"I'll go down and have a look first. You guys should follow me, be smarter, and come up immediately if you have any questions."

Zhao Li stopped wasting time and made a decisive judgment.

"It's too dangerous. I'd better go down first. If something happens to you, we will be wiped out."

Wang Zhen stopped Zhao Li, except for Zhao Li, he was the only one who could take on this important task.

"Okay, if you are facing people, you can go first, but look at the chaotic footsteps outside. I don't know that there has been any disturbance here before. I'm afraid it's hard for you to deal with."

Zhao Li went down the ladder without saying a word.

Wang Zhen clenched his gun and followed closely. If there was any problem, he would be the first to protect Zhao Li.

"Everything looks normal here, you can come down."

Zhao Li shouted towards the top.

The black mist had already permeated into the sacrificial hall at this time, everyone didn't dare to delay any longer, they hurriedly followed Wang Zhen down one by one, and then closed the mechanism.

"Is this a black screen? Why can't I see anything?"

"Are you stupid? This is a secret room. The door was closed just now. It must be pitch black."

"But I don't seem to see any mice. This place is so big, where will it go?"

"You still care about this animal, you should worry about the archaeological team."

"The noise feels a lot quieter, but why don't they say a word."

"This makes me very nervous, it feels like they have disappeared. There is no mechanism that can lead to other places, right?"

"Don't guess, you think the desert is your back garden. If you dig a few tunnels, you can build them here without collapsing. Do you know how difficult it is?"

Netizens were startled by the silence over there. Professor Gao and Professor Xu are also paying close attention to the situation here, and even plan to apply for a few helicopters to search and rescue.

"You stand together and don't separate."

A steady voice sounded, it was Zhao Li's voice.

When he came in just now, Zhao Li told them to wait in the dark and not to say a word, while he explored the surrounding environment himself.

Many animals would be startled by the light, so in order to avoid trouble, Zhao Li simply turned off the light and observed in the dark with the golden pupil.

I originally thought that the golden pupil might not be effective in the dark, but I didn't expect to be able to see very clearly.

The mice hidden in the wall were still missing, but Zhao Li keenly noticed the gap in the wall at the corner, these mice probably got in from here.

Zhao Li saw several torches in the secret room, but he couldn't just go there and light them directly.

In the pitch-black environment, in such a small secret room, it is a bit unreal, so Zhao Li decided to throw a few stones to pretend.

"I found the torch, and I will light it now."

Zhao Li said, several connected places lit up, showing the whole picture of the secret room.

"How did Mr. Zhao find the torch just now? The first one is so far away from the door."

"Didn't you throw a few stones? I guess you found it by listening to it?"

"I wonder why you don't use a flashlight to look for it?"

"Maybe it's because there's no electricity?"

Seeing the barrage, Zhao Li nodded silently in his heart.

He originally wanted to use the flashlight to illuminate the position of the torch, but after observing it, he found that there was no electricity.

But after walking so far, there is not much difference between borrowing a torch when you go back and lighting a torch directly, so you can only use this difficult method to muddle through.

"There is indeed water over there."

After the archaeologists got used to the bright light, their eyes were directly taken away by the water beach. After all, this thing is so precious here, it's hard not to notice it first.

"Ding, it has been detected that the host has completed the evasion task, and the reward is being distributed—Hundred Poison Spectrum."

Zhao Li walked to the water beach with the archaeologists.

At this time, the system's reward rang in Zhao Li's ears.

This book is like an encyclopedia of poisons. Although there are not many words recorded, there are detailed pictures drawn on each of them, which saves a lot of time for identification.

This water beach is similar to what Zhao Li thought, it should be connected to the groundwater, and after a long period of accumulation here, a groove has been formed, so the accumulation has become a small water beach.

"Does this water look drinkable?"

"It seems to be clear, it should be drinkable?"

"But it's very shallow, it doesn't look poisonous, right?"

"This is living water, it is constantly renewed, and it must be drinkable."

The members of the archaeological team discussed with the soldiers, and finally reached an agreement to take the empty water bottle and fill it with water.

After this time of soul pain, Zhao Li recognized all the pictures in it.

As soon as I looked up, I saw little green traces on the water beach.

"Don't pour water into it yet."

Zhao Li knocked down the jug that the players had put in.

"This is green plankton. Although ordinary poison is not strong, it has been deposited here for thousands of years, so I don't know what happened."

Zhao Li pointed to the green spot below and said.

Everyone looked in the direction Zhao Li was pointing at, a little surprised.

Originally thought that what Zhao Li said would be dangerous, but there were a few green spots in the water.

If Zhao Li didn't take the initiative to point it out, probably everyone would just ignore it.

"Is this stuff really poisonous?"

The archaeologists couldn't believe it.

"Even if it does exist, the water here has been flushed so many times, so there shouldn't be much toxicity left behind, right?"

They asked Zhao Li.

And the netizens who finally saw the screen clearly were even more confused.

"Is it necessary to be so vigilant about just a little spot?"

"Is Mr. Zhao's pressure a bit too high? So it feels dangerous to look at anything."

"After all, this road is not safe. Basically, it is only relying on Teacher Zhao to get here. No wonder Teacher Zhao is like a frightened bird."

"Otherwise, let's listen to Mr. Zhao's words. Don't be afraid of [-], just in case."

"But they probably couldn't bear it to be so excited."

Netizens have an understanding of the archaeologists, and at the same time feel that they should follow Zhao Li's words.

"Ms. Zhao, if it's really poisonous, how did these rats survive until now? Didn't you just say that there are rats here?"

Archaeologists posed this question sharply.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao, aren't you inconsistent?"

"And we haven't seen any rats yet, where are they hiding?"

Others also stepped forward to express their doubts.

"We are new here, but these rats are 'residents' here, just like some people will take a small amount of arsenic, which will not kill them, on the contrary, they will be able to resist these poisons."

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