"Can you continue to attack people even if you cut off your head?"

Everyone couldn't help sweating their palms when they heard this. No wonder Zhao Li had to make up every time he cut off a snake's head. It turned out that he was afraid of the giant-eyed snake's counterattack.

But after thinking about it, they felt very lucky. If it wasn't for Zhao Li being here, even if they could really kill these snakes, they would suffer because of this characteristic.

"Mr. Zhao, why did they react so strongly when they saw the light of the flashlight just now?"

The archaeologists took their small notebooks and seriously asked questions.

"The snakes here have always been in the dark, and they are extremely sensitive to light. In addition, the sarcoids on their heads are also very resistant to light, and just now they were opened to the maximum for an instant. Naturally, it has an impact on them. will get bigger."

Zhao Li explained.

"Hurry up and write down all these. This is of great significance for us to supplement biological data."

Not only was Professor Li delighted to hear it, but even Professor Xu, who was watching the live broadcast, slapped the table excitedly.

The student next to him looked at the slightly sunken wooden table, and couldn't help but mourn for this antique that had been used for nearly 50 years. His teacher didn't feel sorry for it at all.

In fact, Professor Xu didn't care at all, as long as Zhao Li could be recruited into the School of Biology, he would be willing to smash the 100-year-old wooden table.

"Maybe these are all going to be incorporated into the teaching materials."

Professor Gao looked at Zhao Li's introduction of this snake with a lot of emotion, and the archaeological cause that had been silent for a hundred years finally ushered in the dawn.

It is obviously not enough for these team members to experience it first-hand. Professor Gao immediately asked all the professors who are currently in the Academy of Archeology to come over to watch the live broadcast.

"I didn't expect the snakes here to be so powerful."

"It's really eye-opening, but people who said they want to accept this kind of snake before, do they still want it now? Teacher Zhao said that this kind of snake will bite people even if it is dead."

"Hahaha, if a snake's head pops out suddenly after falling asleep in the middle of the night and bites on the neck, that man should be careful."

"Bah, bah, bad luck, I won't buy this kind of snake."

"So you're so timid, did you come to watch the live broadcast of Tomb Raiders to strengthen your courage?"

After the netizens ridiculed this upstart, their words forced Zhao Li again.

"However, Mr. Zhao can even know the species of such a precious snake. This is a creature that can't even be found by the Institute of Biology connected to the Global Biobank. Isn't this a bit too unbelievable?"

"This time, if it is said that it was collected from the folks, it would be a bit unreasonable. What kind of village is this? I want to see it too."

"That's right. Could it be some kind of secret tomb-robbing experiment base? Teacher Zhao escaped from it?"

"Then these people plan to use grave robbers to destroy the earth? Upstairs, your brain is too big, it must be okay."

"I would like to see what Teacher Zhao can say this time."

"Even if he keeps silent, you can't do anything about it. After all, people know it. This is kingly way."

Netizens once again mentioned the origin of Zhao Li's materials.

Zhao Li looked up after watching the barrage, and almost all the archaeologists looked at him expectantly.

Why are you still playing this game? Hasn't this page already been turned?

Zhao Li complained silently in his heart, it was difficult to find a suitable reason to prevaricate, why did he have to consume brain cells in such a place.

"It's okay, if Teacher Zhao doesn't want to say..."

Professor Li looked at Zhao Li's embarrassed face, thinking that he might have something unspeakable hidden, so he stepped forward to smooth things over, trying to smooth things over.

"It was just a dream, and I remembered it when I saw it, so if you see me sleeping in the future, don't disturb me unless necessary, and don't make too much noise, I feel light."

Zhao Li interrupted Professor Li's words.



The people around were a little bit dumbfounded when they heard this explanation, and there was no need to come up with such a nonsense reason to prevaricate them.

Also, this is because they disliked the loud noise they made last time, so this time I am using this opportunity to remind them?

Not only the archaeologists were a little speechless, but even the netizens didn't buy it at all.

"What's the reason? Can you dream when you dream? Then why don't I dream every day?"

"Probably need something as an aid? Just dreaming is not enough."

"Upstairs, you really believe it, isn't this obviously fooling us?"

"It doesn't matter, and there's no need to worry about how Teacher Zhao knows. Isn't it the best as long as you come back safely?"

"But I still think that reason is kind of nonsense."

Many netizens are somewhat dissatisfied.

"Well, it's actually a complaint. The truth of the matter is that this knowledge is suddenly drilled into your mind. You believe me."

Zhao Li's face was sincere, it looked like it was real.

In fact, it is also true, but the listener will definitely not believe it.

"Okay, okay, if the master doesn't want to say it, I won't ask any more questions. This performance is too fake."

"Teacher Zhao must have a special way, maybe he will be cursed if he speaks out, so don't force him."

"I agree, let's turn this matter over like this, why bother about whether it's true or not."

Netizens really didn't want to see Zhao Li continue talking nonsense, so they took the initiative to end this topic.

But Zhao Li looked innocent, after all he told the truth and no one believed him, what could he do.

"Mr. Zhao, can you see what is so special about this coffin? If there is no danger, I will open the coffin."

The archaeological team had almost rested, and once again carried forward their spirit of exploration, they successfully turned everyone's attention to the coffin in the shadows.

Some of the archaeologists took refuge here just now, and they didn't go far during the break, so they were relatively close. ,

Zhao Li nodded, and first observed the surrounding decorations. There were no traps placed here.

It's strange, this is the entrance to the tomb, there is no mechanism, are they so confident in these snakes?
And this coffin, I have never seen a coffin placed at the entrance of the tomb, so it won't affect Feng Shui because of evil spirits?
There were several doubts in Zhao Li's mind, but it was obviously meaningless to stand still and think, so he stepped forward directly, intending to find out.


The archaeologists who went up first screamed and jumped away, startling everyone around them. Zhao Li also clenched the dagger in his hand and stood ready.

But after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

"Little Lu, what are you yelling for?"

The people around Xiao Lu angrily poked him with their elbows.

"No, I just stepped on something hard, right there."

Xiao Lu tremblingly raised his hand and pointed to the position in front of him.

"It's just a hand, what are you screaming for?"

Chu Jie stepped forward and poked it with a knife, then turned around and said.

"The snakes here are so powerful, so it's not a strange thing to have a corpse, right?"

Chu Jie flipped through the pages, but didn't take a step forward. .

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