There are no eternal enemies and no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

If business does not pursue profit, everything will cease.As a businessman, the pursuit of interests is fundamental. A real businessman will generally not lose more vested interests because of the lost interests, except for very few businessmen who lose their minds.

Liang Jinghong himself is a very smart person. Being assassinated repeatedly made him panic, angry, and a little depressed. All kinds of negative emotions accumulated in his heart made him lose his calm judgment. After listening to Qin Yang's analysis, he felt enlightened This is what the so-called authorities are obsessed with and bystanders cleared up.

The door of the private room was pushed open, and Axiu walked in from the outside with a serious face. She walked up to Liang Jinghong, bowed her head and whispered softly for a while, her voice was very soft and fast, only a table away Qin Yang was stunned and didn't hear half of the sentence clearly. After Axiu finished whispering, he also stood up and said, "Brother Liang, I'm going back first if I don't have anything to do."

Liang Jinghong also stood up, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Let's go together, let Axiu drive you back, do you have time tomorrow?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Tomorrow and weekend, I usually have time, but I will sleep in."

Liang Jinghong laughed and said, "Okay, then let's go fishing on Huxin Island in the afternoon."

Qin Yang shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm really not interested in fishing, and eating fish is fine."

Liang Jinghong said with a smile: "There are many big fish in the waters around the island in the center of the lake. Every time Lao Lu and I go fishing, we will have a good harvest. The pickled fish made by Lao Lu's family is a must. Every time Lao Lu and I If you catch a big fish, you will have a meal."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Then I can go, where will we meet tomorrow?"

Liang Jinghong said: "Tomorrow at one o'clock in the afternoon, when you come to the gate of our community, I will bring all the fishing gear and so on, so you don't have to drive, as long as people come."

"Okay, I'll be there on time."

Qin Yang grinned and walked towards the door of the private room.


The scorching sun in April felt a little hot, and the white thorns were a little dazzling.

There are mountains, water and lush vegetation on the island in the middle of the lake. There are several villas and a small pier on the island. The owner of one of the villas is an old friend of Liang Jinghong, and the entire island in the middle of the lake is rented by his old friend. In 70, with a total of [-] mu, he planned to develop this island in the middle of the lake into a resort integrating catering and entertainment. His preferred partner was Lao Liang.

There are many wild rabbits scattered on the island, and these bastards are not afraid of people. When fishing, a fat hare ran to the foot of the recliner where Qin Yang was sitting to enjoy the shade. He put down his fishing rod and reached out to catch it. Who knew that the hare reacted faster , retreated back and turned around, ran to a clump of weeds, stopped and turned around to take a look, and jumped into the clump of weeds.

"You son of a bitch, you run so fast!"

Qin Yang gritted his teeth and cursed with a depressed face, and he could vaguely see those round red eyes in his mind, and there seemed to be a little bit of contempt in the eyes.

"Haha! The wild rabbits on the island have no natural enemies, and they are already overrun. If you have the ability, you can go catch them and catch a few for a tooth sacrifice tonight." Liang Jinghong burst into laughter, turned to look at Axiu, and asked in a low voice: "Ah Xiu, do you have anything on you that can hit rabbits?"

Axiu said blankly, "I brought a pistol. The rabbits on the island are easy to catch, so I don't need a gun."

Qin Yang's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand to pick up the fishing rod, took off the fishing line and held it in his hand, and ran towards the weeds where the hare was fleeing, and soon disappeared.


With a low cry, Lu Sheng raised his pole to stab the fish. The pole bent into a bow with a slight click, and the fishing line cut the water surface with a chirping sound. It was obvious that a big fish had taken the bait. This fish was struggling desperately in the water, trying to break free from the deadly hook.

"This fish is not small, let's take a walk first, and I will copy the fish for you."

Liang Jinghong got up and took the copying net and ran to the water's edge to copy the fish in high spirits, forgetting Brother Qin's whereabouts for a while.

Lu Sheng held the end of the fishing rod tightly with both hands and raised it above his head. He used his dark strength to control the direction of the fishing line and walked the fish in a figure-eight shape. His eyes firmly locked on the junction between the fishing line and the water surface. After ten minutes, the exhausted big fish showed its back and was dragged by the fishing line to slowly swim to the shore.

Liang Jinghong, who had been standing on the shore for a long time, finally seized the opportunity. He took the big fish into the net and pulled it to the shore. It was a big wild herring, which weighed at least fifteen catties by visual inspection. If it was a farmed herring The weight is not a big deal, but it is rare in the wild. This kind of fish eats snails and shellfish in the water. It is not easy to grow to this size. There is a saying that the fish is so big that it cannot be stewed in a pot.

A wild big green came into the care, and the two old friends looked at each other and laughed.

"Look, Xiao Qin has caught a hare."

Han Qin cheered and raised her finger to the front left. The two old friends turned their heads and looked in the direction of her finger. They saw Qin Yang walking through the bushes behind the wild grass with two big fat hares in his arms. When they came out, the two hares seemed to have resigned themselves to their fate, only occasionally kicking their hind legs to prove that they were still alive.

Qin Yang carried the hare to the reclining chair, and put the rabbit down casually. Others found that the rabbit's limbs were tied together with fishing lines. Even if they were thrown on the ground, they couldn't escape. gourmet food.

Han Qin walked over with a smile and looked at the two hares at close range, and said, "Xiao Qin, how did you catch this rabbit? Lao Lu just caught a big fish and you caught two rabbits. It seems that we have good luck tonight." Heck!"

Qin Yang scratched his head and said: "I made some slings with fishing line and put them on the road with fresh rabbit droppings, and put some tender grass that rabbits like to eat. I didn't expect to get harvest so soon. There are too many rabbits!"

The vegetation on the island in the center of the lake is luxuriant, and the free-range wild rabbits have no natural enemies, and the breeding speed is very fast. Just now, thinking of trying it out, Qin Yang made a few slings with a double-strand fishing line and put them on the road the rabbits often walk. Four hares were caught within ten minutes. He selected two fatter male rabbits, and released the remaining two hares.

"The island is stocked with European hares. There have been too many hares in the past two years. If this continues, it will cause serious damage to the plants on the island. If you catch two, you can count as helping my old friend..."

Liang Jinghong had just finished speaking, when he suddenly heard a gunshot from a distance, his legs trembled in fright, and he instinctively shrank his head back.

Axiu rushed forward and blocked Liang Jinghong with her body. This move made Qin Yang secretly praise him. This is the best bodyguard. The immediate reaction was to block the employer with her body. It's worth how much money you spend on a bodyguard.

"The gunshot just now sounded like earthen guns used for hunting birds in the countryside. You stay where you are, and I'll go over and have a look."

Qin Yang explained casually, and ran towards the direction of the gunshots.

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