Live: Pointing to the archaeological team, I shocked the whole world

Chapter 70: The crisis hidden at the end of the desert

"Don't forget that this place was the most prosperous silk trade road thousands of years ago, and there are countless towns all over here."

"It's just that the environment here is getting worse day by day, forcing residents to relocate. Many cities have disappeared. People have disappeared, but the traces of life have not completely disappeared."

"So the ancient wall ruins buried underground are the best signposts to guide us."

Seeing their bewildered eyes, Zhao Li explained.

"It turns out that's the case, the Great God's observation is really subtle."

"If I didn't have extraordinary eyesight, I probably wouldn't dare to say anything. I'm short-sighted and shivering."

"No wonder Mr. Zhao doesn't need those villagers. It's really useless to look at it like this."

"The villagers were pulled out again to flog the corpses."

"Villager: Good guy, are you the one who co-authors us the most?"

Netizens began to tease the villagers again.

Although Professor Li and the others understood the reason, they did not find any monuments.

But since Teacher Zhao is so confident, they have no reason to doubt it.

In the desert, the only thing that can tell the time is the rising and setting of the sun, other than riding a camel with your head buried all day.

Now everyone really feels the horror of the desert.

Don't talk about what will happen when you encounter danger, just walking so boringly, you will be overwhelmed by the monotonous and oppressive sight.

"Mr. Zhao, didn't you mean to walk along the historic site? But we have already changed directions several times, is it really the right way?"

Some students couldn't hold on anymore at this moment, and raised questions.

"This is a large desert of fluidity. It is not us who are changing, but the desert is changing. This is a normal phenomenon."

"The landforms and sand dunes are moving, so they cannot be used as criteria for judgment. If you look around carefully, there are still some ruins of ancient castles and towers exposed."

Zhao Li pointed to the surroundings and explained that he could also understand the mood of the other party. Now is the transitional stage of mentality, for these somewhat pampered students.

Walking aimlessly like this is indeed a bit painful.

Zhao Li also talked about some rivers and countries that once existed around, trying to help them divert their attention.

However, the wind and sand gradually became bigger, and he was forced to shut up after not speaking for a long time.

"Ms. Zhao is so gentle, if I don't care about these people, what about love, I didn't ask you to come here,"

"It should be, after all, this is Mr. Zhao but the team leader."

"The team leader is not a nanny. He takes care of everything. These psychological problems have to be adjusted by yourself."

"Oh, can't you bear it all at once, really."

"Don't make sarcastic remarks, you may not have been better than him in the past."

"Ms. Zhao looks so handsome in a turban and goggles."

"You can tell it like this, you're a nympho."

The archaeological team was very collapsed walking inside, but the netizens were very excited to see it.

After all, there are very few opportunities to see the desert live. Anyway, their lives will not be in danger. They just look at it, and there is no such pressure.

The rising sun slowly rose, dyed most of the sky, and even burned to the ground, like an oil painting.

Everyone has never seen such a beautiful scene. Taking advantage of the wind and sand becoming smaller, they quickly took out their cameras to shoot.

"It's true that this scene should only exist in the sky, and it must be seen several times in the world."

"Why did the text suddenly come up upstairs, bullying us for not reading enough, right?"

"But it's really beautiful here, and it's a completely different scene from other places."

"But I don't think Mr. Zhao seems to be that happy. Could something be wrong?"

"Maybe I was just shocked. I'm afraid Mr. Zhao has never seen the scene here."

"I remember my hometown said that it is not a good omen for the morning glow to travel thousands of miles. It is scary and dangerous, right?"

"Eh? Is there such a saying? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Netizens are also admiring the beauty of morning glow and dead trees echoing each other.

As if giving them time to rest, Zhao Li quickly shouted at them:

"Put your cameras away quickly, we're leaving."

He spoke in a hurry, which made those who didn't want to listen to him even more angry.

"Why are you urging, the scenery here is so good, it's just to take two photos, why are you in such a hurry?"

Zhao Li was speechless when he heard this. What time is it now? There is still time to take pictures.

"Hurry up and walk towards the place I'm leading. If you speed up your pace, you might be able to catch up with the storm before it comes."

"If you continue to run around without discipline like this, it will be tantamount to courting death."

Zhao Li didn't panic at all in the face of the anger of several students. You said that the scene here is beautiful, so I said that being here is fatal. I see if you will follow me.

"You are not the only one who understands the desert. We observed it. According to the previous information, the north is the correct path."

One of the students picked up a document and said solemnly.

"Really those research reports, where did you get them?"

Professor Li looked at these materials and asked curiously.

The blueprint of this information is based on the notes of a crooked nut who came to the Longguo desert, and then sorted out and published it.

It didn't attract much attention before, because archaeological relics in the desert are very difficult, and very few can enter the depths of the desert.

In addition, the content he wrote is very mysterious and weird, so there is no way to verify it well, and it has been forgotten until recent years.

With the emphasis on archaeology, more and more places were involved, and its value was re-recognized.

I didn't expect these students to be so good that they even found such a hard-to-find item.

"That's why I said before that this shouldn't be the way to go here, it's just that Mr. Zhao insisted on going his own way."

Being surprised by Professor Li is equivalent to getting support.

They spoke more confidently.

"I remember what I said before, is there a problem there?"

Zhao Li was about to be laughed out of anger, how could there be such a stubborn child.

"It's just that the way to get in is wrong. Didn't you also say that you have to rely on yourself after getting in? Those villagers won't know."

The student said, and several other students responded.

"You don't know, he walked out of it alive. Unlike other archaeological teams, it is still very credible."

They are already very confident and feel that this path must be right.

"We've been away for at least three days, right? But the Black Desert you mentioned still hasn't appeared. Isn't this just fooling us?"

This sentence really shook the confidence of most people. After all, Zhao Li said that the Black Desert is not very far away.

But now that I haven't even seen a shadow, it's really hard not to think about it.

"No, is this information true? It won't be the kind that is made up based on other people's experiences."

"It seems to be true. I have seen this person on my phone, but I have gone crazy after seeing him several years ago."

"Crazy? What's going on, shouldn't the madman's words be credible?"

"It seems that I went crazy after I wrote these materials. It said that I was under too much mental pressure. Maybe it was caused by this desert."

"Is it so scary? Then don't change the route, in case you are taken into a ditch."

"Don't listen to the fact that the wind is the rain. There is no conclusion as to why he is crazy. It's just the media's nonsense."

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