There are three product pictures, each with nine photos, Lufeng has handled the details one by one while retaining the original realism.

The sense of light created in the picture has greatly improved the saturation of the color of the clothing, and there is no color difference.

Lu Feng looked at his finished picture and smiled brightly, it's really good, it will definitely sell well!
After finishing the picture, he looked at Zina's daily fan comments.

The top comments are all waiting for Zina to bring the goods, as well as the CP fans of the two of them.

But there are also a few black fans mixed in, but the words written are very harsh.

'Heh, heh heh. Hey Yoyo. I'm too anxious to bring the goods. The first video taught fans not to dress up when doing housework, and the second video can't wait to start bringing the goods. '

This looks like an old hermaphrodite.

Lu Feng glanced at it with disdain, then scrolled down.

'Get out of here, the account should be closed, you're bringing a brand you've never heard of, and you're even making a co-branded item, you really think you're a celebrity, designer?Garbage!Roll out the sound. '

'Ugly, tacky, under the banner of high quality, how much do you charge for such a cheap thing? '

A friendly soldier stubbornly helped Zina speak among the black fans, "Nana has never brought goods, but every time she brings goods is the best of the best, I feel that Nana will not let everyone down. "

Lu Feng turned down again, gritted his teeth while looking at the words below.

"Seeing so many people scolding you, I feel relieved. Flies don't bite seamless eggs, so why are so many people just scolding you! Think about what you have done, right?
Anyway, I won't buy it, so I turned off the garbage! "

'Flies don't bite seamless eggs' 'Why do so many people just scold you'

This is the theory of blaming the victim, Lu Feng didn't feel the slightest when he saw this kind of words when he had never experienced it.

Even when he sees other people trying to refute by saying this, he still feels that it is quite meaningless, let them say what they say, the reaction is so urgent, why are they so impatient, earning a share of the burden? Crime, there is no such easy industry.

But when the matter fell on him, he really felt that the degree of damage that words can cause is so high.

He couldn't help laughing at himself, it turned out that he was so ignorant.

Looking at that line, every word, every expression, he felt as if he was being pulled hard in his heart.

Lu Feng yelled viciously, opening his pupils wide, "Fuck you, a fly is a fly, how can a fly not land? Flies are disgusting and people can blame them? A bunch of idiots, have you ever studied?
Just grab a keyboard and feel like you can conquer the world, don't you? "

He clenched his fists, opened the accounts of these people, and took a look. Among these black fans, only a few were real accounts, and the others were not only private accounts, but also a bunch of new accounts. ?
Scrolling down, Lu Feng originally thought that there were only a few people like this, but unexpectedly, there are a lot of sailors on the list!
His eyes seemed to be on fire, to delete the comment?Deleting comments will only attract more voices, and a blogger who does not allow multiple voices will lose a lot of popularity!

Buy a navy with the people behind it?If it is exposed, Zina's account and her goddess image will be abolished!
Lu Feng hammered the table vigorously, and there was an echo in the originally quiet room!

He stared at the computer screen, and suddenly had a bad feeling, he saw these words, then Zina must have seen them too.

He knew that although Zina was strong on the outside, she was a very soft girl on the inside.

When she used to be a high-end account, she neither promoted blindly, but also favored fans, and the relationship with fans has always been harmonious and friendly.

And since Lu Feng came, he tossed Zina, told her to take the cheap route, and asked her to bring goods to a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Lu Feng followed the hair on his forehead and ruthlessly ran it backwards, pressing his blunt fingertips on his scalp.

He thought regretfully in his heart
'If he hadn't come, Zina wouldn't have suffered so much scolding! '

'If he hadn't come, Zina wouldn't have taken this route, isn't it good to take the high-end line?She doesn't lack that promotional money! '

'If he hadn't come.'

He bit his lower lip bitterly, leaving a deep mark on the corner of his lips, he felt that he shouldn't have come!

In his last life, he accomplished nothing, and in this life he has nothing.

He wants to do a big thing, he wants to benefit the society and save the established enterprises, he is anxious to prove that he is a useful person, and wash away his decades of mediocrity and incompetence.

Why does he want to become stronger? Why did Razina go into the water!
Taking a new route is bound to take away other people's cakes, and they are being targeted.

Is it a similar Internet celebrity?Or similar brands?

Lu Feng didn't know, it was hidden too deep, and it couldn't be seen from the few sailors.

With all kinds of skills, he originally thought that he was invincible and could do everything well.

Being able to chat and laugh happily with people who used to be superior in his eyes and with a higher status than him also made him more and more conceited.

But now he is very powerless.

He can become a top talent in every industry, but he can't stop a group of empty words!
His god-level agent skills are very strong, but what he can provide him is only how to maximize his benefits.

Um. Take advantage of the situation, the darker and the redder. After all the products are sold, the negative comments can be minimized. You can also buy notices everywhere to promote Ai Jiajia's corporate culture and corporate contribution, and create the best for Zina. character set.

These things, his awesome skills are reminding him.

But he can't do it, and he doesn't want to do that. He has never been a cunning businessman who cares only for profit.

Zina doesn't care about these false names either.

Ai Jiajia didn't want people to know the good things they did secretly.

Skills have no heart and emotion, skills can only make him a strong person in the field, nothing more.

He understands that even if he has a system, he needs to grow by himself, maybe this is a heart-pounding trial.

Lu Feng put his elbows on the table, covered his eyes with his hands, and took a deep breath. His hands exposed to the air were cold, and he covered his slightly hot eyes, trying to cool himself down.

He covered his hot cheeks and rubbed them vigorously twice. Feelings of grievance, powerlessness, and self-blame poured into the softest part of his heart. He stared at a spot on the computer screen and muttered softly, "I'm sorry. Wife, I'm sorry wife, I didn't protect you well"

Lu Feng held up his mobile phone, he smiled helplessly. Even the mobile phone was bought for him by Zina.
He looked at Zina's dialog box and the messages he had sent with Zina in the past few days. Every day, Zina was concerned about his physical condition.

It gets sadder and sadder.

With trembling fingers, he sent a message to Zina, "Xiao Qi, what are you doing, I have something to tell you."

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