so he was not wanted in the production team for interviews. Thanks to him, he liked to practice martial arts since he was a child. After practicing for more than ten years, he has a good foundation and a strong body. He changed his way to do martial arts in the production team. As a stand-in, I went out to pick up jobs as soon as I had time during college.

I want to accumulate more contacts, so that I can act something that really belongs to me, instead of always acting as a stand-in for those traffic stars who want acting skills or professional skills.

I have worked in a lot of production crews, and the hard work of several years has not been in vain. Now I am considered a young actor who is far away from the tenth line, and usually plays small roles such as male four male five.

I really didn't expect him to have acting skills with Lu Fengbiao as soon as he came here.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Lufeng counterattacked, hooked his finger on his chin, and joked, "Actually, you are right, I have known you for so many years, and I haven't found a girlfriend. Do you understand what I mean?"

The sound hit his ears, and Zhou Qi's eyes nearly fell out of fright.

Zhou Qi put his hands together and begged for mercy, "Brother Feng! I was wrong! I dare not make fun of your sexual orientation anymore. You pretend to be too similar. I beg you, please stop disgusting me."

The guests in the surrounding seats looked at Lu Feng and his table, and gradually became stunned.

"Fuck! A love triangle between men?"

"It's good to be good-looking, and you can even go both ways."

Lu Feng put his hand down, "I won't tease you anymore, let me introduce you, this friend I just met is Bi Xian."

Zhou Qi and Bi Xian shook hands, the two nodded to each other and introduced themselves.

Bi Xian glanced in the direction of the card he was sitting on before, "That... brother. I'll go back first."

Lu Feng also followed the direction of Bi Xian's gaze to look at the card he was sitting in before. Ten small people were sitting in a card bag that could only accommodate five or six people, and there was not much wine on the table. A few friends chipped in to open it.

"Well, you can go back to accompany your friends. You can bring a few friends over for a drink. Anyway, my friend and I are just two people. It would be interesting to have more people. You are welcome, and we can't finish drinking so much."

Lu Feng didn't mention the crowded table and lack of wine, and his tone was relaxed and casual. It really seemed like the two of them were bored drinking, which was enough for Bi Xian to save face.

Bi Xian responded with a smile, "Okay, thank you brother."

After Bi Xian left, Lu Feng and Zhou Qi also started chatting about everything.

He Qin drank a few sips of wine with other guests, and then walked back to Lu Feng's table. She hadn't dared to come over since she was shocked.

But as Lu Feng is a big client, she had to come over and have a look.

She had already made enough mental preparations, but she didn't expect that the scene she saw was that the man who whispered to Lu Feng was changed!
From a puppy to a tough guy straight away!
She felt that she was high enough.

But, in front of Lu Feng, she didn't seem to notice her rank.

Lu Feng was able to sit on the same seat with two men on both sides!

What the hell!

Now she has no intention of catching Lu Feng at all, and even wants to ask Lu Feng some tricks
He Qin came to Lufeng's table, nodded to the newcomer Zhou Qi, picked up his glass and said, "I wish you two a happy time at BOS."

Then he drank the bitter and hot wine in one gulp.

Lu Feng smiled and clinked glasses in the air, and gestured to Zhou Qi again, and drank down the wine.

Lu Feng doesn't care what kind of person he is in the eyes of others, he can get rid of a scum girl with a few words and a single action. Or to solve the eyes that are coveted by girls in the whole arena today, it can't be better .

As an actor, Zhou Qi's usual job is to hone his acting skills and analyze people's facial expressions. He can see the understanding expression cast by He Qin at a glance.

He called out for help in his heart, 'Your horse!This girl took me for a bend! '

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