But Zhao Li and the archaeologists knew that this was impossible.

Under such a dangerous environment.

It is not accessible to ordinary people.

"it's wired."

Zhao Li was talking to himself, just being heard by Dai Xiaoxiao.

"Does Teacher Zhao have any opinions of his own?"

"These two babies didn't have a corpse change. It's really strange in such an environment."

According to the normal situation.

The dead baby coffin should exist to protect the owner of the tomb.

It took so much effort to preserve it so well.

loses its own meaning.

"What nonsense are you talking about, how could there be such a thing."

Jiang Muqing was the first to jump out and deny Zhao Li.

We do not know third-rate writer who came out of that.

Jiang Muqing was very upset at blindly suppressing her own limelight.

"Did great writers confuse fiction with reality?"

"The goddess is right. How could there be a corpse change? It's not scientific at all."

"A dead body is dead, and it does not exist when it is alive."

All the bullet screens were laughing at whether Zhao Li had fallen asleep. ,

Zhao Li knew this would be the reaction, so he didn't make much excuses.

Originally, that sentence was not spoken to them.

It's just that I thought about it inadvertently.

Although the appearance of these two babies is inexplicable.

But it's just a child, and archaeologists don't think it's threatening.

So I started directly and wanted to hug one of them out.

In the end, he hadn't waited for him to touch the corpse.

A loud cry sounded.

The male team member was so frightened that he fell to the ground, unable to control his hands and feet.

"Alive, the baby is alive."

The archaeologists dispersed quickly, not daring to take a step forward.

"Did you see clearly?"

The scattered ones haven't gotten close yet.

"See clearly, his eyes are open."

The male team member who was going to hold the baby paused for a while before recovering his voice.

"It's the corpse change, damn it, the great writer was stabbed."

"No, does it really exist? So what is science?"

"This ancient tomb could not have been built by the writer's ancestor. I know such details."

"This probability is about the same as your winning the [-] million lottery jackpot."

The people in the live broadcast room said.

Zhao Li looked anxious.

"Oops, close the coffin quickly."

Zhao Li shouted, they were put together.

It takes time for the dead bodies inside to change.

This period of time is just right for those who break in to relax their vigilance.

Then get caught easily.

A few quick-response ones were ready to rush forward.

Then I saw a small withered hand stretched out.

They hurried back again.


I don't know who yelled.

The archaeologists tried desperately to escape.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

Zhao Li shouted at the screen.

It's all chemistry and some tricks.

Nothing to be afraid of.

"Don't panic, be careful to step on the mechanism."

Zhao Li didn't finish his sentence.

A female team member tripped and slapped a brick with both hands.

The seemingly solid masonry was actually sunken in its entirety.


After a loud bang.

The cry of surprise that he ran out at the beginning came back again.

Just bumped into the one behind.

Force the subsequent archaeological team members to retreat.

"What are you doing?!"

The people behind shouted in dissatisfaction.

"The bronze lamp slaves outside fell, and the fire spread."

"We can't get out at all, we are stuck here."

The leader said with a sad face.

When the other people heard it, they first looked at it.

Then it was discovered that this was indeed the case, and his face became very ugly.

"It's over, I'm going to die here."

A female team member said in despair.

This series of changes happened too quickly.

Everyone didn't react from it.

"Oh my god, was that stone brick just now a mechanism?"

"Unicom's bronze lamp slave outside? This is too incredible."

"What a high standard this is. Was it really designed by the ancients?"

The people in the live broadcast room were shocked.

But the director room is not as leisurely as the netizens.

"Quickly ask Professor Jiang what to do?"

Dai Xiaoxiao was also very frightened, and heard voices echoing in his ears.

Only then did I come back to my senses.

"Professor Jiang, the situation is urgent. How do you think the archaeologists are going to get out now?"

Dai Xiaoxiao asked.

Jiang Muqing's mind is full of mud now.

She didn't understand why she had simply discovered it.

It turned into a life-threatening situation like it is now.

"I don't know, I've never seen anything like this before."

Jiang Muqing had lost her previous self-confidence.

With tears in his eyes, he looked pitiful to me.

The people in the live broadcast room defended Jiang Muqing one after another.

"Don't embarrass the goddess anymore, quickly find a way to find someone to rescue her."

"The fire is burning, what can the goddess do, she can't put out the fire."

"Listen carefully, it seems that the baby's crying has not stopped."

These archaeologists are very afraid of coffins.

Therefore, the closer it is to the front room, the louder the crackling sound of the flames.

"Hey, are you okay, wake up."

"What's wrong with you? Can't you hear me?"

In this extremely panic situation.

Netizens were surprised to see that the archaeologists began to stand up one after another.

As if he had lost his soul, he began to walk towards the coffin.

'Oops, there's something wrong with this cry, they're all affected. '

Zhao Li secretly yelled badly.

"If you are awake, hurry up and get a lamp slave and throw it into the coffin."

"Don't be afraid of fire, or you'll all die here."

Zhao Li quickly said, if the babies don't have a fever, they will all be controlled.

"I go."

A male player who was not affected much rushed out.

After a while, he took a lamp slave and threw it into the coffin.

A puff of green smoke rose from the coffin in the next second.

The flames sprang up suddenly.

The baby's crying stopped abruptly.

The archaeologists also slowly recovered.

Eyes become clear.

"Did you do a trick just now? The corpse suddenly burst into flames."

"I also saw the baby's bloody clothes floating in the air."

"It's scary, don't say any more."

There was a burst of ghostly crying and wolf howling in the barrage.

"Oh my God, that scene just now was simply thrilling."

"But the crisis has not been resolved yet, wait, Professor Jiang, why are you crying?"

Dai Xiaoxiao just said a word, and saw Jiang Muqing lowered her head.

Tears flowed down the eye sockets.

Suddenly startled, he could only rush forward to comfort her.

"Goddess, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

"Mu Mu, don't blame yourself, no one wants such a thing to happen."

"Mu Mu, don't cry, it hurts my heart."

The live broadcast room saw Jiang Muqing crying.

I don't care about other things, just keep encouraging.

Zhao Li is not in the mood to take care of Jiang Muqing at the moment.

If you don't find the exit quickly and escape.

Some archaeologists are about to choke to death here.

"Does Teacher Zhao have a solution?"

Dai Xiaoxiao put all his hopes on Zhao Li at this moment.

Zhao Li ignored Dai Xiaoxiao.

He stared straight at the screen.

The golden pupil can see through cultural relics, but it is still a bit difficult to be a clairvoyant.

Plus there's a lot of smoke here.

Zhao Li's golden pupil is basically in a half-scrap state.

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