"I saw it from a book before, but it was so damaged that even half of the volume was gone."

Chu Jie replied.

Zhao Li listened carefully, relying on his sharp ears to discern that the other party was not lying.

"Did your family buy it from somewhere else?"

"No, it was handed down from our family. I heard that it has been passed down for several generations. However, it was lost for a while due to the war. When it was found, there were only a few chapters left. The contents were all methods of robbing tombs. .”

Chu Jie seemed extremely perverse this time, and answered Zhao Li's questions well.


Zhao Li nodded in response and did not continue the chat.

"Sure enough, I said, how could Chu Jie know these things, and he was so calm, I read it from books after a long time."

"It's just half a bottle of water dangling around. I put it where I read a few pages. Look at our teacher Zhao, who knows everything and is not as high-profile as him."

"Where did they pretend? Now they will be scolded for taking out things that save people. What do you want him to do? Who are these people?"

"I was upset with him before. He obviously didn't know much better than us, but he just pretended to be very flirtatious and didn't catch anyone's attention. Now, let's show his true colors in front of Mr. Zhao. Let's see how he pretends."

"What's not eye-catching? Who are you? People have to look up to you. Young Master Chu's attitude towards Mr. Zhao is obvious to all. Isn't that enough respect to answer Mr. Zhao's questions obediently?"

"These are some methods of tomb robbery. I don't know if they have used them. If they have used them, maybe the Chu family has committed a crime."

"Please keyboard warriors, please be sober. People have said that it is a broken chapter. How could it be possible to rob a tomb, and if you spit blood without evidence, you will be accused of defamation."

After listening to Chu Jie's words, the netizens finally found the place to attack him and started bombarding him indiscriminately.

Although these netizens were happy, Chu Jie didn't care much about these contents, but his father Chu Yao was so angry that he was half dead.

My own precious son was reluctant to say, how could it be their turn to criticize like this.

"All of them are banned for me, and their accounts are blocked for me."

Chu Yao put pressure on the upper echelon of the TV station, and the director executed it very quickly.

Zhao Li listened to Chu Jie's part of the content in the book, which was quite similar to the content recorded in "Faqiu Jiqiaolu", the secretary of General Faqiu Zhonglang.

However, this book has not been distributed systematically, and he just heard it from another world, so he is not sure whether it is reliable or not.

But one thing is certain, Chu Jie's family should have a great relationship with Faqiu's faction.

Thinking about it, Zhao Li thought of Chu Jie's previous performance, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

It is definitely not a long-term solution to fight alone here by myself. It would be a good idea if I could take a few apprentices together.

After all, the world of tomb robbers is really dying of talent now, and it would be unrealistic to rely on him to revive it alone.

But don't act hastily, it's better to find out Chu Jie's life experience first.

Seeing Zhao Li closing his eyes to rest, Chu Jie knew that he had consumed a lot of energy this time.

So even he was curious about whether Zhao Li could get any answers from it, but he still didn't ask. After all, the road was still long and there would be opportunities in the future, so he obediently retreated to his position.

The experts in the archaeological academy saw that everyone in the ear room was very tired, and began to discuss whether to continue walking.

"It's so dangerous to enter here, so don't go any further."

"Maybe there are many traps in the front, but the back is not dangerous."

"How can there be such a saying? The further you go inside, the closer you are to the main tomb. The owner of the tomb will definitely take stricter precautions."

"This Zhao Li is the hope of our archaeological community, it cannot be ruined by this archaeology."

"But Mr. Zhao won't agree to go back like this. Didn't he also be rejected before?"

Although they had good intentions in this discussion, it was doomed to be fruitless. After all, the current initiative was in Zhao Li's hands.

Xiao Lu fell asleep not long after everyone rested.

Everyone thought he was too tired, so they didn't care about it.

It wasn't until he started to groan that the companion next to him noticed that something was wrong. He went to check on him and found that Xiao Lu had a fever.

At first, he thought it was because Xiao Lu was frightened and attacked by Hanba, so he took some antipyretics from the medicine box and fed them to Xiao Lu.

Zhao Li was not alarmed. After a while, the team members next to him heard Xiao Lu start to yell some incomprehensible words in a daze.

They discussed calling Zhao Li over, but then remembered that Zhao Li said not to disturb him during the break.

They thought it was just a fever anyway, and there was no other illness, so they thought it shouldn't be a big deal, so they wanted to come to Professor Li first, and whispered to him:

"Teacher, Xiao Lu has a fever. It's quite serious. You should go and have a look."

"Fever? What's going on?"

When Professor Li heard that his student had a problem, he couldn't sit still, so he hurried over and touched his forehead.

"Are you sure you have a fever? Why didn't I feel it?"

Professor Li asked with a puzzled look.

"Ah, it's impossible."

The archaeological team member who called him over put his hand on Xiao Lu's forehead again, and sure enough, it wasn't hot anymore, and it was even a little cold.

"This student named Xiao Lu is so pitiful. He was inexplicably used as food just now, and was attacked again, and now he has made such a weird thing."

"Could it be just a little cold? It didn't take long for the body to heal itself."

"That won't be so fast, it's only been a few minutes, and this little Lu doesn't look like his physique can be so good."

"Isn't it infected by the virus on that monster? That's why there are such weird signs."

"Although I agree with your point of view subjectively, Xiao Lu doesn't seem to have any wounds on his body. Can the virus spread?"

"Please, learn more medical knowledge. There are many ways of transmission, and it doesn't have to be a wound."

Netizens were already a bit bored because they were resting here, and now something happened to make them excited.

"It was so hot just now, how could it become like this? It's impossible."

The archaeologist said hurriedly.

"Teacher, I didn't lie to you, I really had a fever just now."

"Don't worry, I believe you, did Xiao Lu have any other symptoms besides fever?"

Professor Li knows that his students have nothing to do and will not joke.

"Well, he was just talking nonsense, don't come here, etc., and didn't hear the rest clearly."

The archaeologists stammered.

"Maybe the previous fever-reducing medicine worked?"

Some archaeological team members said that now they can only say some reasonable reasons to comfort themselves.

"Go and rest first, I'll stay here for a while to see if there's any problem."

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