As soon as he heard that Zhao Li was willing to help, he immediately took people with him and planned to leave without staying for a second.

Sure enough, he was a vigorous and resolute professor, and he left as soon as he said it.

"Look, I said that Mr. Zhao is not such a person, you are treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

"I didn't expect Mr. Zhao to be so indifferent to fame and fortune. He is really a role model for us to learn from."

"If Mr. Zhao is not patriotic, no one will be patriotic. Don't these trolls speak out of their heads?"

"Are you sure they have brains? Even zombies won't attack them."

The people who criticized Zhao Li before all shut up, but now no one has anything to say.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Zhao Li heaved a sigh of relief as he escaped from the surroundings of these beauties.

Then he was keenly aware of Professor Li's tangled expression.

"Uh, that's right. We discussed it. The tombs in the Western Regions you mentioned are still very dangerous."

"We will probably die if we go in, so I would like to trouble you to join this archaeological operation and help us get the cultural relics inside smoothly."

Professor Li clenched his fists and finished speaking in one breath.

He was very nervous, and he felt that he was not so nervous when making a report in front of the country's top leaders.

Professor Li has even thought about it, if Zhao Li refuses, he will say something to persuade him.

"No problem, I can participate this time."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Li agreed without hesitation.

"Huh? Really? That would be really nice."

Professor Li excitedly stepped forward to hold Zhao Li's hand.

As long as you are willing to participate in this event, it doesn't matter whether you join the Academy of Archaeology or not.

When netizens heard the news, they all exploded.

"Shocked, the great god is going to participate in archaeology?"

"Is Teacher Zhao really good? A writer who writes online articles must not be physically strong enough to keep up."

"Bo Wen Guang Ji is indeed not directly proportional to physical strength, but it should be fine, there are so many people to help."

"Can't keep up with physical strength?! The person who said this must have missed the last live broadcast. Teacher Zhao's walking speed before is not comparable to that of ordinary people."

"I also think that it looks like it has been practiced. Even Captain Wang can't keep up with his pace."

"Who is the Great God? Will he do something we are not sure about? We just need to sit back and applaud to celebrate."

Netizens on the Internet have different comments. Some people think that Zhao Li can do it, and some people question Zhao Li.

However, the Academy of Archaeology will not be swayed by these remarks.

They naturally have their judgments.

"I'll write a report to the higher-ups now and ask them to approve Mr. Zhao's participation."

Professor Li is worthy of action.

As soon as Zhao Li agreed, he immediately started preparing the material report.

Prepare for this archaeological operation.

"But what about Teacher Zhao's identity? We still haven't found any clues."

Wang Zhen asked with some concern.

The country has always attached great importance to this kind of archaeological action.

For this kind of unknown person, there is a high possibility that they will not pass the review.

"I'll find a way to explain this to the people above. No matter what, Mr. Zhao must go. This is definitely the biggest help for us."

Professor Li is very determined that archaeology is a matter of life.

If there is no guarantee, he will not let the players go rashly.

Zhao Li didn't ask for more, just said that he wanted a copy of the parchment scroll.

So Professor Li immediately arranged for Zhao Li to restore it one-to-one and make an exact copy.

Fortunately, the higher authorities didn't ask any more questions about Zhao Li's disappearance.

They also saw Zhao Li's ability, so they agreed to Professor Li's application.

The national project has always been full of action.

Forefoot they are near Kunlun Mountain.

The back foot was taken by helicopter to the village closest to the destination.

"These people are the archaeological team members who followed you down this time."

Professor Li took the initiative to introduce these photos.

Naturally, Wang Zhen didn't need to say much, he brought seven or eight members of the special forces team.

And Zhao Yao obediently went back after being told by Zhao Li secretly.

There are also a few students of the archaeological team, all of whom have been trained.

However, what Zhao Li did not expect the most was that.

The rich young master Chu Jie who pestered him before.

Actually also in this ranks.

"Professor Li, are you sure this one is okay? This is a pampered young master."

Zhao Li pointed to Chu Jie's photo and said.

Thinking of Chu Jie's fair skin and thin figure.

Zhao Li shook like a rattle.

"This is what I want to emphasize to you. He is the son of the biggest funder of this operation. We have no way to refuse."

Professor Li looked at Zhao Li and frowned, and explained bravely.

"But don't worry, we have already tested him, and all indicators are very good, at least he won't be delayed."

Sensing that Zhao Li's aura is not very good, Professor Li hastily added words.

"But this kind of person likes to act according to his own ideas, right? That's enough trouble."

Zhao Li said that he was here for archaeology, not for traveling with children.

"Our archeology industry has always been thankless. The funds allocated by the government are limited, and we have to rely on ourselves to raise a lot of funds."

"Ms. Zhao also needs to understand us, why don't you take a look first, if not, I'll figure out a way."

This is what Professor Li said.

If Zhao Li refuses again, it will seem a little unreasonable.

"Okay then, but if it doesn't work, you absolutely can't go in."

Zhao Li still compromised, but what he thought in his heart was to kick him out with a random kick.

In the afternoon, Professor Li called everyone together.

"According to the records above, the place we are going to is called the Black Desert."

"It is said that there are many treasures buried there, but anyone who enters will be swallowed by the desert, and no one can come out."

Zhao Li said during the meeting.

Everyone around just nodded.

Listen to Zhao Li's speech honestly.

The text on it is really too obscure.

Even Professor Gao hasn't figured out why.

"I checked the information. There are three or four archaeological teams that have been here in recent decades. They are all missing, and none of them survived."

"But based on some of the things they left behind, it can be seen that they are in line with our goals, but they are going in the wrong direction."

As Zhao Li said, he pulled out the things he found.

These photos are, without exception, the vast desert.

To be honest, if I hadn't heard Zhao Li's advance explanation.

They couldn't see any difference in the photos at all.

"Is there any difference between these pictures?"

"It doesn't seem to be? All I see is yellow sand."

"There must be clues that we've overlooked, perhaps geographical."

"Call Geography Guy, can anyone see the difference?"

"The direction of the sun is indeed different. It can be seen that it was not taken in one place, but it can't be seen otherwise."

"This speaks of loneliness, who doesn't know that."

"I seem to have listened, but I don't seem to have listened."

Netizens didn't see any tricks either.

"So what I want to express is that although this place is not deep in the desert, it is also full of dangers. Does anyone want to give up?"

While talking, Zhao Li glanced at Chu Jie indiscriminately.

Chu Jie seemed to realize it.

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